Thursday, December 07, 2006


Good Morning SONshine....Good Morning GLORY....Cock-a-doodle-do.

Rise and shine...the sun is coming over the's time to open up those peepers...and greet the new day. Many people WAKE many different ways. Some slowly enter the new day...others are shot out of their slumber like a human cannonball in a three ring circus. BOOM!!

I have found...that if I take a little time to wash my BRAIN...that's right I mean BRAINWASH day goes better. As Barry McGuire states in the album TO THE BRIDE...his brain needed washing.

I like to get into my shower...turn on the hot water...let it steam up the place and let the cleansing waters come cascading down upon my head to wash away the cobwebs of the I read a laminated sheet of verses. I like to start off my day with what I call MORNING HOMOLOGEO...or MORNING HOMO (same) LEGO ( to speak) the Greek SPEAK the same thing....or WORD. It means to assent, accord, agree with, confess, declare.

I have a laminated list of scriptures that I speak forth in the mist of the hot water...that I like to SPEAK...ASSENT...ACCORD...AGREE WITH... CONFESS...DECLARE...SPEAK THE SAME THING THAT GOD SPEAKS ABOUT ME...AND FOR ME. I like to not only quote the verse...but also PRAY the verse. I pray the WILL of God into my life. It changes my perspective as the world...the circumstances...the negative... the media...other people...who want me to revel in their morose view of an attempt to cope in this de-evolutionary descent into oblivion.

Psalm 118:24

"This is the day which the Lord has made...let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Lord I thank you that at this point in time...on Decemeber 7, have made another day...another opportunity for me to trust in you. I my rejoice and be glad in all that you do in my life...TODAY!!

Psalm 69:19 "Blessed be the Lord...who DAILY bears our burden."

Lord...thank you that you are the BURDEN BEARER. You say to cast my anxieties on you...because you CARE for me (I Peter 5:7). You bore my burdens/griefs on the cross(Isaiah 53:4-6) bore my burdens on December 6th, 2006 (yesterday)...and you will bear my burdens on December 8th 2006 and beyond. The world feeds me daily worry, fear, anxiety and unbelief...and you DAILY feed me FAITH, PEACE, BELIEF, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE AND JOY.

Luke 18:13: "...God, be merciful to me...a sinner."

Lord...I don't want justice in my life...I want mercy. I don't want to toot my own horn in the public forum...about how great I am...I want to humble myself before you...knowing that as I do will lift me up at the proper time (I Peter 5:6). Without Jesus...I am nothing...with Jesus...I am a new creation in Christ and the righteousness of God in your MERCY. (II Cornithians 5:13-21)

Lamentations 3:22-23 "The steadfast love of the Lord (the Lord's lovingkindnesses) never ceases...His mercies (compassions) never comes to and end (never fails)...they (steadfast love/lovingkindnesses/mercies/ compassions)...are new EVERY MORNING (daily)...GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS."

Lord...thank you for the MORNING MERCY. I need it...every day that I breathe a breath. Thank you Lord for being faithful...when I am not. Thank you for mercy...and not justice.

I John 1:7 "But if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another...and the BLOOD of Jesus...His Son...
CLEANSES us from ALL sin." I stand in your search light...I see my sin...and I CONFESS...say the same word that You say about me...I am a SINNER. Now that I have identified my specific sins...that I have committed...I ask that you apply your blood...that represents you taking my place...and I thank you that I am cleansed from all unrighteousness...because of you...not because of me.

Hebrews 10:19: "Since therefore...brethren...we have confidence to enter the Holy the BLOOD OF a new and living way...which He inaugurated for us through the veil, tht is His FLESH."

Lord...thank you...for allowing you body to be hung on a cross...beaten... my place. I deserve to be hung on a cross...for my sins...but you became the substitute...the satisfaction...the propitiation for my sins. (I Peter 3:18/Isaiah 53:6/I John 2:2)

I John 1:9: "If we CONFESS our sins...He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Lord...I come into agreement with what you say. I call my sins...sin. Not my little foibles...mistakes...problems...but SIN. I confess...that you are faithful...I confess that you are just...I confess that you forgive my sins...I confess that you have cleansed me from all unrighteousness. Thank you Lord.

Well...that is a pretty good start to the day...He is Lord...and I am not.

Now...this is either and exercise in futility...or a creation of my own to convince myself that I'm O.K....or a giant crutch that I use to cope with this is the truth. I'm going for the truth.

Love and Forgiven Kisses
Rod "The Confessor" Boyd


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