Monday, October 01, 2007


Hello friends...just a friendly reminder that on October 3, 2006...Wednesday night at Smyrna Assembly...starting at 7:00...will be the beginning session of THE ART OF BIBLICAL MEMORY CLASS (Scripture Memorization Ruminator Style).

The class is based on The Navigator's Topical Memory System. We will be focusing on the first section of the Topical Memory System...THE WHEEL. The principles that you learn while memorizing the 12 will be able to apply with the total 60 verses...if you desire.

This system was first envisioned by a man named Dawson Trotman...the founder of the Navigators (a parachurch organization called along side to help the church)...who started by reaching out to servicemen. He was convinced that men/women...needed to be discipled once they received Jesus...and the main teacher...along with the Holy Spirit was the WORD OF GOD. NOTE: A great biography about Dawson Trotman is DAWS by Betty Skinner.
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of God shall stand forever." Isaiah 40:8

Many things shift, turn, fail...but the Word of God is constant.

In THE ART OF BIBLICAL MEMORY...we will not only learn memory principles as we memorize individual verses...but we will also be studying the surrounding context...see how it applies not only to when it was written...but also for the by day lifestyle.

The a Sunday School class (meeting every Sunday morning at 9:00 at Smyrna Assembly in Ruminator Central (aka the Fellowship Hall). The class is based on Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law (The Word)...shall not depart from your mouth...but you shall MEDITATE (haw-gaw) on it (The Word) day and night SO that you may be careful to DO...according to all that is written in it (The Word); for then you will make your way PROSPEROUS, and then you will have SUCCESS."

The word for haw-gaw...and means to mutter under you breath (in your mouth), contemplate, meditate. The Latin word for MEDITATE is to RUMINATE. There are various animals that are ruminants...and are distinguished by the fact that they chew their food...swallow it...process it through 4 chambers of the stomach...and regurgitate the processed food into the form of a CUD...and then slowly CHEW THE CUD. Notice the cow...standing in the field...looking off into space...CHEWING THE CUD...contemplating why human beings drive by them and hang their head out of the window and begin to moo. RUMINATORS....we CHEW on the WORD OF a COW CHEWS THE CUD.

I look forward to seeing some of you in class Wednesday.

Love and Cud-Chewing Kisses
Rodney "I Hope I Remember To Come To Class" Boyd
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