Tuesday, October 23, 2012


 Greetings and Salutation O Ye Rumblers...as opposed to Grumblers... that need some help to not be Stumblers.

The question is...in the first picture collage...what do all of these people and things have in common.  The first picture is one of a license plate from New Jersey...The Garden State.  Just below is Dr. Peter Camiolo...my Doctor at Revolution Chiropractic (Maximized Living)...followed by Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) and George Forman...with announcer Michael Buffer circling up to a picture of some bumps along the side of a roadway.  What do the all have in common?  I'm glad you asked.  The answer is...the word RUMBLE.  So...as Mr. Buffer opens various sporting events (especially boxing)...."Let's get ready to Rrrruuuuummmmmbbbblllllleeeee!!!!!!!!

 This second picture is known as a RUMBLE STRIP.  The common thread of the Rumble Strip in the above collage is...Ali and Forman in there fight known as the RUMBLE in the jungle.  Of course Michael Buffer made the phrase "let's get ready to RUMBLE" a household phrase.  Dr. Peter Camiolo (aka Dr. Pete)...a Jersey boy...pointed out at the seminar last seek called THE CANCER KILLERS...that this thing called the RUMBLE STRIP was invented in The Garden State...New Jersey.

I love these things called RUMBLE STRIPS.  I have more than once been alerted that I was drifting to the right of the road by the bumpy wake up called (bumpity bump versus hippity hop)...and needed to correct my car... to get back on the road.  RUMBLE STRIPS are also known as SLEEPER LINES or AUDIBLE LINES.  They were first implemented in 1952 on the Garden State Parkway in New Jersey.

Dr. Pete wondered aloud about how great it would be if we had these RUMBLE STRIPS in our everyday lives....to warn us that we are getting off the pathway...and we need to get back to safety. 

NOTE:  At this point...when he said that...I felt a Rambling coming on.

NOTE #2: One of my brothers in the Lord from Africa (John) that I met in Kenya in 2001, calls the Ruminator Ramblings...the RUMBLINGS.

I mean...how great would that be?  If the RUMBLE STRIPS could be applied to our everyday lives...from everything to when we stray from the right way...about to enter into the wrong way in our morality, our eating/health, our relationships, our everything.  For example you begin to open your mouth...and insert you foot by saying something stupid...and your body begins to shake and quake because of your INTERNAL RUMBLE STRIP...and you quickly shut your mouth and don't say what your disengaged mouth begins to utter in your engaged mouth.  If your wife says..."Do I look fat in this dress?"...and you begin to say..."Yes you do."...and you feel the RUMBLE and answer accordingly. If you are doing so well on your live-it (not your die-it)...and you are about to pig out on stuff you know you should not eat (from candy to cokes...to fill in the blank)...and you have a pre-emptive RUMBLE versus the post RUMBLE of your upset tummy.  If you are about to enter into some major sin that will ruin your life (from adultery to taking drugs to gossip)...and you feel the bumpity bump and instead of backsliding you get back on the pathway of righteousness.

Well...as believers we do have a SPIRITUAL RUMBLE STRIP...known as the combination of various bumps on the roadside...consisting of (1) Bump #1 The Holy Spirit in our lives (2) Bump #2 The Mind of Christ (3)  Bump #3  The Body of Christ with brothers and sisters where there is safety in a multitude of counselors (4) Bump #4  The Word of God...the Manufacturers Handbook

As these components of our SPIRITUAL RUMBLE STRIP are laid out...and as soon as one or more of these RUMBLES shakes us awake...it brings us BACK to SAFETY for our continued journey.


I was reading about RUMBLE STRIPS that could be set in specific audio frequencies on the spacing of the grooves and the speed of the automobile...and creates "musical roads"...known as "singing shoulders."  Wow...I can only thing how this could be intertwined with our PRAISES and when the praise lines up with the singing shoulders...we would be in harmony with the road...or more like the Creator  of my road.  Ramble On With the Rumblings.

Love and Rumbling Kisses
Rodney "Bumpity Bump" Boyd

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