Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Howdy-do fellow travellers of the space-time continuum. How is your TODAY doing? Sometimes we get so anchored to our PAST... that our PRESENT is so affected that we can't envision a FUTURE.

If you don't mind...by a show of hands...how many use to watch The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show? Yes...I see that hand. On the show was a cartoon with Mr. Peabody and his assistant Sherman. They would set the controls on a machine called the WAY BACK MACHINE... that would transport them back into time at some historical event. They would then affect history by intervening with some famous figure who otherwise would have missed their moment of destiny... thus altering the course of history as we know it.

In previous Ramblings...I have voice my love for movies that deal with time travel. H.G. Wells with his classic The Time Machine is one of my favorites...as well as the movie of the same name. TRIVIA QUESTION: What horse owner was in this movie?

If only we could get in a machine...and go back and correct our foibles, mistakes, glitches...and change the course of our future. I've always said, "If I could live my life over...knowing what I know now, things would be different."...or would they. A lot of the premise of these time travelling movies is that now matter how hard you try to change the past...destiny steps in...and nothing changes. The course of history is set and we are merely along for the ride...like a roller coaster.

Various religions prescribe to the hope that if you do right...then the roll of the dice of Karma...will reincarnate yourself back to a higher state of being. If you do bad...your Instant Karma's gonna get you...and you will be reincarnated back as a flea in Uncle Abdul's armpit. Time Cop with Jean Claude Van Damme... Somewhere In Time with Christopher Reeves...Back To The Future with Michael J. Fox...multiple Twilight Zone episodes...The Time Tunnel and a plethera of other films and shows come to mind as some of my favorites. QUESTION: What is your favorite time travel movie/T.V. Show?

My past (YESTERDAY)...my present (TODAY)...and my future (FOREVER)... are covered...by JESUS...and I don't need a machine to take me back to change anything.

"Jesus Christ is the same YESTERDAY and TODAY, yes and FOREVER."
(Hebrews 13:8) The means of the change is our old friend D.B.R...NOTHING MORE...NOTHING LESS. That's right...we are back to the CROSS...the DEATH...the BURIAL...the RESURRECTION...NOTHING MORE...NOTHING LESS.

By his vicarious propitiary substitute...he deals with who we were...with his death...he deals with our old nature, who we are...and with his resurrection he deals with who we are in him now and in the future. By his cross...by his mercy...by his grace...he deals with our sin nature...our sins that are outworkings of our sin nature...and brings conforms us into His image by a moment by moment proces where the inward change is manifested into outward revelation. Ultimately...he is coming back to seal our future with Him.
(I Corinthians 15:1-8)

"And we KNOW that God causes ALL THINGS (the good, the bad the ugly...and the past, the present and future)...to work together for GOOD...to those who love God...to those who are CALLED according to HIS PURPOSE." (Romans 8:29)

"Therefore if ANY MAN/WOMAN is IN CHRIST(who is the same yesterday, today, forever)...he is a NEW CREATURE...the OLD things passed away...behold NEW THINGS have come (are constantly coming)." (II Corinthians 5:17)

Lord...thank you for saving me...forgiving...of my past...and Lord...thank you for daily bearing my burdens and giving me the means for receiving forgiveness everytime I blow it by confession, repenting and your BLOOD...Lord...thank you for leading me into your will and preparing me for your return.

Love and Timely Kisses
Rod "On Time" Boyd
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