Here's the question (s): Are you weary or tired...decreased in understanding...lacking in strength... having a lull in might and power... a loss of vigor..stumbling badly... and walking with turkeys instead of flying with the eagles? Is that what's troubling you Boopie?
Well I have the 98 POUND WEAKLING SOLUTION (or soul-ution) FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

QUESTION: (1) Do you not know? (2) Have you not heard?
STRENGTH AND SUPPLY SOURCE: (1) the Everlasting God (2) The Lord (3) The Creator of the ends of the earth (Isaiah 40:28)
"I have STRENGTH for all things IN CHRIST Who EMPOWERS me--I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses INNER STRENGTH into me, [that is, I am self-sufficient IN CHRIST'S SUFFICIENCY]." (Philippians 4:13 The Amplified Bible) NOTE: Christ...the Anointed One...anointed with
(1) yoke destroying (2) burden lifting (3) oppresion removing (4) healing and delivering power of the Holy Ghost
"And MY GOD...will liberally SUPPLY [fill me to the full] your every need according to His riches in glory in CHRIST JESUS." (Philippians 4:19 The Amplified Bible)

THE GIVER: (1) He gives STRENGTH to the weary (2) He increases POWER to him who lacks might.
(Isaiah 40:29)
WAIT FOR THE LORD: quavah (kaw-vaw)= to bind together (perhaps by twisting), that is collect , to expect, gather together, look patiently, tarry, wait (for, on, upon)
NOTE: This thing called WAITING...is not just a passive twiddling of your thumbs until the Lord does something. It is an aggressive stance of patient expectation...as you bind together with other like minded believers as you wait IN THE LORD...not just sitting and stewing in your weakness. "But He said to me...My GRACE--My favor and loving-kindness and mercy--are enough for you (that is, sufficient against any danger and to enable you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My STRENGTH and POWER are made perfect--fulfilled and completed and show themselves MOST EFFECTIVE--in [you] WEAKNESS. Therefore...I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the STRENGTH and POWER of CHRIST, the MESSIAH, may rest--yes...may pitch a tent [over] and dwell--upon me."
(II Corinthians 12:9)

(1) will gain NEW STRENGTH (2) mount up with wings as eagles (3) run and not get tired (4) walk and not faint (become weary)
Back in the 70's...during the "Jesus Movement" we would sing Scripture songs from the Word of God. One of those songs was based on Isaiah 40:31. The end of the song was..."teach me Lord...teach me Lord...to wait."
Well...from the time God spoke through Isaiah...in the 70's...and in the nitty gritty here and now...the song still rings true..."teach me Lord...teach me Lord...to wait."
When you truly WAIT ON THE LORD...it pales in comparison to fitness guru's...muscle bound governors of California...or Hulkamania running wild...or even a scrawny kid...with a dream of being strong.
Love and Muscle Bound Kisses
Rodney "Actively Waiting for the Lord" Boyd
Labels: 98 pound weakling, Strength, Wait Upon The Lord, Weakness
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