Last year...I was blessed to be able to be part of a team that went to Kenya Africa...and participate in teaching at a Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Discipleship Training School (DTS). This was my second trip to Kenya...and it was like a homecoming. In the see me teaching at the base. If you look to the right...on the a picture of Africa with the scripture..."Listen to Me O' Islands and let the PEOPLE renew their strength." (Isaiah 41:1) The New American Standard version says..."Coastlands, listen to Me in silence, and let the PEOPLES gain new strength."
God has a heartbeat for PEOPLE. When John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the WORLD...", it does not mean the dirt of the earth...but the PEOPLE. From the moment that we took of from the Nashville International Airport...the Lord began to speak to me. After returning, I was able to distill down to three specific things that was impressed deep in my spirit. (1) Teach the full counsel of God (2) The condition of the land/dirt of Africa, the condition of the people of Africa, the condition of the world, and the condition of me specifically. The condition was the same for each one of those areas...dryness...brown patchy land, with remnants of lushness and life. (3) PEOPLE NEED THE LORD
Years ago...on the 700 Club...there was a commercial that featured the music of Danibelle Hall...and the song that she sung as images of various PEOPLE, flashed across the screen was PEOPLE NEED THE LORD. It was that one line of the song that kept rewinding throughout my mind, morning, noon, and night...and still rings in my ears.
My mentor and pastor...Bruce Coble...told me after one of our mission excursions...that once you have been on a mission...and connect with the PEOPLE...that you can never...JUST...take a vacation...because everywhere you go...there are PEOPLE that God loves...that God died for...that NEED THE LORD. When you are a are the temple of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of God dwells in you.
(I Corinthians 6:19,120/I Cornithians 3:16,17/I Cornithians 2:10-16)
When any man/woman is IN the anointing and His Anointed One is in us...we are NEW CREATIONS...the old things past things are constantly coming. (II Corinthians 5:17). Because of this change in our lives...we begin to view PEOPLE differently. "Therefore...from now on...we recognize no man ACCORDING TO THE FLESH...even though we have know Christ according to the flesh...YET now we know Him thus no longer." (II Corinthians 5:16) We no longer view the flesh (with our flesh nature...or by their outward lives). We begin to see God sees the...and God loves them...and poured out His live to them on the Jesus became the substitute...the propitiation...the satisfaction for our sins.
It's hard to hate someone when you see them from a God's Eyed View.
PEOPLE NEED THE LORD...and for some reason...God has chosen us to be the avenue of the message. We are now ministers and ambassadors of the message that (1) God loves you (2) God gave His Son up as a substitute and satisfaction for our sins (3) If you believe in the DBR..then you (a) Will not perish (b) Will have eternal life
"Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and gave us the MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION, namely, that God was in Christ RECONCILING the world/PEOPLE to Himself, NOT COUNTING THEIR TRESPASSES AGAINST THEM, and He has committed to us the WORD OF RECONCILIATION. Therefore, we are AMBASSADORS for CHRIST, as though God were entreating THROUGH US, we beg you on behalf of Christ, BE RECONCILED TO GOD IN HIM." (II Corinthians 5:18-20)
The last verse of II Corinthians 5...lays out how Romans 3:10...can be changed. Romans 3:10 states, "As it is written there is NONE not one." Apply the D.B.R. to the quotient...and we see that unrighteousness...becomes righteous. "He (God The Father) made Him (Jesus the Son) who new no sin to BE SIN on our behalf, that we (people who need the Lord) might become THE RIGHTEOUSNESS (in right standing with Him) OF GOD IN HIM." (II Corinthians 5:21)
If you can...find a copy of the song PEOPLE NEED THE either Danibelle Hall or Steve Green)...and join me at looking at PEOPLE a little more differently than you have before.

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