Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Good Morning's TEST TIME! We have been talking about CALIBRATION....TESTING OURSELVES TO SEE IF WE ARE IN THE FAITH...EXAMINING OURSELVES...RECOGNIZING OURSELVES...THAT JESUS CHRIST IS IN YOU...UNLESS YOU FAIL THE TEST. (II Corinthians 13:5) In preparation for the test...take some time and (1) present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice (2) do not be conformed to this world (fit into it's mold/mindset) (3) be transformed, changed, metamophised by the RENEWING OF YOUR MIND. (Romans 12:1-2)

We are called to STUDY to show Thyself approved...unto God...a workman that needeth not to be ashamed...rightly dividing the word of truth. (II Timothy 2:15).


Rate yourself with the rating scale:

Answer with your first instinct and don't try to reason or justify yourself.

(I Peter 1:13-I Peter 3:12)

__Mind girded for action
__Sober in your spirit
__Hope fixed completely on the grace to be brough at the revelation of Jesus Christ
__Not conformed to your former lusts
__Holy in all your behavior
__Purified your soul for a sincere love of the brethren
__Conducting yourselves in fear from your time of stay on the earth
__Fervently loving one another from the heart
__Have put aside all malice, guile, hypocrisy, envy and all slander
__Longing for the pure milk of the Word
__Abstaining from the fleshly lusts which wage war against your soul
__Keeping your behavior excellent among the Gentiles
__Your good deeds are observable for the slandering evildoers to see
__Submitted to every human institution ie. king, governor, etc.
__Doing right
__Acting as free men

TEST BREAK: How are you doing so far. Do you feel like Einstein or Alfred? Take a deep breath...and continue.

__Not using freedom as a covering for evil
__Honoring all men
__Loving the brotherhood
__Fearing God
__Using your freedom as a bondslave (willing servant)
__Submissive to UNREASONABLE masters
__Bearing up under sorrows when suffering UNJUSTLY
__Patiently enduring suffering even when you DON'T deserve it
__Follwing in the example/steps of Jesus
__Not committing sin
__No deceit found in your outh
__Not reviling in return when reviled
__Not uttering threats when suffering
__Continuing to entrust yourself to God in the face of UNDESERVED THREATS
__Letting your behavior be your witness to lost loved ones or co-workers
__Behavior is observable to be chaste and respectful
__Letting the hidden person of the heart speak
__Living with your wife in an UNDERSTANDING WAY
__Granting your wife HONOR as a FELLOW-HEIR of the grace of life
__Prayers NOT hindered as a result of not following the last two items
__You are letting (allowing) all to be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, humble in spirit
__You are NOT returning evil for evil or insult for insult
__You ARE giving a blessing when you are given evil or an insult
__You are inheriting a blessing (this is what the very purpose that you were called)
__You are REFRAINING your TONGUE from evil and your lips from speaking guile
__You are seeking peace and pursuing it

YIKES!!!!!!!! Can it be that I am not as perfect as I thought I was? What BOOGERHEAD thought up this test? How could I fall so short of the glory of God? (Romans 3:23)

Well....there you have it.. Are you glad that it is not a PASS/FAIL test...but just QUIZ that old Rod made up? Are you not glad that rod is not GOD? Don't get discouraged if your rating is LOW...just say are my strengths...and here are my BLESS THIS MESS...MERCY...HELP ME.

If we would periodically take an inventory...self-check...calibrate with the standard (the Word of God)...and then fine our spiritual lives...we might avoid alot of the pitfalls that we either blame on the devil...or wonder why everything always happens to me.

NEXT TIME: It's A Wonderful SOZO

Love and A+ Kisses
Rod "Does Someone Have a #2 Pencil" Boyd


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