Thursday, February 03, 2011


Greetings Seed Planters and Harvest's da crop?

Last night in the HEALING 101 class, we were talking about renewing the mind...changing the way we view and think about renewing our minds with the washing of the water of the Word of God. Part of the lesson was based out of Pro-Verbs (Positive-Action) 4:20-27

We were seeing how there was a need to give attention, incline our ears, keep our eyes focused and keep the WORDS and SAYINGS of the father. The cause and effect of doing this would be (1) life (2) health/medicine to all their flesh (3) issues of life springing out of the heart.

In Pro-Verbs 4:21,23 that we are to KEEP these WORDS/SAYINGS in our HEARTS and to KEEP them with ALL DILIGENCE.

KEEP: Shamar (shaw-mar)= A primitive root; properly to HEDGE ABOUT (as with thorns), that is GUARD; to PROTECT, ATTEND, PRESERVE.

In Mark 4:1-20 and Luke 8:4-15 is what is known as the Parable Of The Sower/Seed/Soil. The common thread throughout the parable is the sowing the seed...into the soil. What changes is the condition of the soil. There is (1) soil by the wayside (2) soil with stony ground
(3) soil with thorns (4) good soil.

In each soil...the SEED was the target of difficulties in TAKING ROOT.

NOTE: This picture is of one of my favorite albums by Barry McGuire (Eve of Destruction)...SEEDS.

Jesus identifies the our HEARTS. The SEED is identified as THE WORD OF GOD.

Jesus identifies the SEED THEIVES as: (1) birds=satan (2) scorching sun= tribulation, persecution (3) thorns= the cares of this world; the deceitfulness of riches, the desire for other things.

These identified thieves...either steal, cause to stumble, and chokes out the SEED/WORD. The cause and effect of all of these thieves...there is NO ROOT...and NO FRUITFUL PRODUCTION.

WHY? Why would these thieves want to steal this seed, scorch this seed, choke this seed. Well...if the SEED is THE WORD...and...FAITH comes by hearing...and hearing by the WORD OF GOD...IF the seed is stolen, scorched, choked out...then FAITH won't come...and without FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE GOD. (Romans 10:17; Hebrews 11:1; Hebrews 11:6; II Corinthians 5:7; Romans 1:12; Romans 1:17; Habakkuk 2:4; Hebrews 10:38; Galatians 3:11; Galatians 5:6)

IF you want good fruit production and need to KEEP...GUARD...CULTIVATE the HEART/SOIL and the SEED/WORD. The GOOD SOIL...are those who (1)heard the word (2) heard with a noble and good heart (3) keep the word (4) bear fruit with patience. (Luke 8:15) The cause and effect is bearing and yielding a crop that (1) sprang up (2) increased (3) produced 30, 60, 100 fold.

That's WHY it is so important to hide the WORD/SEED in our HEARTS/SOIL...and then GUARD IT...KEEP IT...DILIGENTLY SEED A HEDGE OF THORNS around the SEED THIEVES can't get in...and steak, scorch, and choke the WORD making it of no effect in our lives.

One good way to do this is the TOPICAL MEMORY THE NAVIGATORS, where you can systematically memorize/store the Word of God in a renewed mind, and store it in your hearts.


"How can a young man keep his way keeping it ACCORDING TO THY WORD...Thy WORD have I HID/TREASURED in my HEART/SOIL...that I might not SIN AGAINST THEE" (Psalm 119:9,11)

"My son...GIVE ATTENTION to my WORDS...INCLINE your ear to my SAYINGS. Do not LET/ALLOW them (words and sayings) DEPART from your eyes. KEEP (guard) THEM (words and sayings) in the midst of your HEART/SOIL. For they (words and sayings) are LIFE to those who find them and HEALTH/MEDICINE to all their flesh. KEEP (guard) them (words and sayings) WITH ALL DILIGENCE...for out of it (HEART/SOIL) spring/flows the ISSUES OF LIFE." (Pro-Verbs 4:1-23)

Love and Protective Kisses
Rodney "The Farmer In The Dell" Boyd

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