Sunday, January 03, 2010


Hello all of you NEW people. I know...I are looking around the room as you sit at your computer reading this...thinking..."Who is old Rod talkin' to?" Well...if you are reading this, I am talkin' about you. "If any is in Christ...he/she/they are NEW creations...old things passed away...behold NEW THINGS are coming (constantly coming)."
(II Corinthians 5:17) it is...2010...a NEW year...and I want my complete the work that He started in me. "For I am confident of this very thing...that He who BEGAN A GOOD WORK in you...WILL PERFECT IT...until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6) Every New Year that rolls around...I get up my determination...and make resolutions that tend to sputter out before the New Year has time to turn old...and then I get depressed because I did not do what I said I was going to do. Well this year...I believe that I will approach this a little differently... I RESOLVE to allow the Lord to complete what He started in me...and I will partner with the Lord in whatever He wants done in me...spirit, soul, and body. "Now may the God of peace Himself... sanctify you entirely/wholly/totally...and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (I Thessalonians 5:23)

I want the Lord to touch me in my (1) spirit (pneuma) (2) soul (psuche/psyche) (3) body (soma). This is the totality of who I am.

In my SPIRIT is the place of my intimacy with the Lord. It is the place where I hear His voice...the place where I receive revelation...the place where I serve Him...the place where the Spirit of God dwells...and flows out of me like rivers of living innermost being. Lord if there is anything in me that quenches, hinders or blocks me hearing you...and obeying you I ask for the Help of the Helper...the Holy Spirit. this New Year...2010...may I be closer to you than ever before.

In my SOUL is the place where my mind (what I think) volition/free will ( what I choose) and my emotions (the barometer of what is happening in my life)...the seat of who I either under your control or my control. I am drawing closer to you...may my soul be in subjection to you. May my mind be renewed by the washing of the water of the word...and I become transformed in my mind and not conformed to this world. May my choices be based on the truth...of a renewed mind and not based on an unrenewed mind filled with lies and past experiences. this New Year...2010...may by soul be in line with my spirit...which is in line with you.

In my BODY is the physical place...that houses my human spirit...that houses your Holy spirit. My body is the instrument that will be an instrument of righteousness or and instrument of unrighteousness. May my flesh, blood, physically fit to carry out your will for me. As my spirit comes into order with your Holy Spirit in my life...and my soul comes into order with my spirit...may my body...come into order. As I yield my will to your I eat what I need to I I move in you....may my body move along.

Lord as these three areas come under your order...may I exemplify THE JESUS STYLE...of a servant, an example, humble, child like, no reputation, no ambition, obedient to the point of death to my self and desires...and alive unto you.

May I become an obedient Christian in the basics of life...where Christ is the center of my life with everything else revolving around Christ. May I be obedient, pray, stay in the Word, fellowship with other believers, and witness to others about my personal experience with Jesus.

May the Word of God...God's thoughts, God's wishes, God's desires...expressed in the written word... become words of a page in a book...and living and alive...sharper than any two edged sword. In 2010... may the Word of fresh and open...and new revelation and conformation of what your Spirit is speaking to manifested to others.

Finally Lord...may I exemplify...what Alfred E. Newman reflects..."WHAT...ME WORRY?"

In 2010...Lord as love the Lord God with my whole heart, mind, soul, and strength...not WORRY...or BE ANXIOUS for anything. May my life reflect a trust in you in everything... the good, the bad, the ugly.

"Be ANXIOUS/WORRY for NO-THING (zip, nada, zero, nuttin' honey, zilch)...but in EVERY THING (all the stuff in the no-thing category, by (1) prayer=talking to God (2) supplication= being humbly specific (3) with thanksgiving (giving of thanks...before you see any change in the circumstance)...let/allow your request be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6) The cause and effect="And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension (the kind of peace you comprehend is the absence of conflict) shall guard your hearts and your minds (the place of attack) in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7)

Lord in 2010 help me not to be anxious or worry...but to trust you. Help me to be a mind dweller as I dwell not on situations and circumstances....BUT...on whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, a good report, excellence, anything worthy of prayer.

Well...if the Lord does that for and with me in will be a good year. The only thing that would make it better...if I had someone to go with me on this years journey. I have my lovely wife son Phillip...and my dog Sweetie...BUT...I would love the herd of mooers and chewers...The join me in this fresh pasture.

I would like to say how much I appreciate all of you who read these Ramblings. I know of your love for Him...and your heartbeat for the Word of God.

Write and let me know if you will be joining me as He completes the work that He started in you.

Love and Anticipating Kisses
Rodney "What...Me Worry?" Boyd
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