Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Greetings and Saluatations to all. Have you failed a test lately? Are you bummed out? Well...just because you failed a test...does not mean that you are a failure. In our last Rambling... we talked about how we need to be periodically CALIBRATED... to make sure we are UP TO STANDARD...for the maximum operating potential. We do it with cars...oxygen equipment...physical checkups...why not our SPIRITUAL LIFE.

"Caaaaaalibraaation come on let's calibrate and have a good time"
(Sung to the tune of Celebration by Kool and the Gang)

"Calibrate...Calibrate...dance to the music" (Sung to the tune of Celebrate by Three Dog Night)

"We gotta Calibrate this heartbeat." (Sung to the tune of Celebrate This Heartbeat by Randy Stonehill)

When you are sitting back enjoying an evening of T.V...when you least expect it...a testing of the Emergency Broadcasting System comes on to check the system. A loud noise comes on...the picture changes to something other than your favorite sit-com...and an ominous voice proclaims that...THIS IS A TEST... IT IS ONLY A TEST...IN THE CASE OF A REAL EMERGENCY YOU WILL BE INSTRUCTED TO TURN TO SOME FREQUENCY ON YOUR RADIO. Then after 60 seconds...you return to your regular programming. I know I feel safer.

IT'S TEST TIME!!!! "TEST yourselves to see if you are IN THE FAITH; EXAMINE yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that JESUS CHRIST is in you...unless you FAIL THE TEST. (II Corinthians 13:5)

If only I had examined myself...I could have avoided years of heartache... not only for myself...but for all the people that I touch in my life. (more of this to follow in future Ramblings about It's A Wonderful Sozo)

Every year we have to go to the Emissions Testing Center...to have our cars tested to make sure that we have the proper amount of pollutants coming out of our tailpipes. It is a PASS/FAIL system. If you pass...you can get your care registration...if you fail...TRY AGAIN. Yo then take your car to a mechanic who will TWEEK you care and you go back and hopefully you will PASS...or you will go onto the interstate...and drive 120 MPH with the hopes that something will jar loose and you can pass. Of course you risk the chance of being pulled over by the police for going 120 MPH...and paying a hefty fine on top of your emissions check.

Back in the 50's and 60's...we would have Atomic Bomb Test Drills...when we would receive a signal...and we would crawl under our desk in a ball in the case of an attack. This was pre-911 attack and never dreamed that a test like this would be needed.

In previous Ramblings...Pre-Blog... I have written about how important it is for us to test ourselves to see if we are IN THE FAITH...versus...being OUT OF THE FAITH. I sent out the HOLY GHOST EMISSIONS TEST 2000. It is time for the revised HOLY GHOST EMISSIONS TEST 2006 (almost 2007).

Before you take the test UNDERSTAND THIS...it is only a test...in the case of a real spiritual emergency...you will be instructed to run to the Lord as quickly as you can.


1. This is not desinged to make you feel BAD about where you in your
walk with the Lord.

2. There is none righteous...no not one (Romans 3:10)

3. It is only an indicator that points out areas where we need to tighten
up our walk.

4. You...in your own flesh...can't do it. You need the help of the Holy

5. I personally am perfect and came out with 100% on the test. There is
no need for you to write me and point out my shortcomings.


Keep in mind that the ONLY WAY that you could possibly DO any of thes things found in the check list would to: (1) Be Super-Saint...able to leap tall sins with a single bound...specially endowed with powers to be perfect far beyond those of normal men/women. (2) Step out in FAITH...and if you blow it, lean heavily on the GRACE and MERCY of God. After all that's how you ENTERED/STARTED this thing in the first place...by FAITH...are you so FOOLISH to think that you can FINISH IT by WORKS? (Galatians 3:1-5)


This test is taken from I Peter 1:13 through I Peter 3:12. It is a powerful testament to the PROACTIVE stance that we take as believers. This checklit is taken from these verses as ACTION VERBS..that are the RESPONSIBILITY of the BELEIVER (that would be you and me) to DO.

There was...and still is...an expectation that the believers...were to live differently than the use to live before they made Jesus Lord of their lives.
The Holy Spirit is the Helper...we are the DOERS...as we read the Word and step out to DO...the Holy Spirit will come along side to HELP. In the words of the Beatles...HELP...I need somebody...HELP...not just anybody...HELP...you know I need someone...HEEELP!!!

If we fall...get forgiveness an continue on until He comes again.


Love and Well Tested Kisses (no toxins)

Rodney "Tested and Tried" Boyd


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