THE BENEFITS: Clause #2 Medical

(Psalm 103:1,2)
The heartbeat of God is HEALING. The heartbeat of the devil is SICKNESS and DISEASE. Healing is a BLESSING... SICKNESS and DISEASE is a CURSE.
"You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power and how He went about doing good and HEALING all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him." (Acts 10:38)
When you look at the four gospels...and take into account every incidence of Jesus healing and delivering people (there were 40 accounts) are reading the will of God. Every incidence was not God teaching, rebuking, chastening, inflicting His will on His people...but it was...OPPRESSION by the devil. Jesus came to DESTROY the works of the devil.(I John 3:8)

Once again...the D.B.R. is the springboard for forgiveness of sins...and healing for the body. Sometimes we think that if someone gets sick, gets prayed for and then dies in their sickness...that healing must not be real...BUT that is no more true than if you pray for someone to get saved...and then they die and go to hell. That does not make Jesus' propitiation and suffering on the cross anymore less real. If sickness and disease is the will of God that He uses either to teach us lessons, chastizing...or is just the way it is que sera sera...then never ever take medicine or go to a doctor or hospital and try to get out of the will of God.
These are a few Scripture Verses that will help you get a Proper Mindset as you access the Healing Provision of the Benefits Package. Keep your focus on the Word not the sickness/disease. Don't deny the sickness and disease...but don't allow it to consume you. If you can...look up these verses in The AMPLIFIED BIBLE...plug in and crank it up to 10. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by THE WORD OF CHRIST.
(Romans 10:17) "Without FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him, for he who COMES to God must BELIEVE that He IS, and that He is a REWARDER of those who DILIGENTLY SEEK Him. (Hebrews 11:6)
Exodus 15:26Diligent Taking of The Medicine
Exodus 23:25-26Healing mist in the Midst
Deuteronomy 7:14-15 Evil Disease
Deuteronomy 30:19-20 The Blessing/Curse Buffet: Choose
I Kings 8:56 The Word Factor
Psalm 91:9-10, 14-16 The Dwelling Place
Psalm 103:1-5 The Benefit Package
Psalm 107:8,19-21 Distress Delivery System
Psalm 118:17 Declaration of Dependence
Proverbs 4:20-23 Eye Candy
Isaiah 40:29,31 Dr. Eagle
Isaiah 41:10 Nada Fear Factor
Isaiah 53:4-5 Saving Stripes
Jeremiah 1:12 Word Watch
Jeremiah 30:17 Restoration Station
Joel 3:10 Weak Speak
Nahum 1:9 No Encore
Matthew 8:2-3 Leaping Lepers
Matthew 8:16-17 Isaiah 53 Manifested
Matthew 15:30-31 Jesus in Action
Matthew 18:18-19 Word Power
Matthew 21:21 Boycott Doubt
Mark 9:23 Oh The Possibilities
Mark 10:27 Possiblities: Man vs. God
Mark 11:22-24 HAVE IT
Mark 16:14-18 Marching Orders
John 10:10 Thief Modus Operandi
Acts 5:16 The Cure
Acts 10:38 The Will Manifested
Romans 4:16-21 Dried Seed and Womb Tomb
Romans 8:2,11 Resurrection Power Unlimited
Romans 8:5-8 Mind Set
II Corinthians 4:18 Temporary Sight
II Corinthians 10:3-5 Weapons of Mass Destruction
Galatians 3:13-14, 29 Curse Freedom
Ephesians 6:10-17 Scheme Buster
Philippians 1:6 Start and Finish
Philippians 2:13 The Working Will
Philippians 4:6,7 Mind Guard
Philippians 4:8-10 Where Your Dwellin' Will Be Tellin'
II Timothy 1:7 Love...Power...Sound Mind Mentality
Hebrews 10:23, 35-36 Confession Possession (Hold On)
Hebrews 11:11 The Sarah Example
Hebrews 13:8 Same As Always
James 4:7 Resistence Force
James 5:14-16 Sick Day Protocol
I Peter 2:24 Isaiah 53/Romans 8:17: Peter Connection
I John 3:21-22 Clear Conscience
I John 5:14-15 Asking Rules
III John 3:2 More Than A Greeting: God's Will Prayed
Revelation 12:11 Overcoming Tactics
Love and Healing
Rodney "Your H.R. Director" Boyd

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