Thursday, June 14, 2007


Good Morning...or is it the Morning After. Do you ever wake up feeling like Keith Richards on a bad day? Nothing is going your way...and you feel like you have been RODE HARD AND PUT UP WET.

I have!!! Back in to old days...that would be B.C...before Christ...There were more of those days. The phrase RODE HARD AND PUT UP WET..."refers to riding a horse HARD to exhaustion and putting him up WET, rather than brushing him off and cooling him down. The phrase implies that an emergency occurred, and that once the horse had responded beyond normal was ABANDONED. As currently used, it means that something was USED VERY accomplish an objective...and then THROWN ASIDE because it was NO LONGER IMMEDIATELY USEFUL." feel as if you've been RODE HARD AND PUT UP WET? We usually think of it in terms of someone who has had a ROUGH LIFE...a life of excessive partying...too much of a good or bad thing.

Kenneth Copeland played in a trilogy of movies
a character named Witchita Slim. The first movie was called THE GUNSLINGER. He was an ex-gang member who got saved in prison...renounced his association with his old gang...and was going to be made a U.S. Marshal. Before this could take place...his old gang rode into town to rob the bank.
As he was attempting to stop the bank robbery... he was hit over the head...captured by his old gang...and then, because of a case of amnesia...he could not remember who he was. The old gang took advantage of this and convinced him that he was still a member of the gang. They took him on a series of bank robberies...and became know again as an outlaw. The problem was that something inside of him was telling him that he was not a criminal...and that something was different in him...from what the old gang was telling him. He kept reading a New Testament that a young boy had given him...
especially a passage underlined..."Therefore if any man is IN CHRIST... he is a NEW CREATION...the OLD things passed away...behold NEW THINGS have come." (II Corninthians 5:17) The gang leaded told Sticks Callahan (the dynamite man)..."We've got to get that Bible away from him. The more he reads it...the more he finds out WHO HE REALLY IS." Eventually...they get captured...and Witchita is lead into a courtroom. Those who knew him previously were shocked at how bad he looked since he was riding with the old gang. Miss Lana the storekeeper...quoted Proverbs13:15..."Good understanding giveth favore, but THE WAY OF THE TRANSGESSOR IS HARD." (Check out the movie for the ending).

What Miss Lana expressed is what we see on the surface of a lot of our famous...or infamous ICONS. We tend to look at someone on the outward and point out how life has not been good to them. We comment on how the outward appearance looks like they have been RODE HARD AND PUT UP WET. It is a fact that the physical impact of living a hard life of drinking, smoking, womanizing, mananizing, drugs, late nights, can impact the physical life. Laying out in the sun can make skin like leather...but hard living can...make the inside crumble also. Overeating can impact the body...just as much as drinking.
Elvis was a pretty man...but in the end he was pretty bloated. The lifestyle...took its toll on him.
Excessive eating, drugging, was hard on the King.
For some...they use the person up...until they do not satisfy them any more. Thin Elvis is good... fat Elvis is bad. Ride that horse to the point of exhaustion...and then throw them aside when they are no longer immediately useful.

There was a man...who at one point was heir to the political world. A man who could do no wrong. A man who was hailed as a hero as he went about...doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil (Acts 10:38). A man...who poured out his love for 3 years... and then literally poured out His blood...His sweat...and His tears long before a progressive jazz/rock fusion group captured that name..BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS. Jesus was RODE HARD...and literally PUT UP ON A CROSS place of you and me. He was used up...abandoned...thrown aside...because he was no longer IMMEDIATELY USEFUL. Between the point of being RODE HARD AND PUT UP WET (Jesus hung UP for our hang UPS)...and the point of RESURRECTION...Jesus' usefulness appeared to be apparant...but he became the propitiation...the substitute...the satisfaction to God for our sins. The D.B.R....the DEATH, BURIAL, RESURRECTION...became the catylyst for taking us old transgessors...that have been riding the HARD WAY...and taking us old abandoned...discarded rejects of society...and has taken us into the STABLE OF LIFE...and has cooled us down...given us water...brushed us down...and instead of abandonment...has adopted us into the family of God. I may still look rough on the outside...but my inside is RODE EASY...AND PUT UP DRY.

Love and YipeeKiYa Kisses
Rodney "New Creation In Christ" Boyd