Saturday, February 19, 2011


Greetings and Salutations O Ye Amphibious's it hopping? "Froggy went a courtin'."

AMPHIBIOUS: (1) living or able to live both on land and in water; belonging to both land and water.
(2) capable of operating on both land and water; amphibious vehicles
(3) of or pertaining to military operations by both land and naval forces against the same object, especially to a military attack by troops landed by naval ships.
(4) combining two qualities, kinds, traits, etc. of or having a mixed or twofold nature.

The first picture/collage is a collection of fighters, warriors, defenders of the weak...with the battles taking place with some on planet earth...while others practice KNEEOLOGY and fight first in the heavens...and then on planet earth. NOTE: The smiling, baldhead my pastor's dad...Mr. Harvey Meek...a true warrior of the in the presence of the Father.

This picture is a group of fighting Missionaires (including my wife Brenda in the far right hand corner of the ring) in a little place called WAR West Virginia.

Years ago...Brenda and Me (or is that Brenda and I...I/Me can never remember)...were at a retreat called CFO (along with Gary and Rena next to Brenda in the picture). CFO stood for CAMP FARTHEST OUT...and it was. At this place called CFO there was an old man by the name of Glenn Ellis who was a naturist...and would take us on walks in the woods and walk and talk about the Creative God and how we could see Him everywhere we looked.

"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal POWER and GODHEAD/DIVINE NATURE, so that they are without excuse." (Romans 1:20)

At one point Glenn made a comment of how we were really amphibious here on planet earth, and seated with Christ in heavenly places. The saying is...derived from Scriptures is that we are IN this world...but NOT OF IT. Randy Stonehill had an album a few years ago called BETWEEN THE GLORY AND THE FLAME..speaking of our walk on this 3rd Rock from the we walk out our faith. Petra had an album called NOT OF THIS WORLD (II Peter 2:11; John 15:18-19; John 16:33; Matthew 16:18; John 14:3) In the Ruminator Sunday School Class we call this THE LAND OF NITTY GRITTY...where we walk by FAITH and not by SIGHT or THINGS REVEALED TO THE SENSES. This is the place where real stuff happens to both Christians and non-Christians alike. This is the battlefield where things are manifested like sickness, death, dying, pain, suffering, economic roller coasters, wars and rumours of wars, political upheaval, selfishness, hedonism, overt and covert sins, transgressions, and iniquities....and the devil (ruler of earth and prince of the power of the air).

As AMPHIBIOUS BEINGS...we are CALLED as emissaries of the KINGDOM OF GOD...where we continue with the commission of Jesus and pray down the Kingdom of God on earth as it is heaven. We are ministers of reconciliation, envoys, ambassadors...representing God and his will, wishes and desires. For this to take place...we are fighting in two locations...we are trained or organized to fight on both land and sea...on earth and in the heavens...but before the first blow is struck on earth...we must fight in the heavens. If we don't...we will be wearing ourselves fighting the wrong enemy...flesh and blood.

At Bushido School of by Sensei Bill Taylor...we are trained to fight, defend, and deal with the enemy. In Wado Ryu (our style of karate) there are no wasted movements, but subtle shiftings, twists, turns. On thing Mr. Taylor tells us...that "FIGHTING IS A GAME OF ADJUSTMENTS." If you don't adjust...and try to fight with a mind set on one way...then you will lose. A fight that starts out on your feet can easily end up on the ground...and if you are fighting with a standing lose. You must ADJUST to the attack of the enemy... to be able to defend appropriately.

We are at WAR...that takes place in the heavenlies...and is manifested on earth. Two places of battle...but NEVER FEAR...we are AMPHIBIOUS (A.B.). We are on a mission (Go-Mission) from God...Spiritual Operations (S.O.) have been...and continually are being trained and organized to fight.

In Wado Ryu karate...everything begins and ends with respect...or as I like to call it...REI-spect. Rei simply means to bow. We can either bow standing or down on our knees... in preparation for our workout. In the kingdom of God...I like to call this KNEEOLOGY.

NOTE: In my 10+ years...I have never been taught, encouraged, forced to bow down and worship or pledge my allegiance to any man or deity. I bend my knee to NO human, false God, demon. The bow is a sign of REI-spect.


Next time we will be looking at the (1) battlefield (2) enemy (3) armour (4) weapons
(5) schemes (6) how to counter the schemes

Love and Amphibious Kisses
Rodney "Let's Get Ready To Ruuuuuuummmmmmmmmbbbbllle" Boyd

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