Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Moment of The Turning Point

 Greetings and Salutations O Ye Who Persevere...are ya about to give up?  One word...DON'T!

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  Does it seem like you have been standing in prayer...believing... hoping...wishing...dreaming...and it just  does not seem to be happening.  Have you been doing all the right things... and those who do all the wrong things gets all the breaks?

One of my favorite movies is MR. MOM...with Michael Keaton and Teri Garr.  It is the story about a guy who loses his job...and he comes into agreement with his wife that she will go back to work...and he will handle the household.  Things go good for a while...but he becomes restless desiring to return to work but it just does not work out.  He slowly slips into complacency and as he inwardly is manifested in his outward being.  He begins to let himself go...BUT at one is like a light switch comes on.  There is a MOMENT...there is a TURNING POINT...where there is a CHANGE in his life.  He gets rid of the old clothes he has been wearing...he begins to work out with setups...he shaves...he cleans the house.  One of my favorite scenes is where he wakes his kids up with a trumpet wearing a hard hat...and shouts out like a drill Sgt...."GET UP YOU MONKEYS."

When you reach that MOMENT... that TURNING POINT when you were going one way....and then all of the SUDDEN life CHANGED...can either be...slowly transitional or BAM things changed.  It is like the sun slowly coming up and dawn appears or the flip of a light switch and you go from dark to light.  It could be as drastic as turning a corner and you are face to face with something...or as slow as an ocean liner taking a large swing to turn the course of the ship.

In the fall of 1970...I experienced an immediate MOMENT of THE TURNING POINT...and my life has never been the same.  My TURNING POINT MOMENT came at 426 4th Avenue in Murfreesboro Tennessee in the driveway of my then girlfriend, Brenda Sue Williams.  She led me to the Lord...and I went from Rodney Lewis Boyd B.C.(before Christ)  to Rodney Lewis Boyd A.D. (Anno Domini... in the year of our Lord).  I went from an OLD CREATION to a NEW CREATION in Christ.

From that point in the chronological space-time continuum...from 1970 to 2013...there have been many TURNING POINTS and MOMENTS where my life, situations and circumstances SUDDENLY changed for the good, the bad, and the ugly...base on my choices to say YES to the Lord and NO to my flesh...and FOLLOW HIM.
NOTE:  Again...this idea of something happening SUDDENLY is usually the cause and effect of many things taking place prior to the MOMENT and TURNING POINT.  In PRO-VERBS (Positive-Action) 7:6-23 there is the lesson of the naive boy...SUDDENLY following a HARLOT...but if you read the will see that there were little decisions that led to the SUDDEN DESTRUCTION.  "Suddenly...he follows an ox goes to the slaughter or as one in fetters to the discipline of a fool...until an arrow pierces through his a bird hastens to the he does not know that it will COST HIM HIS LIFE." (Pro-Verbs 7:22-23)  What appeared SUDDEN was a PROCESS OF CHOICES.

NOTE TO THE NOTE:  This principle of THE MOMENT...THE TURNING POINT...hinged on the PROCESS OF CHOICES...and works in the negative...but also works for the POSITIVE.

The CENTER POINT of the MOMENT OF THE TURNING THE CROSS...which represents to good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the CENTER POINT of the DEATH, BURIAL, RESURRECTION OF JESUS...nothing more...nothing less.

"For I am not ashamed of the GOSPEL (good news) of Christ...for it is GOD'S POWER working unto salvation (for deliverance from eternal death) to everyone who believes with a PERSONAL TRUST and a CONFIDENT SURRENDER and FIRM RELIANCE to the Jew first and also to the Greek.  For in THE GOSPEL...a righteousness which God ascribes is revealed, both springing from FAITH and leading to FAITH--disclosed through THE WAY OF FAITH that arouses to MORE it is written...the man who through FAITH is JUST and UPRIGHT...SHALL LIVE BY FAITH." (Romans 1:16-16; Habakkuk 2:4; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38 The Amplified Bible)

In you start at the POINT OF PRAYER (initial contact with God) ....and the POINT OF PROVISION (answered prayer) we have talked before of the THE LAND CALLED NITTY GRITTY where you see NO SIGNS OF TURNING or CHANGE.  As a matter of many will get worse.  This does not mean that you don't have does not mean that you are out of the will of does mean that God knew what you needed before you asked .(Matthew 6:8)

Many times...between the point of prayer and the point of provision... the temptation is to give up.  The problem with giving that you will not experience the fulfillment of God's provision.  God is known as the GOD OF 11:59...where he comes in RIGHT ON TIME.  Even it the clock strikes 12:05...don't give up.

"And let us not LOSE HEART and GROW WEARY and FAINT in acting nobly and doing right...for IN DUE/PROPER TIME and that APPOINTED SEASON we shall reap...IF we do not LOOSEN and RELAX our COURAGE and FAINT." (Galatians 6:9)

The key word in this is IF

"IF you live in Me...abide vitally united to Me--and my Words remain in you and continue to live in your hearts... ask...and whatever you will and it shall be done for you." (John 15:7)

As you journey....traveling the Road to you go through the hills and the valleys of joy and tears...keep your eyes open in anticipation of the TURNING POINTS and THE MOMENTS of change...and don't get discouraged if you don't experience the CHANGES.  Let their be "joy in the journey"...and keep your eye on the prize.

Love and Expectant Kisses
Rodney "Ready For The Moment" Boyd

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Blogger Unknown said...

good reminders brother Rod!

10:32 AM  

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