As you walk in this land that I like to call THE LAND OF NITTY do not have to passively sit back and let the LION devour you. It is time to get out the VERBS...and become active in the Spirit.

When you read through Psalm 37 and circle the the VERBS to the cause and will help lift your head up under the pressures of life.
Psalm 37:1,2: Fret not and Be not: evildoers and wrongdoers may look like they are getting away with murder...but they will wither and fade.
Psalm 37:3: Trust in the Lord and do good. When you don't trust in the Lord...the natural tendency is to do bad.
Psalm 37:3: Dwell in the land and cultivate (feed on His faithfulness) faithfulness. Dwelling means to abide, take up residence in, live. It is not just a passing is a lifestyle. To cultivate means develop a lifestyle that trusts God and you will have a harvest to feed off of in times of famine.
Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Delight means to make yourself pliable. It is yielding your will to His will. The cause and effect is that He will plant within you desires according to His will and then bring about those desires.
Psalm 37:5: Commit you way to the Lord. Making a commitment is a life time thing. It is not a one day...deny the next. Your way...needs to become His way.
Psalm 37:5: Trust in Him and He will do it. Have faith that He will do what needs to be done in your life. He will DO it.
Psalm 37:6: When you commit and trust...what He will DO is bring forth your righteousness as the light and your judgment as the noonday. There will not be darkness but light in your full view of all to see.
Psalm 37:7: Rest in the Lord...and wait patiently for Him; Fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way. Rest, Wait, Fret Not. People appear to have the upper hand over you...but when you realize that God is on the move...your don't have to expend a lot of energy with worry. Rest...Wait...Fret not. The cause and effect is that God will deal with the man who carries out wicked schemes against you.
Psalm 37:8 : Cease from anger and forsake wrath. The anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. When you STOP anger...and say no to wrath....God can achieve what He wants to in your life. As it says in Romans...when we do not take vengance...we give God room to move on our behalf.
Well that is just a thumbnails sketch of some Positive Action that you can take when you are between the point of prayer and the point of provision. The bottom line is HAVE FAITH IN GOD....and not what you feels, see, hear or experience. Faith is the substance of things hoped for...the evidence of things NOT seen. Hebrews 11:1
FRET AND FEAR KNOT....because these knots only tie your hands and bind you from trusting and believing.
Love and knotless kisses
Rod "Set Free" Boyd

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