Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Hello clutter free friends and neighbors. I am a clutterer... to the chagrin of Brenda. I tend to collect...books...albums... Mad Magazines...mementos from days gone by. The cause and effect of my tendency to collect is clutter. At I sit in my office...where I study, prepare Bible Studies, pray, listen to music, get ready for the Ruminator Sunday School Class (as Brenda chants the mantra..."'s 8:10... you need to get into the shower....class is at 9:00.")...and I look around and I am OVERWHELMED by the clutter. As you can see in one of the zeniths of't...pretty!!

It is usually at this point...where I can't stand it any longer... that I "clean up." It's like when you work hard...sweat... keep working hard...keep sweating. You start to stink...from all of your hard work...but you can't smell yourself...BUT...then you get to a point where you begin to smell your self...and you realize...MAN...I STINK. At that takes a shower...soap up...rub-a-dub dub, and you can feel the stink (or for those who really stink....STANK)...peeling off of you...and down the drain. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh REFRESHING.

Sometimes I am like that with my SPIRITUAL LIFE. My life gets cluttered with talk radio, controversies, cares of this world, anxiety, worry, tension...and I enter into the ultimate STANK. I become entangled with "every encumbrance and THE SIN which so easily entangles us..." (Hebrews 12:1) My life is so cluttered...that I open the door to temptation, sin, and the flesh...and I find myself being being tempted to be drawn away from who I really am. NOTE: The purpose of temptation is not necessarily designed to pull you INTO something...but to DRAW YOU AWAY...from who you really are). I open the door of opportunity for the flesh in my life...
and walk in...(1) sin in general (2) the personal tripping up sin in my life. At this point...I need a DE-CLUTTERING!!!
NOTE: I have noticed a correlation of my cluttered spiritual life...and my cluttered office...and my cluttered car. In my car...AKA...THE ROLLING SANCTUARY...I tend to eat on the run...through my trash over into the passenger side...have grass and mud on the floor from getting in and out at patients house...and the clutter of paperwork that builds up in my back and front seat like a PAPER TIDAL WAVE...and I don't have a surfboard....YIKES...WIPEOUT!!!!

I have found that I can DE-CLUTTER...when I get back to THE WORD OF GOD.

"This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success." (Joshua 1:8). For me to PROSPER (have enough to meet my needs...and overflow to help others) and to have SUCCESS (accomplishing the purposes of God in my life)...I need a WORD FROM GOD...I need THE WORD OF GOD.

"The grass withers...the flower fades...BUT...the WORD OF GOD...shall STAND FOREVER." (Isaiah 40:8). In MY crazy, mixed up world...I need STABILITY. While the world shifts and changes...with economic upheaval...with political turbulence...with the sands of shifting world events...I need to be on something solid in my life.

"Therefore every one who hears these words of Mine (the Word from the lips of THE Word)...and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the ROCK. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against the house... (the clutter of life)...and yet DID NOT FALL...for it had been FOUNDED UPON THE ROCK. And every one who hears these words of Mine and does NOT ACT UPON THEM, will be like a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and IT FELL...and GREAT WAS ITS FALL."
(Matthew 7:24-27)

Are you having rain descending in your life...are the floods breaking against the walls of your life (those things that you have put up to protect yourself)...are the winds of life blowing and whirling and tearing up your life...are the combination of all of these things BURSTING against your edifice? Well...THAT'S LIFE...whether you are a Christian or not [Matthew 5:45]. What determines if your house stands or falls...or becomes dependant on what you do. You (1) Build on a good foundation [of the Word] (2) hear (the Word] (3) act [upon the Word].

What does this have to do with the clutter in my life? I have found that when I press into the Word of God...the clutter clears. Stuff still happens...but I am able to focus...on the came come... and I can stand against the storms in my life. When my life is cluttered...I am open to the storms...fear...etc.

In Genesis...where the Spirit of God was hovering/sweeping of a world that was without form...void... chaotic...and God SPOKE...WORDS...and brought ORDER into God speaks into my life... and brings DE-CLUTTERING into my CLUTTER. (Genesis 1)


The Word is full of references to the Word. Psalm 19...Psalm 119...John 1:1-14...Hebrews 4:12...II Timothy 3:16,17...just to name a few.

"How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Thy Word. Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee." (Psalm 119:9,11)

"How can a young man NOT keep his way pure? By NOT keeping it according to Thy Word." Thy Word have I NOT HID IN MY HEART...that I MIGHT SIN AGAINST THEE." (Psalm 119:9,11 The Cause and Effect Version)

"All Scripture is inspired (God-Breathed) by God and profitable (beneficial) for teaching, reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness (for de-cluttering in Rodney's life)...that the man of God may be adequate...EQUIPPED for every good work." (II Timothy 3:16-17)

Well...get you a concordance...and look up the Word of God...and see how beneficial THE WORD can be for DE-CLUTTERING...and bringing ORDER into your life.

Rodney "No Sand Foundation" Boyd
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Blogger Unknown said...

Good word Elderodo!
There is much "refreshing" that takes place when we take an active part in the 'ordering' of our lives. There is much that we cannot do... the washing, cleansing, forgiving act that only He can (we must be & do what we are called to do and allow Him to do what He does)but there is also much that we can & are called to do. God has never cleaned or organized my files BUT He has, at my beckoning, de-cluttered my heart, life, and desires so that my attention was brought back to what is important. Thereby freeing me to desire the order over the chaos. And though I am a Ford man... I'll borrow the jingle, "Oh what a feeling!"

Standing on the firm foundation but... still got sand in my shoes.

Love and a big moo,


7:56 AM  

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