The Last Man On Earth has been used in our last few Ramblings to show us how we can fight that old nature, the devil, temptations...that rise up against us to pull us away from who we really are. We have seen how light is a powerful weapon against those
FLESH ZOMBIES. We also have seen how garlic is the stench of death to some and the breath of life to others. The mirror is also reflected in our writings as the Word of God. There are a few things about this
MIRROR...this image that we see that I want to finish up with this Rambling...before we bring out the big gun..the Cross.

MIRROR is very offensive and repels the
FLESH ZOMBIE...because if we look intently at it...and do not walk away and forget what we saw...the Lord can deal with us...and with the same mirror...show us not only who we are in our flesh...but who we are in Him. The Word of God...the mirror...shows us who we were...who we are...and who we will be...as we submit ourselves to Him.
"Therefore we do not lose heart, but thought the
OUTER MAN (what you see in the mirror) is
DECAYING...yet (I like the yets in my life) our
INNER MAN (who were really are) is
BEING RENEWED day by day. For momentary light affliction is
PRODUCING for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we
LOOK NOT at the things which are
SEEN; for the things which are seen are
TEMPORAL (a moment in time...subject to change)...but the things which are
NOT SEEN are eternal." (II Cornithians 4:16-18)
The devil, the accuser, the liar, the thief, the condemer, ther murderer, the finger pointer, the serpent, the angel of light, the snake in the grass, aka satan...wants us to focus on
WHAT we were and not on WHO we are in Him. When we bring out the mirror...the
FLESH cringes...because it knows that the more we read it...the more we find out
WHO WE REALLY ARE...a new creation in Christ...the righteousness of God in Christ. (II Corinthians 5:14-23)

"Got myself some wisdom, from a leather bound book...Got myself some wisdom when I took a second look...I opened up the pages and what did I find...a black and white portrait of Savior who's a friend of mind..Hey...Hey...what a day..Fooools Wisdom." This was a song by Malcom and Alwyn back in the Jesus Movement (late 60's and early 70's) When you look at the
BOOK...and actually believe what is written in it...and actually act as if it is true...then in the eyes of the world...you are a fool...but in the eyes of God your are wise...thus
FOOLS WISDOM. As Gary S. Paxton sang once..."I am a
FOOL for Christ...tell me whose FOOL you are." Everyone is someones fool. As Bob Dylan states..."You got to serve somebody...it may be the devil...it may be the Lord...but you got to serve somebody." There ain't no middle ground. How you see yourself...as you look deep into the mirror...the Word of God...will determine who you serve...either the Lord...or the flesh/devil/world/self, etc.

We were created originally in
HIS IMAGE (Genesis 1:26,26), but with disobedience in the GArden...the
IMAGE was distored..twisted..bent. The D.B.R. was designed to (1) Get us back to the place that we were before the fall (2) get us beyond the Garden to what were created for in the first place. The two-fold aspect is that (1) none is righteous (Romans 3:10) and (2) We are the righteousness of God in Christ (II Corinthians 5:21). When a gold or silversmith...takes a precious metal and removes the impurities...he puts it in the
CRUCIBLE...lights the fire and as the impurities in the molten mix begins to rise to the top...he takes a paddle...and skims those impurities or dross...off the top. This takes time and patience (how long have you been in the fire of the crucible?). You may be asking yourself...Self...how long does the process take???? The answer is...
AS LONG AS IT TAKES. For us...as we yield to Him...the process is quicker. Fro the silversmith...the job is complete when he can look into the post and SEE
HIS IMAGE. God sees
NOW...but for us that realization is a process...and we have to see it by faith.
DON'T GIVE UP. When the
FLESH ZOMBIES rise up...and they will rise up...pull our the mirror...see who you really are...
A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST...and tell them to begone...they have no right to God's property...
UNLESS...you just swing the door wide open...and invite them back into your life.
Love and NEW CREATION kisses
Rodney "
Looking good from the Inside Out" Boyd
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