Monday, July 23, 2007


Greetings all of you any BEAST in ya? In 1957...a girl by the name of Judy Tyler...starred with Elvis Presley in the movie Jailhouse Rock. After she made the movie...she died in a car accident...and it upset Elvis so much...that he refused to watch Jailhouse Rock ever again..or so the legend goes.

One of my favorite seens is from this picture...where Elvis grabs her...and plants a sloppy, forceful kiss on her...and she pulls back in disgust and declares..."Don't use those tactics on me." Elvis looks at her and responds..."Dem ain't tactics...that's just the BEAST in me."

Jesus...came to die in on the cross for the BEAST in us.

BEAST: (1) Any animal except man (2) any large, four-footed animal; sometis a domesticated animal (3) Qualities or impulses like an animal (the beast in him) (4) A person who is brutal, gross, vile etc.

The definition is not a pretty picture...and men...and yes, the mold. Our friend Barney Fife...was known by many names... like..
Barney Fife, M.D., Barney Fife The Bulkhead, Bernie, Bloodhound of the Law, and many more including...BARNEY THE BEAST.

When we speak of the BEAST...we are really talking about the inside nature versus the outside nature. We can cover up the outside where the inside is almost undetectable. We pride ourself on our civility, our air of sophistication, our attitude of, "I am not like THOSE people." We repel in disgust as we view peoples manners, habits, language, clothing, smells, etc. We have a certain standard...and the standard is US...and if someone does not meet those standards..then they are qualified as SUB-STANDARD. Thank God we are not a "BEAST" like them.

Jesus told of two men who went up to the temple to pray. So good. Both men...doing the right thing...but it breaks down from there. One was a Pharisee (who were not very see)...and the other was a tax-gather...a publican who collected Romans taxes for a profit (a prophet for a profit). The Pharisee stood up and began to pray to himself (wrong direction for prayer...unless you worship yourself). He started out saying GOD (but really praying to himself)...I thank Thee tha I am NOT LIKE OTHER PEOPLE. He then began to list the characteristics of the other people...(1) swindlers (2) unjust (3) adulterers (4) this tax gatherer.
In other words...I thank God I don't have THE BEAST WITHIN ME.

He then began to list his good qualities so as to differentiate himself from the BEASTS...(1) I fast twice a week (2) I pay tithes of all that I get
(3) Fill in the blanks of everything that you think makes you better than the next person...that separates you from the BEASTS in people.

The Publican...the taxgather...the sinner...THE BEAST...also prayed. The difference in the prayer is dramatic...(1) He was unwilling to lift up his eyes (2) He was beating his breast (3) Said...GOD BE MERCIFUL TO ME A SINNER...or...God help the BEAST IN ME.

One man...thought the there was no beast within him...because of the outward stuff he did...but one man confessed and admitted the beast in him...and asked for mercy.

Jesus' response and lesson was..."I tell you...this man went down to his house JUSTIFIED (just-as-if-I'd never sinned)...rather than the other; for every on who EXALTS himself shall be humbled...but he who humbles himself (a self-choice)...shall be exalted."

The nature of the BEAST is this: (1) Does not give honor or thanks to the Father :Romans 1:21 (2) The mind is futile in speculations and the foolish heart is darkened: Romans 1:21
(3) The heart is more decietful than all else and is desperately sick: Jeremiah 17:9 NOTE: The Lord searches the heart and tests the mind and knows the truth about you from the inside out.


1. evil thoughts 8. deceit
2. fornicators 9. sensuality
3. thefts 10. envy
4. murder 11. slander
5. adulteries 12. pride
6. deeds of coveting 13. foolishness
7. deeds of wickedness

Romans 1:17-32 gives a listing of BEAST QUALITIES: (1) supressors of the truth in unrighteousness
(2) Closed eyes to the revealed truth (3) knew God but do not honor Him (4) Do not have a thankful heart to God (5) Futile in speculations (6) Foolish, darkened hearts (7) Professing to be wise...they became fools (8) Exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God...for the BEAST...images of corruptible man, birds, four footed animals, crawling creatures. (9) God gave them over in the lusts of the heart to impurity. ie. He allowed them to do what they wanted (1) The exchanged truth for a lie (11) They worship and sever the CREATURE/BEAST versus the CREATOR (12) The live in degrading passions
(13) Women exchanged the natural function fo that which is unatural (lesbianism) (14) Men abandoned the natural function of th eowman and burned in their desires towards one another, men with men committing indecent acts (homosexuality) (15) They did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer
(16) There minds were depraved to do those things which were not proper (17) They were filled with ALL: unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, malice, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful.

WOW!!! What a list.!!! I thank God that I am not like them.!!!! The kicker in all of this is...that ALTHOUGH they KNOW the ordinances of God...that those who PRACTICE such things (see the list)...are worthy of DEATH....they not only DO THE SAME...but also give HEARTY APPROVAL to those who practice them.

The bottom line..."ALL (the publican and Pharisee in us all) have sinned (got the beast in them)...and fall short of the glory of God (cause and effect of the beast)." Romans 3:23 "As it is written, there is none (publican and Pharisees alike) righteous no not one." Romans 3:10

Notice the last picture...with Larry Norman...and the Lion within him. Jesus the anointed one...anointed with burden lifting, yoke destroying, Holy Ghost Power...came to replace the BEAST with THE KING OF THE BEAST. D.B.R...nothing more nothing less is the only thing that can tame the BEAST within you... but first you have to admit like the PUBLICAN...that you've got the beast within you...and then request the mercy. Are you a Pharisee or a Publican. Are you denying the TACTICS or just accepting..."Da beast in me."

Love and Beastless Kisses
Rodney "Yielding to the ZooKeeper" Boyd
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