Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me...bless His holy name. Bless the Lord O my soul, and forget none of His BENEFITS.
So often we FORGET all of His benefits (or we act like they are not in effect)...especially when we are in the middle of needing His benefits...but we are told to forget NO NOT ONE...of His benefits...and I ignore YES ALL OF THEM. Today, we will cover the first of those benefits: WHO PARDONS ALL YOUR INIQUITES.
PARDON: To forgive, pardon, spare
INIQUITIES: Moral evil, fault, mischief, sin

"As it is written...there is NONE righteous...NO NOT ONE." (Romans 3:10). "For ALL have SINNED and fallen short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) The cause and effect of sin is DEATH. We are Dead Men Walking in our sentence of death..."Therefore, just as through one man (Adam) in entered into the world, and death through sin (the penalty) death SPREAD to all men (you and me) because ALL (you and me) SINNED." (Romans 5:12) We need a PARDON...that is far above what some earthly judge or President can give to us. We need to access our BENEFIT PLAN and tap into the PARDON clause of that plan.

"He saved us...not on the BASIS OF DEEDS which we have done in righeousness...but according to HIS the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit." (Titus 3:5)
"If we CONFESS (come into agreement with God) our SINS (iniquities)... He is faithful and righteous to FORGIVE us our sins and to CLEANSE us from ALL unrighteousness." (I John 1:9)
To be PARDONED from ALL our INIQUITIES...we must first admit that we have iniquities...then realize that there is nothing that we can do to clean up our act...and accept the satisfaction...the propitiation...for our sins. That would be the D.B.R. Death...Burial...and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Then we must confess (say the same thing that God says about our sins)...and accept the cleansing power of the BLOOD OF THE LAMB...and realize that Jesus Christ...hung on the cross in our place.
Now you can argue with the judge all that you want...trying to convince Him that Jesus' substitue was not enough and try to work your way into a PARDON...but it is already done. When Jesus said IT IS WAS.
NEXT TIME: Benefit #2 The Disease Clause
Love and PARDONED Kisses
Rod "Free At Last" Boyd

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