Friday, October 23, 2009


Greetings all of you rock n' rollers...thank ya...thank ya very much.

Many moons ago...when I was in that rockin' little band... Hosanna...I wrote a song...called The Ballad Of Vinnie. It was actually not a ballad...but a tasty little rocker telling the story of a young punk who thought that he was living the life... until he met Jesus. Over the years...the presentation evolved from band to...comic presentation.

Picture if you will...a mild mannered Speech Pathologist... in a white lab coat...relaying to a crowd the technical aspects of being a Speech Pathologist. As he drones on...out of nowhere comes the sounds of the 2001 A Space Oddessy theme appears. As the theme progress...there begins a transformation...from a mild manner Speech Pathologist...into Vinnie. An obscure brief case now becomes the focal point of what is it is dramatically opened in time to the pounding drums of the theme. Suddenly...a lovely assistant appears to hold a mirror as a handful of Brylcreame (a little dab will do ya) spread throughout his hair...and he combs it back into a greasers delight hair-do. A blue jean jacket is placed on his body...collar up...and silken scarfs (really polyester)...and a guitar is draped across his shoulders. By this time the 2001 Space Oddessy theme has turned into a rock and roll rhythm as the intro to C.C. Rider (Cochran's Circuit Riders)...and the transformation is complete. The music is potted down (tech term for turning down the volume as it fades to no sound). People are screaming...women are are amazed....and people are crying out..."Oooooooh Elvis."

The young man steps up to the microphone as says..."Thank ya...thank ya very much." and then he launches in to a rousing version of Blue Suede Shoes. After the crowd reaction dies down...the young man speaks..."My name is not Elvis...I am Elvis' 5th cousin...twice removed on my mama's side...Vinnie.

Vinnie launches into the song...his story of a transformation... that is more dramatic than any theatrics of some Speech Pathologist.


I use to rock n' roll... you know I'd do the stroll...long about Saturday night
You know I'd feel so fine...when I drank my wine
And I'd always end up in a fight
You know the women were there...Well I had a flair
And I never was alone
But why the emptiness...I feel like a mess
And there is a hollow feeling in my soul

NOTE: The first verse outlines the condition of Vinnie pre-Jesus

NOTE TO THE NOTE: The Elvis picture was Elvis at Stokely Athletic Center in Knoxville Tennessee circa 1972.

Then I was blinded by the know I fell on my God's sight
I said forgive my sins...and please come in...Lord Jesus show the way

NOTE: This is Vinnie's dramatic conversion experience

Now I'm a child of the King...He gave me His ring...and killed the fatted calf
You are the Shepherd...I am the sheep...Lord lead me by your rod and staff
I'm anointed with I never will spoil...cause I'm living under God's grace
I'm a royal priest to say the least...Jesus is running my race

NOTE: Living in sin...saved by grace...positioned in Christ.

I was blinded by the light...I fell on my knees in God's sight
I said forgive my sins...please come in
Lord Jesus lead the way...Lord Jesus lead the way...Lord Jesus lead the way......

NOTE: Time for a big Elvis ending...

I said Lord Jesus...please lead...lead the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay...Oh yeah


Well there ya have it...the curtain pulled back and look in the past of how Vinnie came into being. Sure... the collage shows a rubber Elvis head instead of Brylcream (less messy and easier to clean up)'s been 30 years since Vinnie first made an appearance...but he can still ROCK...because he is still standing on THE ROCK.

Love and Rockin' Kisses
Rodney "Go Vinnie Go" Boyd


Thanks Joel Oschele (spelled with love...even if it is wrong)for the use of the jaundice Elvis mask.
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