Well...welcome to Part 2 of our Adventures of Zombie Slaying...or that FLESH nature that tends to raise it's ugly head periodically and try to recaputre you and drag you back into your old way of life. As you can tell from our first picture...we are still referring to my favorite B-Movies. This first picture is from what some have called THE WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIMES. That's right...PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE. Sometimes I feel as if these walking dead are trying to fulfill their PLAN in my life...but never fear...we have WEAPONS.
When the sun is slowly setting...and the fear begins to creep you realize that those things that should be dead...will be coming for you bring you down to their level...the level of the living dead. In our last Rambling...we began to explore how what shouldbe DEAD in our lives...will sometimes...appear to REANIMATE themselves...and begin to pull us BACK DOWN to where we were before we were believers. Sometimes we FEEL HOPELESS...because over and over and over again...we have tried not to do certain things...and we fail...we feel condemned...and we reason that we can't live the life...we MIGHT AS WELL NOT EVEN TRY. Well...just like Vincent Price in that great flick...THE LAST MAN ON EARTH...he faced the same thing...whenever the SUN WOULD GO DOWN. Let's look at some ot the things that he used to combat these ZOMBIES...and see if there is any correlation with any of the weaponry that we have at our combat our reanimated FLESH MONSTERS.
Here are a couple of things you need to know before you begin:
(1) Jesus Christ has done everything that there is to be done when he (a) allowed Himself to be crucified (b) when He was buried (c) when He was resurrected...raised from the dead. There is nothing else that we can do to add to that fact. We will talk more about this point.
(2) You have what is known as will...the right to choose what you do. Flesh is not an excuse to SIN. The power of SIN has been broken...and you have POWER to stand against it. POWER= (a) exousia which is delegate authority from the top...backing power (b) dunamis which is dynamic ability to carry out the exousia.
3. Our enemies are not NATURAL...and neither is our weaponry.
"For though we walk IN THE FLESH (our human bodies...not the flesh nature)...we do not ware according to the flesh, for the WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE are not of the flesh, but DIVINELY POWERFUL for the DESTRUCTION OF FORTRESSES (pulling down of strongholds). We are destroying SPECULATIONS and every LOFTY THING raised up against the KNOWLEDGE of God, and we are TAKING EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish ALL DISOBEDIENCE, whenever your obedience is complete. You are looking at things as they are OUTWARDLY..." (II Corinthians 10:3-7)
"For our STRUGGLE is not against FLESH and BLOOD (humans)..but against (a) the rulers (b) the powers (c) world forces of this darkness (d) against the spiritual forces of wickedness... in HEAVENLY PLACES" (Ephesians 6:12)
Now...let's take a look at Vincent Price's bag of weaponry that he used...and see what we can use against some of the LIES that rise up against us. They will work with either the old nature trying to recapture us...or some scheme of the devil (little d) to pull us away from who we really are...or just plain old we journey in this land of life that we call nitty gritty.

"And this is the message that we have heard from Him and announce to you, that GOD IS LIGHT and in Him there is NO DARKNESS at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not PRACTICE THE TRUTH, but if we WALK IN THE He Himself is IN THE LIGHT, we have fellowship (something in common) with one another and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from ALL SIN."
In vampire/zombie thing that they can't stand is LIGHT. They only come out at night. It was in the light that Vincent Price could GET HIS REST. It was in the light that he could accomplish his work and prepare for the attacks that will come (and they will come against us) in the night. In any dracuala (little d) movie...there would always be the showdown...where the hero would be fighting against the evil...and old drac would inevitably lose track of time...and the hero would drag himself over to the them down and the LIGHT OF THE RISING SUN (RISEN SON)...would shine it's rays on little a laser beam...and his strength would be zapped and depleted..and eventually die or shrivel up like an orange peel in the sun.
As TRUE the D.B.R...nothing more...nothing less...we are called to "walk in the light as He Himself is in the light." Our first weapon is to walk in forgiveness...because we ARE forgiven...the accuser has nothing to throw at su. As we WALK IN THE LIGHT.. our sins are REVEALED...and as our sins are revealed we
(1) confess them...homolegos them...say the same word that God says about them (2) apply the blood of Jesus to them to be cleansed (3) have fellowship with other believers (have fellowship with God Himself. When we WALK IN THE darkness can have ANY POWER over us.
These zombies/vampires/creeps...are just like COCKROACHES...they scatter when the light is turned on. As we WALK IN THE the enemy is the schemes are BROUGHT TO THE LIGHT...we must then (like the Old Orkin Man)...find the NEST...where the enemy retreats to so they can regroup, reproduce, and replicate each other... and deal with them at the root level...and not just the surface, superfical stuff...and REVELATION is the first step. The other weapons will help to deal with the flesh...sins (plural: what we do)...and sin (singular: who we were). Go to a good concordance and begin to look up some LIGHT scriptures.
NEXT TIME: The Garlic Connection
Love and Light Kisses
Von Rodsing...or woulth that be Van Heavnsing..surely not Van Helsing
NOTE: Van Helsing was the one who fought against the evil dracula...with the same weaponry that we are using.

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