Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Greetings O Ye Weather Watchers...the Weather Report for today...

"Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it." (Attributed to Mark Twain but not verified.  Could be a friend of Mark Twain, Charles Dudley Warner in an editorial)

"An the weather Texas...Chili today and Hot Tamale." (Unknown)

"It's raining cats and dogs...a real frog strangler." (Unknown)

In 1933...Ethel Waters first sang the song at the Cotton Club in Harlem...and then recorded the song in the same year.  Since then everyone from Billie Holiday to Frank Sinatra have sung this lament of love.

STORMY WEATHER (Harold Arlen and Ted Kochler)

Don't know why there's no sun up in the sky...Stormy Weather
Since my man and I ain't together...keeps rainin' all the time
Life is bare, gloom and mis'ry everywhere...Stormy Weather
Just can't get my poor self together
I'm weary all the weary all the time
When he went away...the blues walked in and met me
If he stays away...old rockin' chair will get me

All I do is PRAY THE LORD above will let me WALK IN THE SUN ONCE MORE
Can't go on, ev'ry thing I had is gone...Stormy Weather
Since my man and I ain't together...keeps rainin' all the time

NOTE:  In 1951 she wrote her autobiography called HIS EYE IS ON THE SPARROW.  She also is associated with this song...and later in life toured with the Billy Graham crusade for many years.  In the song STORMY WEATHER...she prayed to the Lord to" walk in the sun once more"...any she sang the answer...His Eye Is On The Sparrow.

According to the Gospel According to Matthew...this thing called STORMY no respecter of persons.

"Therefore EVERY ONE who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock.  And the RAIN descended, and the FLOODS came, and the WINDS blew, and BURST against that house; and yet it DID NOT FALL...for it had been FOUNDED/BUILT UPON THE ROCK." (Matthew 7:24-25)

Hmmmm...rain, floods, winds bursting agains the house....sounds like STORMY WEATHER.  Notice it came against a wise man.  Now compare the same STORMY WEATHER against the foolish man.

"And EVERY ONE who hears these words of Mine, and DOES NOT ACT upon them...will be like a foolish man...who BUILT HIS HOUSE UPON THE SAND.  And the RAIN  descended...and the FLOODS came...and the WINDS blew...and BURST against that house; and IT FELL...and GREAT WAS IT'S FALL." (Matthew 7:26-27)

Do you feel the STORMY WEATHER of this the Land Of Nitty Gritty...BURSTING against you.  Well...don't think that God is out to get you.  Realize that the STORMS comes against FOOLS and WISE MEN.  Focus not so much on the much as your FOUNDATIONS.  Is your house built on SAND...or ROCK.  This will determine if you stand or have a fall...and not just a fall...A GREAT FALL (and I don't mean a great time looking at the  beautiful trees in Autumn).

The world as we know it is crumbling. People are trying to shore up their sandy foundations with everything from politics, to economics,  religion and self-religion to agnostic views of kinda believin' and hopin' God is real to the atheist view of no God and worship of themselves at the altar of humanism with the high priest of science. They numb themselves with whatever pleasure opiate they can ingest into their minds and bodies in hope that the pain of fear and loneliness of the STORMY WEATHER will subside...but the RAIN continues to descend...the FLOODS continue to overflow the rivers of life...the WINDS of doubt, anxiety, worry, fear, unbelief continue to blow...and all of these combined...BURSTS against our houses/lives...all the while with the SAND FOUNDATION crumbles.


Lord...I need my house built on THE ROCK...and not only a ROCK SOLID FOUNDATION...but also an EDIFICE that can stand against the STORMY WEATHER OF LIFE

"The NAME OF THE a STRONG TOWER...the righteous runs into it...and IS SAFE."
(Pro-Verbs 18:10)

ON CHRIST THE SOLID ROCK (by Edward Mote 1834)

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly lean on Jesus name

On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand.

Love and Rock Solid Kisses
Rodney "Standing On The ROCK...With My Name On the ROLL"

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