
Our first picture is from the comic strip by Johnny Hart (recently went home to be with the Lord). It's called the Wizard of Id. The other comic strip he created was B.C. Johnny's strips had a spiritual flavour to them when he became a Christian...but he did not sacrifice humor or biting commentary on the world.
The king...writes the rules. Even the Golden Rule took backseat to the king's rule...whoever has the gold...makes the rules!
Today...in the good old U.S. of A...we have the right and privilege of electing a PRESIDENT...instead of a KING taking rule over us. For the last two years we have been listening to a bunch of PRESIDENT WANNABES...talking, and talking, and talking, and talking...about why they are the candidates of CHANGE. As the song BALL OF CONFUSION states..."vote for me and I'll set you free."
Polls, straw polls, cross polls, error of margin, hanging chads, accusations, allegations, corruption, lies, half-truths, and promises, promises, promises...makes up the bulk of candidate speech.

Each of these candidates promises CHANGE. Each candiate promises HOPE for America. Each candidate claims to be a Christian.
During the late 60's...there was a show called THE SMOTHER'S BROTHERS COMEDY HOUR. During the election year...Pat Paulsen would throw his hat into the ring as the next President of the United States. Of course it was satire on the state of the nation...as Pat would stand up and in his dry, droll delivery would sincerely promise CHANGE.
Alfred E. Neuman was also a frequent candidate throughout the 50's, the 60's, the 70's, the 90's, the 90's and into the 2ooo's. If he was not running...there would be a skewing of the candidates in Mad Magazine...as they utilized satire to point out the foibles of both sides...Democrat and the Republicans.
Back in the 60's...my Grandmother was the head of the George Wallace for President office. Being a good grandson...I would go over to M.T.S.U....and place WALLACE FOR PRESIDENT bumper stickers on all the cars at football games.
Aaaaaaaaaaaah...the thrill of politics. I had NO CLUE.

NOTE: On XM Radio on the Old Time Radio channel...they are playing the shows where she is running for President. I guess there is really nothing new under the sun...especially where politics are concerned.
Even in the BIBLE...there were people participating in the politics of the day.
And it came about when Samuel was old...that he appointed his sons JUDGES over Israel. Now the name of his first-born was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijuah...the were JUDGING in Beersheba. His sons, however did not walk in his (Samuel's) ways...but TURNED ASIDE AFTER DISHONEST GAIN AND TOOK BRIBES...AND PERVERTED JUSTICE." (I Samuel 8:1-3)
NOTE: I guess nothing really is new!!!
"Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah; and they said to him, Behold, you have grown old, and your sons do not walk in your ways....NOW...APPOINT A KING FOR US....TO JUDGE US...LIKE ALL THE NATIONS." (I Samuel 8:4,5)
NOTE: In essence...they said...WE NEED A CHANGE. The CHANGE that they wanted...was to be like other nations.
"But the thing was displeasing in the sight of Samuel when they said...GIVE US A KING TO JUDGE US. And Samuel PRAYED TO THE LORD." (I Samuel 8:6)
NOTE: When the people clamoured for CHANGE...Samuel opted for the only option that he had...THE LORD.
"And the Lord said to Samuel...Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you...for they have not rejected you...BUT THEY HAVE REJECTED ME FROM BEING KING OVER THEM. (I Samuel 8:7)
NOTE: I must admit...that I am like the children of Israel...I desire someone other than the Lord to speak into my life...to be in control... to be my saviour...to be the AGENTS OF CHANGE...to meet my needs. It can either be a president...or a corporation...or Wall Street... anyone but the LORD.

NOTE: For the full story read the book of I and II Samuel. Later on...there would be...the SUNSET OF SAUL...and the SUNRISE OF DAVID...as the shepherd boy...became KING.
Fast forward...and see various kings....good, bad, and ugly rise up and fall down...and eventually...there would be ROMAN RULE...Ceasar...Assyrians... etc...lead the people into captivity at various times throughout history.
It was under these oppressive times...that Biblical wisdom speaks out to history...and what attitude was expected from BELIEVERS.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Rome..."Let every person be in subjection to the GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. For there is NO AUTHORITY except from God...and those which exist are established by God. Therefore (because of what you just read)...he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God...and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behaviour...but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God...an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil. Wherefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience sake. For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing. Render to all what is due them; tax to whom tax is due, custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor." (Romans 13:1-7)
NOTE: Well...that was for that day...for those people. We are Americans...and we vote in who we want...and we have the FREEDOM OF SPEECH...so I will say anything that I want to say about our leaders...because...we are their bosses...and after all...WE HAVE TALK RADIO.
Peter had an interesting spin on this submitting thing. Remember Peter was the hot head...who had a problem with authority.
"Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a KING as the one in AUTHORITY...or to GOVERNORS as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers...and the praise of those who do right. For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men." (I Peter 2:13-15)
NOTE: That's fine as long as the one in authority is benevolent...kind...and reasonable. Peter continues with the attitude that we should be having...even in the face of the UNREASONABLE.
"Act as freemen...and do not use your freedom as a COVERING FOR EVIL...but use it as BONDSLAVES OF GOD. Honor ALL men...love the brotherhood, FEAR GOD...HONOR THE KING. Servants...be submissive to your masters with ALL RESPECT...NOT ONLY TO THOSE WHO ARE GOOD AND GENTLE...but also to those WHO ARE UNREASONABLE." (I Peter 2:16-18)
NOTE: Now you are getting personal. Hey...I'll be the FIRST TO ADMIT...that this goes against the grain of all I feel. Peter continues and talks about suffering when you DO WHAT IS RIGHT...and endure it...this finds FAVOR WITH GOD. This is in the face of unreasonable ones in AUTHORITY. (I Peter 2:19-20)
Peter then gives US AN EXAMPLE to follow IN HIS (Jesus') STEPS. How Jesus dealt with ABUSIVE AUTHORITY...is how we are expected to deal WITH UNREASONABLE AUTHORITY.
"For you have been called for THIS PURPOSE...since Christ also SUFFERED for you...LEAVING YOU AN EXAMPLE...for you to FOLLOW IN HIS STEPS..." (I Peter 2:21)
(1) Who committed no sin
(2) Nor was there deceit found in His MOUTH
(3) And while being reviled He did not revile in return
(4) While suffering He uttered NO THREATS
So far we have heard from Paul and Peter and Jesus...on how to deal with UNREASONABLE AUTHORITY. Thank God that we live in America...where we have a RIGHT to SPEAK OUR MIND...to VOTE...FREEDOM OF SPEECH...however...that does not give us the right to VIOLATE our CALLING AND PURPOSE...by sinning with our mouth with deceit, reviling, and threats.
NOTE: Well what about Hitler? The principle still applies...IF we are going to follow in the EXAMPLE and STEPS of Jesus. The question is...who are you ENTRUSTING YOUR LIFE TO...the one who can take away your physical life...or the one in charge of your SOUL?
Let's look at one more example of how we are to approach those who are in authority...found in I Timothy 2:1-4:
"First of all...then I urge that ENTREATIES/SUPPLICATIONS...and PRAYERS...PETITIONS/INTERCESSION... and...
THANKSGIVING...be made on the behalf of ALL MEN...for KINGS...and ALL who are IN AUTHORITY...in order...that we may lead a TRANQUIL and QUIET LIFE in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour...who desires that ALL ME to be SAVED...and to COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH. (I Timothy 2:1-4)
I'm not saying that you can't disagree...can't point out faults...or even overt sins of those in authority. John the Baptist did...but he accepted the consequence for his civil disobedience by having his head cut off. We can speak out against what we feel violates the principles of God...BUT at the same time...we must keep in check our PURPOSE AND CALLING...and FOLLOW IN HIS STEPS...in the face of unreasonable men....even to the point of death. For Jesus...it was death on a cross...for us...it may be the death of our pride or will or standing in the community.
If we spent more time praying FOR the sinner...or the candidate...than we do speaking curses against the...then...they just might get saved.
See ya at the polls.
Love and Non-Political Kisses
Rodney "Vote For Me And I'll Set You Free" Boyd