Sunday, October 23, 2011


Greetings Prayer Warriors...or Casual Conversationalists...talked to God lately?

God loves to communicate with you...and wants you to communicate with Him. That is called interpersonal relationship. In the natural...when you have conversation with think a thought...take in a breath...exhale that breath...and begin to move your articulators...that takes the sound generated by the vocal folds...and you direct your words towards someone you want to hear what you have to say.

In turn...that person...receives your words...encodes and decodes...and responds back in like kind. You then receive what they said...and respond...and so on and so on and so on. This is called a conversation....where two people communicate thoughts.

In the spiritual...between you and God...there is not much difference...except you are talking to the Creator of the universe and he is responding back to you.

"Now I lay me down to sleep...I pray the Lord my soul to keep...If I should die before I wake...I pray the Lord my soul to take." Wow...what a ghastly prayer. I think I would be like my son Phillip in this picture...and be cutting my eyes over if that was the only prayer that we taught him.

Jesus did ask His disciples..."Could you not WATCH and PRAY?"

We tried to teach our son that prayer is not some mystical formula to manipulate God into giving us something...or a tool to get God to love us anymore... or a merit badge of prayer that proves to others how spiritual we are.

We tried to live our faith out loud...with part of the process being...talking to God as a friend. Talking to God as our Saviour and not just a good buddy. Talking to God as if He really does exist and that our prayers are not just futile exercises in psychological mumbo jumbo.

We pray by FAITH...the substance of things confidently expected...the evidence of things not seen or revealed to the senses...but perceived as reality. (Hebrews 11:1)

We pray to please Him by we (1) come to Him (2) Believe that He exists (3) Believe that He is a rewarder (4) diligently seek Him (5) Not just passively inquire of Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

We pray as we abide in, continue in, dwell in Him... knowing that we can ask whatever we wish and it shall be done. (John 15:7)

We our Father who is in his Holy name...and pray that His kingdom, his rule, his realm would come and be manifested on planet Earth as it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6:10)

Some would ask..."How long do we pray?" My answer would be...until you get the answer...until you have peace... until you die. Never give up. Get tenacious in your prayers. Pray without ceasing. Pray (talk to God)...Supplicate (get humble and specific with God)... and Thank Him (before you see any answers).

Between the POINT OF PRAYER (request) .........and THE POINT OF PROVISION (the answer)...there is a land called THE LAND OF NITTY GRITTY... where you walk by FAITH and not by SIGHT (II Corinthians 5:7)

This is a time to keep your focus...surround yourself with like believers...who believe that the Word of God is true...and reality is real...but truth (the Word of God John 17:17) TRUMPS REALITY. As we pray...we do not deny reality...but we do deny realities right to rule us.


Think a thought...take a breath...release that breath and formulate your words on your lips and direct your words to God. have just prayed and initiated a CONVERSATION WITH GOD.


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