Thursday, May 10, 2012

THE ART OF TOTAL DETOXIFICATION (spirit, soul, & body)

 Greetings and Salutations O Ye Human Beings.

How ya doing?  Are you feeling good?  Are you sick and tired of being SICK...and TIRED?  Do you sit around and wonder, "Why does everything happen to me?"  Is Mr. Arther Itis your personal friend? Are headaches, aches, pains, any any other disease or sickness...your personal cross to bear?  Who or What is the culprit that cause you to FEEL bad?  Do you think you are healthy because you FEEL good?  Of course we are talking about the condition of our bodies...but this idea carries over to how you feeling in your soul (mind,will, emotions) and how are you feeling in your spirit (the core of who you are)?  Sometimes (not all of the time) the body may have more visible indicators of how we are doing...but not always...because there can be overt (what you see) and covert (what you can't see).  The soul and the spirit can be hidden more effectively by jokes, smiles, and the guise of spirituality.

 This Rambling started out as a Facebook post where I stated in my status..."I need a total DETOX in my life...on a regular basis as I detox...remove things in my spirit, soul, and body.  Bad stuff in affects how I live my life.  Some of the stuff is just by living in this fallen and nitty gritty world...other things I put in myself by CHOICE."

Brenda and I are on a journey of trying to live a more healthy lifestyle.  Part of the process is detoxification of our bodies.  We have started eating differently and increasing working out, watching what we put in our bodies by eating more organically grown foods without the pesticides and herbicides on them,  avoiding meat injected with hormone and antibiotics, getting off of sugar and caffeine, drink more water (not straight out of the tap), getting adjustment from Dr. Peter Camilio at Revolution Chiropractics...and working out with his brother Stephen in the MAX T-3 workouts.  Also Thanx and a Tip O Da Hat to the entire staff at Revolution.  It is a process and a journey and we are not 100% yet on any of it...but step by step...getting there.

 Part of the journey it DETOXIFICATION where we take supplements...including the DAILY DETOX.  The process is that the toxins in our cells (either by just living life or by self-infliction by what we eat and drink) are collected...and then released  out of our bodies. 

I have stopped eating at every fast food place daily...and stopped going into every convenience market along the way and fill up not only with gas...but diet soda, candy, potato chips, Slim Jims, etc.  The cause and effect of these various changes in my life is feeling better, losing weight (that is not my goal), and not spending $8.00 to $10.00 a day on junk.  By the way...weight wise...I have lost from 280 pounds down to 254 pounds.

NOW...while my body is VERY important to me...and my health (the older I get) is increasing in my still does not take priority of my spiritual life (soul and spirit).  NOTE:  It is hard to separate my body life and my spiritual life.  Jesus is Lord over all of me...and if I can't physical do what the Lord wants...then I am in trouble.  With that said...I must DISCIPLINE myself for the purpose of godliness (I Timothy 4:7).  Bodily discipline is only of LITTLE PROFIT...but godliness is PROFITABLE for ALL THINGS, since it holds promise for the PRESENT LIFE and also for THE LIFE TO COME. (I Timothy 4:8)

The DETOX that I need for my SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE is in the area of (1) speech (what I think and say) (2) conduct (what I do)  (3) love (what motivates me (4) faith (what I believe)
(5) purity (what I allow into my spirit and soul).  Just like there are things that I have to do to DETOX my body...there are THINGS that I must do to DISCIPLINE/DETOX my spiritual life.  These things include (1) Give attention to the public reading of Scripture (2) Give attention to exhortation (3) Give attention to teaching (4) Don't neglect the spiritual gift within me (5) Take pains with these things
(6) Be absorbed in these things (7) Pay close attention to myself ((8) Pay close attention to my teaching
(9) Persevere in these things (I Timothy 4:13-16)  NOTE: These things are written to Paul's son in the faith...but I really think they can apply to us also.

Of course the ULTIMATE the DETOXIFICATION OF SIN in our lives.  This comes from (1) The Blood of Jesus shed on the cross for our sins (2) The light of God (3) Repentance with a change of mind, heart, attitude and direction. (4) D.B.R...DEATH, BURIAL, RESURRECTION OF JESUS...NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS (5) The Holy Spirit and Power/Dunamis (dynamic ability)/Exousia (delegated authority) (See John 1:5-John 2:2)

"So REPENT--change your mind and your purpose; turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased [blotted out, wiped clean], that TIMES OF REFRESHING--of RECOVERING from the effects of heat, of REVIVING with FRESH AIR--may come from THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD." (Acts 3:19)

Well...there ya go...The Art of DETOXIFICATION (spirit, soul, and body).

Love and Detoxified Kisses
Rodney "Living Da Life" Boyd