Friday, January 26, 2007


Hello any good books lately? As a service to the readers of the Ruminator Ramblings...I like to recommend various things. Sometimes I may recommend an eatery...or a record (aka CD)...or something to read.

Today Readin' Rod would like to recommend a book by one of my favorite Bible teachers/speakers...Mr. Jack Hayford. Papa Jack is the senior pastor of the Church on the Way...a Foursquare church of Van Nuys, California. He writes books and songs...his most famous song being MAJESTY. I like the way Jack speaks...and I like the way he writes...because he writes like he speaks. He speaks with intelligence and style...but brings it down to a simple and practical level..and he writes the same way.

I am recommending a book by Mr. Hayford called PURSUING THE WILL OF GOD (Reflections and Meditations on the Life of Abraham). The book is only 178 pages...and it is an easy read...but for study purposes...get ready to hunker down...and dig deeply into the Word of God.

The premise of the book is that Abram...received a call from God... and in obedience Abram set off in obedience to follow the will of God. Abraham...the Father of Faith...of the Jews...and us. A cursory overview of the chapter headings reveals the theme of God in the life of Abraham...and the theme of God in the life of you and me.

Chapter 1: The Commitment to God's Will
Chapter 2: Muddling Your Way in the Will of God
Chapter 3: Settling Problems in the Will of God
Chapter 4: Warfare in the Will of God
Chapter 5: Learning to Walk in the Dark
Chapter 6: How to Deal with the Flesh
Chapter 7: Responding to God's Presence
Chapter 8: Faith Comes Out of Hiding
Chapter 9: The Power of Total Commitment
Chapter 10: The Ultimate in God's Will

Many people seek the WILL of God in their lives. Many people start off with a blazing desire to obey God...and fulfill His PURPOSES in their lives..but find themselves falling short. They live their live is SPIRITUAL they are pulled between their will...and God's will. Bob Mumford (another favorite teacher/author) wrote about the WILL OF His book THE KING AND YOU (wow...a double reading recommendation)...about the WILL OF GOD.

"We need to understand that there are two DIFFERENT words used in the Greek for our English word WILL, as it is used throughout Scripture. One is BOULEMA, the other is THELEMA. BOULEMA means...the eternal counsels of God which are unfolding through the ages---His purpose...His determination. it is going to be done whether you and I like it or not...God's intention WILL come to pass. However...THELEMA, which means GOD'S WISH or DESIRE...most often depends upon the RESPONSE of each individual for fulfillment."
(Bob Mumford: The King and You)

In Chapter one of PURSING THE WILL OF GOD...Mr. Hayford shows some interesting aspects of the WILL of God...and some misconceptions on the part of we pursue His will.

1. Age is not a factor: Abraham was 75 years old when he departed from Haran in obedience to God
(Genesis 12:14)

2. Don't pull up short of God's destination for you: Abraham started out great guns on an 800 mile
journey to the land of Canaan...but stopped 300 miles of the journey and settled in at Haran. He
went 5/8ths of the way. Terah...Abrams father...died in Haran. It made me wonder...what is the
Haran in my life?

3. No one said it would be EASY: God called a land...that was INHABITED by a group
of people called CANANNITES. Just because you are meeting opposition in your pursuit in the
will of God...does not mean that you are NOT in the WILL OF the midst of trials, troubles,
and tribulations. "In the middle of that darkness and sin and chaos...God CALLED HIS MAN,
Abraham...WALKING IN THE LORD'S WILL...found himself squarely in the CENTER of a
culture that was an abomination to God." "God's will can lead us directly into some dark places,
heavy times, and difficult circumstances."

4. God calls us from our COMFORT ZONES: God's will...will at time...lead us from a place of
the familiar to a place of unknown.

5. When you are faced with hard times in your pursuit of the is time to SEEK His face...and His
WILL with a RENEWED INTENSITY: It is a time of stretching...and that is not comfortable...but it is necessary. As Jack states: "the Lord will STRETCH you in the area where you find your SECURITY."

6. By FAITH: "By FAITH Abraham OBEYED when he was CALLED to GO out to the PLACE which he would RECEIVE as an inheritance. He WENT OUT...NOT KNOWING...WHERE HE WAS GOING." (Hebrews 11:8) Jack states: "I love that. He went out...not knowing where he was going. 'Where ya goin' Abraham? Don't know. Well...why are you doing it? Because THE LORD CALLED ME."

These are just a few of the BULLET POINTS in chapter 1.

If you are hungry to follow the WILL OF GOD...his eternal purposes for you...his wish and desire for you...God has placed it in your you OBEY.

Pursuing The Will Of God
Jack Hayford
ISBN 1-57673-079-4

I hope this review...wetted your appetite...and encourage you as you may be facing some CANANNITES as you pursue the will of God.

Love and Well Read Kisses
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