Friday, July 20, 2007


Greetings all of you LOVEBIRDS. Do you remember the first time your eyes met with your soulmate...and the sensation of your stomach creeping up into your throat...and the tingling of electricity that was infusing your brainwaves to the point that you could not think straight anymore? Do your remember how your palms sweated and your mind went blank as your groped for words to say without appearing to be a complete dork. Aaaaaaaaaaaah...those were the days my friend...we thought they'd never end (thanx and a hat tip to Mary Hopkins).

As some of you know...the goddess and I celebrated 35 years of wedded bliss on July 14th...last Saturday. In my mind I had grandiose plans of how we might celebrate...but the best laid plans of mice and men went astray.

One of the plans was to go out for a romantic dinner at a quaint eating establishement (five minutes from the British Bulldog's home)...called ELLENDALES. According to the is the epitome of gourmet dining...and the atmosphere would be conducive to the intimacy of a celebration of bliss (aka 35 year wedding anniversary)
When I showed up for work on Monday...the first thing out of the Bulldogs mouth was..."How was Ellendales?" I sheepishly reported that we did not make it to Ellendales. Well...katy bar the door...It was like I poured vinegar into a paper mache' volcano packed with baking soda... the Bulldog exploded with mock shock...and it escalated around the table of the Southern Hills everyone joined in on the roasting of the ole Ruminator. Comments ranged from: I can't believe that you did not how could you let us down like you held up the standard for all of us to follow and you have let the standard fall.

Then when I told them that we went to Chili's instead and then went to the Uncle Dave Macon Day was like starting all over again with the Shock and Awe factor. I hemmed and hawwed...and stammered my way with various excuses like..."Brenda wanted to go to Uncle Dave's instead." Their counter response..."No...she said that but in reality wanted me to take control...make reservations...and go to Ellendales. Bulldog then embellished the story with how...since Ellendales was only 5 minutes from his house...he had prepared for us possibly dropping by...and how he had some champagne chilled for a little celebration after the Ellendales experience. Oh the guilt and condemnation that was heaped upon my weary soul. I needed the solice of Sweet Brenda Sue.

I went home that afternoon...and told Brenda how the boys at work were picking on her sugar booger...her honey bunny...her 35 year boy toy. She showed the proper encouragement by letting me know that it was alright...and that we would make it to Ellendales one day. Her voice trailed off with fading hope...of one day...maybe...going to Ellendales.

Eating...dining...socializing are all part of the dating ritual. Our very first date...pre-homecoming dance...was meeting to eat at Sir Pizza. A large mushroom pizza...cola's...and the start of what would culminate in eventual marriage and 35 years of many times of eating at various establishments.

The first photo of this tale of love that you another the BARN THEATER. That's right...DINNER...and a show. The time is around 1968...69...and the company was still delightful. Food...drink...laughter...socializing...holding hands in dark eating establishements...a kiss over a sandwich...shared glances over a ham sandwich...expensive hoity-toity places...and bologna and crackers...35 + years (factoring in dating from 68 to 72 pre-marriage)...there was something that linked these events together...and it was NOT THE PLACE OF DINING OR THE QUALITY OF THE FOOD. What could it be?

It was not the was the company. I could eat souse, chitlin's hogs head cheese and crackers...and be with Brenda...and it would be like I was feasting at New Orleans Manor...or Ellendales...or McGuires Irish Pub...or the Barn Theater. Our celebration of love is not based on food, drink, or socializing...but based on the spark that entered us when we first met. Our years of joy, happiness, trials and tribulations, deaths in the family, births of babies, Phillip Stephen Boyd, times when we had nothing to times when we have abundance...all wrapped up in our love for what we celebrate...and that took place...over a lousy meal at Chili's (won't go back again)...and a leisurly stroll with a cool summer breeze at Uncle Dave Macon Day Festival.

Here's to the next 35 years...I love you.

That last photo was us at the BARN THEATER with the same couple that was in the first homecoming photo.

Love and Nostalgic Kisses
Rodney "I Want Some Baby Back Baby Baby Back Ribs...I Want Some Baby Back Baby Back Ribs" Boyd
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