Wednesday, November 02, 2011

CORAZON del FUEGO (The Heart of the Fire)

Greetings Mates.

Periodically I like to drag out this reignite the fire within me. This is simply the story on the lable of this fine hot sauce called CAPTAIN RODNEY'S HOT SAUCE...Pirates Gold...Corazon del Fuego...Heart of the Fire.

"For generations...explorers have searched for the fabled Corazon del Fuego, the heart of the fire. Captain Rodney has discovered the secrets of the heart, and for a price...he might be willing to share them with you. Using the famous Jamacian Scotch Bonnet Pepper and his own blend of spices, the Captain has captured and bottled the vey ESSENCE of fire. Not a sauce for the faint of heart, only the bravest can enter the HEART OF FIRE...the CORAZON del FUEGO. Signed...Captain Rodney Pirate Retired."

Whenever I read this story...I am reminded of the two disciples (one of them named Cleopas) walking on the road to Emmaus after the death of Jesus. Jesus appears to them.

"And it came about that when He had reclined at table with them, He took the bread and blessed it, and breaking it He began giving it to them. And their EYES WERE OPENED and they RECOGNIZED HIM and He vanished from their sight."

What an opportunity we have...every time we approach the communion table...the table of have our eyes freshly opened to recognize Him once more as we walk in this fallen world.


"And they said to one another...Were not our HEARTS BURNING WITHIN US...while He was speaking to us on the road, whle He was explaining the Scriptures to us."

Walking with Jesus...communion with Him...Scriptures explained...eyes opened...recogntion of Him...Corazon del Fuego...Hearts of Fire. This is where we and they get/got the revelation that

May the Lord do all of this as you walk with Him daily.

"He who has may commandments and keeps them...he it is who loves Me...and He who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him...and will disclose (manifest, reveal) Myself to him." (John 14:21)

Love and Burning Kisses
Rodney "The Lord Has really Risen" Boyd


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