Saturday, December 09, 2006


Merry CHRISTmas and Happy HOLYdays. In a politically correct charged world...and a world that is overwhelmed by the greedy commercialization of the season...I want to offer to you the REASON for the SEASON. It's not all for the children...but for the world. the celebration of the entrance of the Savior of the world. God chose to use a small a small country...through improbable circumstances and situations to allow a KING to be born in a very unkingly like place.

I personally like the trappings of Christmas. I like the songs...the movies...the gift giving...the tree trimming...the feast...the peace on earth good will towards men attitude that some people adopt at least once a year. I love a sip of egg nog...lights on the tree...candy canes...a bowl of mixed nuts and a nutcracker close by...the tensil, wreaths, presents under the tree, the joy on the face of a child, the mystery, the feeling...yes and even the old fat, jolly, Santa Claus (really a representation of St. Nicholas).

It is sad that a few the incarnation of God in the flesh...Jesus the living Word...would try to X out Christ (XMAS).

NOTE: XMAS is not in reality taking Christ out of the Word. The X is the first letter of Christ in the Greek language...but for does X out Christ out of the name of the Christ Mass.

From a purely secular point of view...the merchants had better bring Christ back into Christmas...because Hannaka and Kwanza...or any other "holiday" you want to throw in...will not translate in to cash flow.

Back in the early days of the JESUS MOVEMENT (late 60's and early 70's)...there was guy named RANDY STONEHILL who had a song called CHRISTMAS SONG FOR ALL YEAR 'ROUND. If you get a chance... give it a listen. It expresses the sentiment of this Rambling. Hey...come on over to the house for a cup of nog...and we'll give it a listen.


I wonder if this Christmas...they'll begin to understand

The Jesus that they celebrate is much more than a man

Cause the way the world is I don't see how people can deny

The only way to save us was for Jesus Christ to die

And I know that if Saint Nicholas was here...he would agree

That Jesus gave the greatest gift of all to you and me

They led him to the slaughter on a hill called Calvary

And mankind was forgiven...when they nailed Him to a tree

But most of all the children...they're the ones I hope will learn

That Jesus is our Saviour and He's going to return

And Christmas isn't just a day...and all days aren't the same

Perphaps they''' think about the word and see it spells His name

So Merry Christmas...Merry Christmas...Merry Christmas

I wonder if this Christmas...they'll begin to understand?

Merry CHRISTmas and Happy HOLYdays to you and yours.

Love and HOLY Kisses

Rodney "Ho Ho Holydays" Boyd


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