Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Greetings Ruminating's the field.

HERD: (1) A number of cattle or other large animals feeding, living, or being driven TOGETHER (2) Any large group suggestive of this; crowd; company.

CHURCH: ek-klay-see-ah: A calling out, a popular meeting; especially a religious congregation (synagouge, or Christian community), an assembly. Also can refer to any gathering ie. political, public forum, etc.

Back in the late 60's and early 70's...there was a movement called THE JESUS MOVEMENT. It was a movement that was sweeping the world, where young people from all walks of life...who were seeking more to this crazy, mixed up world...were seeking from many places including: drugs, sex, free love, political uprisings, music, eastern religions...any thing that went against the current status quo. Many found righteousness, peace and joy in the person of Jesus Christ. Their new found freedom from the bondages of the past and sin were manifested in every area of their lives. The ways they dressed, talked, walked, music they listened to was infiltrated and infused with Jesus. A new genre' of music called JESUS MUSIC was born as they were born again. One "Jesus Freak" the name of John Fischer recorded one of the first Jesus Music Albums called...THE COLD CATHEDRAL... referring to how the old was being revitalized by the new. What was once cold and dead...was now alive with a fresh move of the Holy Spirit. The seminal Jesus Music group was Love Song (led by Chuck Girard of the Hondells fame). They had a song called LITTLE COUNTRY CHURCH.

LITTLE COUNTRY CHURCH (Love Song: Churck Girard and Fred Field_

Little country church on the edge of town...doo doo doo doo doo doo
People comin' everday from miles around
For meetin's and for Sunday School
And it's very plain to see...It's not the way It used to be
Preacher isn't talkin' 'bout RELIGION no more
He just wants to praise the Lord
People aren't as stuffy as they were before
They just want to praise the Lord
And it's very plain to see...It's not the way it used to be
They're talkin 'bout revival and the need for love
That little CHURCH has come alive
Workin' with each other for the common good
Puttin' all the past aside
Long hair, short hair, some coats and ties
People finally comin' around
Lookin' past the hair and straight into the eyes
People finally comin' around
And it's very plain to see...It's not the way it use to be.

As a child we use to use our hands to play a little game and rhyme by is the is the the are the people. As we said here are the people we would wiggle our fingers to represent the alive, living, active people of the "church building."

If you read Matthew 16:13-19...we see Jesus...proclaiming the roots of the establishment of "the church". The Pharisees and Sadducees were testing Jesus by asking him for a sign or attesting miracle from heaven. (Read Matthew 16:1-12 for details of this interaction).

Jesus began to ask His disciples (followers)..." Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" The answers were: (1) John the Baptist (2) Elijah
(3) Jeremiah (4) One of the prophets.

Jesus then posed the questions to his disciples (not just Peter)...But who do YOU say I am?"

This is a very important question...not only to the disciples/followers of that time...but to you in 2007. Your answer will determine where you are in the building process of the "church".

Simon Peter said, "Thou art the CHRIST (anointed one with yoke destroying, burden lifting, oppression removing, healing power)...the Son of the Living God."

Jesus responded, "Blessed are you Simon Barjona, BECAUSE flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven."

Jesus then declared what the "church" would be build upon...and it was not PETER (petros...little stone) but it was on PETRA (massive rock). "And I (Jesus) say that you are Peter/petros/little stone...and upon THIS ROCK/PETRA I will build My CHURCH...and the gates of Hades shall NOT overpower it (the CHURCH)."

The revelation that JESUS IS THE CHRIST...THE LIVING SON OF GOD is the FOUNDATION of the CHURCH. When saints gather around that revelation...and respond to the Death, Burial, Resurrection of Jesus...nothing more...nothing less...they build upon that MASSIVE ROCK. As long as the CHURCH... the EK-KLAY-SEE-AH...walks in that revelations...the gates of Hades...shall not overpower the church. Get away from that revelation...the gates of Hades WILL overpower the CHURCH.

Here is the is the the door here are the people. The PEOPLE are the CHURCH. The people are the BODY of Christ. Maybe the rhyme should start with the are the the is the steeple...

"Truly I say to you, whatever you shall bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Agains I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. FOR WHERE TWO OR THREE HAVE GATHERED TOGETHER IN MY NAME, THERE I AM IN THEIR MIDST"
(Matthew 18:18-20)

This can take place in a large ornate structure or in the living room of the saints. The only requisite for this is (1) Two or Three gather (2) The gathering is in Jesus name.
The cause and effect is that Jesus will be there in their midst. You will be will be THE CHURCH.

"And coming to Him as to a LIVING STONE...rejected by men, but choice and precous in the sight of God, YOU LIVING STONES...are being BUILT UP as a SPIRITUAL HOUSE for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (I Peter 2:4, 5)

In Acts chapter two...we have a reporting of what was happening at a festival called PENTECOST. The Holy Spirit swooped in...and thousands were getting saved. As a result...for the moment...there needed to be a place where these saved people could go...get feed (physically/spiritually)...and then go back to their countries/homes. God used peoples homes as they continued daily with one accord (1) in the TEMPLE (an established/structured place of worship)...(2) from house to house as the (a) ate (b) had all things in common (c) devoted themselves to the apostles teachings (d) breaking bread...doing it all with gladness and sincerity of heart (Acts 2:42-46)

The problem many of the revivals today...we love to say under the spout where the glory comes out...that we forget that we were never called to say within the four walls of a church building, a synagouge or even a persons home. We are merely to use these places as places to get fed, taught, fueled up, encouraged, wounds patched and head back out into the marketplace...back into the WORLD. The church becomes a greenhouse situation...where everything is perfect. Anyone's faith can grow in those places...but God wants growth in the real world.

So CHURCH...get up...get out...or as it was said in the SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION...get busy living or get busy dying. For is both...get busy dying to our self...and living unto Him.

Love and Ek-Lay-See-Ah Kisses
Rod "On The Mooooove" Boyd
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