Saturday, May 10, 2014


Greetings and Salutations O Ye Walkers, Talkers, and Thinkers...

Your WALK is defined as how you live your life out loud. Everyone has a walk...and there are people either on the walk with you (for good or bad) or they are walking in the opposite direction of your walk (Driving In England on the Santa Anna Freeway by The Swirling Eddies) or they are just watching your walk as you walk on by. The question is our WALK. Well if you are a believer in the D.B.R....if you are a follower of Jesus...if you call yourself a you walk is very, very, very... did I say very...very...important.

"I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord entreat you to WALK IN A MANNER WORTHY OF THE CALLING WITH WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED." (Ephesians 4:1)
Back in the day...I wrote a song called ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN. One line goes, "we may be the only Bibles, that others may read...if the pages are smudged and can the others see. I know that we're not perfect, and that's why Jesus came...He died and He rose Him we're all the same." (Are You A Christian off of the CD... Ruminator Unplugged)  Walk On.

Your WALK is determined by your TALK which is linked to your THOUGHT. Of course this goes along with the quote..."Unrestrained THOUGHTS (think)...produces unrestrained WORDS (talk) resulting in unrestrained actions (walk)" It all comes down to a choice of how we think, talk, and walk. If you don't choose to think with a renewed mind and talk with renewed words and act with renewed actions you will default to the negative and go on automatic pilot. do ...we TALK IN A WORTHY MANNER?

"Let no (don't allow it) unwholesome (rotten) WORD proceed from your MOUTH...but only such a WORD as is good for EDIFICATION (building up not tearing down)...according to the NEED OF THE MOMENT...that it (the word of edification) may give GRACE to those who HEAR it (the word of edification)." (Ephesians 4:29)

The things that would make the talk unworthy includes: falsehood, anger, giving the d-evil opportunity, bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander, malice. (Ephesians 4:25-31
The things that would make the TALK WORTHY includes: truth, don't let the sun go down on your anger, don't give the d-evil opportunity, be kind, be tenderhearted, forgiving, do to others just as God in Christ has forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:25-32)

Your THOUGHTS will either be renewed or un-renewed...and how your thoughts go...your talk goes...and your actions go. Your un-renewed thoughts will default to the flesh...and your renewed thoughts will default to the Spirit. It is all about MINDSET...where you SET your MIND.

"For the MIND SET on the FLESH is DEATH...but the MIND SET on the SPIRIT is LIFE and PEACE." (Romans 8:6)

"The steadfast of MIND Thou will keep in PERFECT PEACE...because it is STAYED on THEE." (Isaiah 26:3)

"If then you have been RAISED UP WITH CHRIST...KEEP SEEKING the things ABOVE, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God...SET YOUR MIND on the things above, not on the things of the EARTH. For you have died...and your life is HIDDEN WITH CHRIST IN GOD." (Colossians 3:1-3)

If I don't SET my alarm...guess what the cause and effect will be. That's will not go off...and that will set a series of dominoes falling for my day. I sleep later...I get up later...I have to rush around in my morning routine and may leave things out. I will either gobble down breakfast or skip out of the house forgetting something I needed...rush to get to work...and get a speeding ticket. And that's just the first part of the day. BUT...IF...I SET MY ALARM...I'm time to have morning devotions, prayer, a cup of coffee, nice long shower...etc. My day hinges on ALARM SET...and so is my life hinged on my MIND SET.

In a world of ANXIETY...we are promised a PEACE that passes UNDERSTANDING...and a promise of the PEACE OF GOD...guarding our HEARTS and our MINDS in Christ Jesus. The key to a MIND OF PEACE and a guarded HEART AND MIND is prayer, supplication with thanksgiving. Here is how you DEVELOP A MIND SET.
In Philippians 4:8 we see where our MIND should be DWELLING.

1. True
2. Honorable
3. Right
4. Pure
5. Lovely
6. Good Report
7. Excellence
8. Anything worthy of praise

In Philippians 4:9 Paul encourages them to follow his example in this MIND DWELLING.
"The things you have (1) learned (2) received (3) heard (4) seen) in me...
PRACTICE THESE THINGS...and the GOD OF PEACE shall be with you."

IF your MIND is SET...DWELLING...and PRACTICING these things...I can assure you that your WORDS will follow and your CORRESPONDING ACTIONS...your works...what you do...your WALK will be in a MANNER WORTHY OF THE CALLING WITH WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED.

Love and Worthy Kisses
Rodney "Thinking...Talking...and Walking" Boyd


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