Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hello dear friends. I am still processing all that happened in Guatemala. One encounter that I would like to share with you is with a couple I met by the name of Sunne (sunny) and Wayne (rain with a w) Gregg.

Be sure to click on the collage to get the full blown effect of these two saints.

Sunne is a bubbling, exuberant, kinetic ball of fire for the Lord...who is a part of the Women's Aglow group. If there was a female Barnabas (son of encouragement)....she is it. If you don't feel lifted up after being in her are to heavy to be lifted up. She is a woman of the Word...who moves in the Spirit (that would be Big S) her little s (human spirit). She is the perfect mate...for the next character...and I do mean........ char-ac-ter.

His name is Wayne (yes things are a little strange in Wayne's World)...Gregg. This man is the Prince of Puns...well rehearsed. His big thrill is when they let him out of the "compound" he can go to Wendy's and get a #9 (fried chicken) with a Frosty. Visually...he looks like a character out of a Client Eastwood western...or the movie Jeremiah Johnson. His voice is kind of high pitched with a twist.

Together...these two are the Dynamic Duo of Missionaries. They have been around the world...especially...their heartbeat...Bulgaria. Currently...they are in Guatemala...destination unknown...except by the Spirit of God.

When our group flew to Guatemala...we were asked to carry a few things in our luggage...everything from canned tuna to a laptop computer. One thing that I carried was a clown costume...I am NOT clowning around. On the Saturday before I flew out...I got to see the costume in action. Wayne is a clown...a clown for the Lord. He wears a button on his costume saying...I am the funny bone in the body of Christ. The clown costume that I was carrying was for Sunne...who was making her debut as a clown. They put on a dynamic presentation of the BLESSING CUP...for some children from the neighborhood...where we fed them...and then not only made them laugh...but gave the the anointed Word of God.

Towards the end of my journey...Wayne opened a door in his private past to me (I consider that a great honor). one time was a Mormon. Not just your average, everyday Mormon...but a Mormon climbing up the ladder of Mormonhood. Long story short...Wayne read a book called the THE GOD MAKERS....written by an ex-Mormon...and I believe a current Mormon. This opened up his eyes to the truth and the simplicity of the Gospel.

The gospel...the good news...about the death, burial, resurrection of Jesus as the substitute or satisfaction for God. We were separated by sin...and Jesus brought us back together with God by becoming the sacrificial our place. This is often called the scandalon...or the STUMBLING BLOCK...where people stumble over the SIMPLICITY of the CROSS. Wayne had a revelation of this.

Wayne was to be excommunicated from the Mormon church...and had the opportunity to go to a tribunal hearing. He did not have to go... but...he did. Wayne heard the charges laid against him...and stood up and in that kind of high pitched with a twist said....

"You guys are making this too hard." Then he quoted John 3:16...


Well...Wayne was not CLOWNING AROUND. He turned around...walked out...and walked right into the beginning of the greatest adventure a man could have....walking in the Spirit. The Lord gave Him...a perfect sole mate (sole for walking partner) Sunne.

I am a better man (blessed...belisimo) for having encounter the Holy Spirit...through Wayne and Sunne Gregg.

Love and Clown Like Kisses
Rodney "Don't Stumble Over The Cross" Boyd
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Blogger KT Gilbert said...

Rodney, Thank you so much for sharing this story - it really blessed me to hear the work of the Lord in and through the Body of Christ - it's a wonderful family. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful trip.


5:49 PM  

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