Sunday, October 26, 2008


Greeting Voters. It is almost that time. In just a few days...we will walk into the voting booth...hold our noses...and press the button, pull the lever, or write out our ballots for the next President of the United States of America.

Our first picture is from the comic strip by Johnny Hart (recently went home to be with the Lord). It's called the Wizard of Id. The other comic strip he created was B.C. Johnny's strips had a spiritual flavour to them when he became a Christian...but he did not sacrifice humor or biting commentary on the world.

The king...writes the rules. Even the Golden Rule took backseat to the king's rule...whoever has the gold...makes the rules! the good old U.S. of A...we have the right and privilege of electing a PRESIDENT...instead of a KING taking rule over us. For the last two years we have been listening to a bunch of PRESIDENT WANNABES...talking, and talking, and talking, and talking...about why they are the candidates of CHANGE. As the song BALL OF CONFUSION states..."vote for me and I'll set you free."

Polls, straw polls, cross polls, error of margin, hanging chads, accusations, allegations, corruption, lies, half-truths, and promises, promises, promises...makes up the bulk of candidate speech.

Now it has come down to two. On the Republican side...John "The Maverick" McCain with his running partner....Sarah "Pitbull With Lipstick" Palin. In the other corner...wearing the white trunks...Barak "I'm Not a Muslim" Obama and his running mate...Joe "Scraton Boy" Biden.

Each of these candidates promises CHANGE. Each candiate promises HOPE for America. Each candidate claims to be a Christian.

During the late 60's...there was a show called THE SMOTHER'S BROTHERS COMEDY HOUR. During the election year...Pat Paulsen would throw his hat into the ring as the next President of the United States. Of course it was satire on the state of the Pat would stand up and in his dry, droll delivery would sincerely promise CHANGE.

Alfred E. Neuman was also a frequent candidate throughout the 50's, the 60's, the 70's, the 90's, the 90's and into the 2ooo's. If he was not running...there would be a skewing of the candidates in Mad they utilized satire to point out the foibles of both sides...Democrat and the Republicans.

Back in the 60' Grandmother was the head of the George Wallace for President office. Being a good grandson...I would go over to M.T.S.U....and place WALLACE FOR PRESIDENT bumper stickers on all the cars at football games.
Aaaaaaaaaaaah...the thrill of politics. I had NO CLUE.

Again...many people have run for the highest office...from POGO (a comic strip possum) Gracie Allen on the radio in the 40's...whose motto was...DOWN WITH COMMON SENSE...VOTE FOR GRACIE ALLEN.

NOTE: On XM Radio on the Old Time Radio channel...they are playing the shows where she is running for President. I guess there is really nothing new under the sun...especially where politics are concerned.

Even in the BIBLE...there were people participating in the politics of the day.

And it came about when Samuel was old...that he appointed his sons JUDGES over Israel. Now the name of his first-born was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijuah...the were JUDGING in Beersheba. His sons, however did not walk in his (Samuel's) ways...but TURNED ASIDE AFTER DISHONEST GAIN AND TOOK BRIBES...AND PERVERTED JUSTICE." (I Samuel 8:1-3)

NOTE: I guess nothing really is new!!!

"Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah; and they said to him, Behold, you have grown old, and your sons do not walk in your ways....NOW...APPOINT A KING FOR US....TO JUDGE US...LIKE ALL THE NATIONS." (I Samuel 8:4,5)

NOTE: In essence...they said...WE NEED A CHANGE. The CHANGE that they wanted...was to be like other nations.

"But the thing was displeasing in the sight of Samuel when they said...GIVE US A KING TO JUDGE US. And Samuel PRAYED TO THE LORD." (I Samuel 8:6)

NOTE: When the people clamoured for CHANGE...Samuel opted for the only option that he had...THE LORD.

"And the Lord said to Samuel...Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you...for they have not rejected you...BUT THEY HAVE REJECTED ME FROM BEING KING OVER THEM. (I Samuel 8:7)

NOTE: I must admit...that I am like the children of Israel...I desire someone other than the Lord to speak into my be in control... to be my be the AGENTS OF meet my needs. It can either be a president...or a corporation...or Wall Street... anyone but the LORD.

God gave them what they the form of SAUL.

NOTE: For the full story read the book of I and II Samuel. Later on...there would be...the SUNSET OF SAUL...and the SUNRISE OF the shepherd boy...became KING.

Fast forward...and see various kings....good, bad, and ugly rise up and fall down...and eventually...there would be ROMAN RULE...Ceasar...Assyrians... etc...lead the people into captivity at various times throughout history.

It was under these oppressive times...that Biblical wisdom speaks out to history...and what attitude was expected from BELIEVERS.

The Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Rome..."Let every person be in subjection to the GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. For there is NO AUTHORITY except from God...and those which exist are established by God. Therefore (because of what you just read)...he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God...and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behaviour...but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil. Wherefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience sake. For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing. Render to all what is due them; tax to whom tax is due, custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor." (Romans 13:1-7)

NOTE: Well...that was for that day...for those people. We are Americans...and we vote in who we want...and we have the FREEDOM OF I will say anything that I want to say about our leaders...because...we are their bosses...and after all...WE HAVE TALK RADIO.

Peter had an interesting spin on this submitting thing. Remember Peter was the hot head...who had a problem with authority.

"Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a KING as the one in AUTHORITY...or to GOVERNORS as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers...and the praise of those who do right. For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men." (I Peter 2:13-15)

NOTE: That's fine as long as the one in authority is benevolent...kind...and reasonable. Peter continues with the attitude that we should be having...even in the face of the UNREASONABLE.

"Act as freemen...and do not use your freedom as a COVERING FOR EVIL...but use it as BONDSLAVES OF GOD. Honor ALL the brotherhood, FEAR GOD...HONOR THE KING. submissive to your masters with ALL RESPECT...NOT ONLY TO THOSE WHO ARE GOOD AND GENTLE...but also to those WHO ARE UNREASONABLE." (I Peter 2:16-18)

NOTE: Now you are getting personal. Hey...I'll be the FIRST TO ADMIT...that this goes against the grain of all I feel. Peter continues and talks about suffering when you DO WHAT IS RIGHT...and endure it...this finds FAVOR WITH GOD. This is in the face of unreasonable ones in AUTHORITY. (I Peter 2:19-20)

Peter then gives US AN EXAMPLE to follow IN HIS (Jesus') STEPS. How Jesus dealt with ABUSIVE how we are expected to deal WITH UNREASONABLE AUTHORITY.

"For you have been called for THIS PURPOSE...since Christ also SUFFERED for you...LEAVING YOU AN EXAMPLE...for you to FOLLOW IN HIS STEPS..." (I Peter 2:21)


(1) Who committed no sin
(2) Nor was there deceit found in His MOUTH
(3) And while being reviled He did not revile in return
(4) While suffering He uttered NO THREATS

So far we have heard from Paul and Peter and Jesus...on how to deal with UNREASONABLE AUTHORITY. Thank God that we live in America...where we have a RIGHT to SPEAK OUR VOTE...FREEDOM OF SPEECH...however...that does not give us the right to VIOLATE our CALLING AND sinning with our mouth with deceit, reviling, and threats.

NOTE: Well what about Hitler? The principle still applies...IF we are going to follow in the EXAMPLE and STEPS of Jesus. The question is...who are you ENTRUSTING YOUR LIFE TO...the one who can take away your physical life...or the one in charge of your SOUL?

Let's look at one more example of how we are to approach those who are in authority...found in I Timothy 2:1-4:

"First of all...then I urge that ENTREATIES/SUPPLICATIONS...and PRAYERS...PETITIONS/INTERCESSION... and... made on the behalf of ALL MEN...for KINGS...and ALL who are IN order...that we may lead a TRANQUIL and QUIET LIFE in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour...who desires that ALL ME to be SAVED...and to COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH. (I Timothy 2:1-4)


I'm not saying that you can't disagree...can't point out faults...or even overt sins of those in authority. John the Baptist did...but he accepted the consequence for his civil disobedience by having his head cut off. We can speak out against what we feel violates the principles of God...BUT at the same time...we must keep in check our PURPOSE AND CALLING...and FOLLOW IN HIS the face of unreasonable men....even to the point of death. For was death on a cross...for may be the death of our pride or will or standing in the community.

If we spent more time praying FOR the sinner...or the candidate...than we do speaking curses against the...then...they just might get saved.
See ya at the polls.

Love and Non-Political Kisses
Rodney "Vote For Me And I'll Set You Free" Boyd
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Greetings SAVED or LOST ones. The burning question that is usually asked...if you ask someone if they are SAVED FROM WHAT? Or there will be a plethora of jokes about Jesus Saves...but Moses Invests.

Bob Dylan experienced SALVATION (being saved) after attending Bible studies at the Vineyard in California. The expression of that experience was first seen in his album...Slow Train Coming. The Times They Are A Changing...and so was his life. The follow up album was called simply....SAVED. Before we look at some definitions of the word SAVE, SAVED...let's see how Bob view this salvation experience:


I was blinded by the devil...borned already ruined
Stone cold dead as I stepped out of the womb

NOTE: about acknowledging the spiritual condition. These two lines blow me away every time I hear them.

By His GRACE I have been TOUCHED
By His WORD I have been HEALED
By His SPIRIT I've been SEALED

NOTE: The problem was stated...and now the SOLUTION has been underscored. The solution...getting SAVED...and it through THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB...aka...JESUS. That SALVATION was expressed by GRACE, THE WORD, HIS HAND AND HIS SPIRIT. The CAUSE AND EFFECT of these things are being: (1) touched (2) healed (3) delivered (4) sealed.

And I'm so glad...yes...I'm so glad
I'm so glad
I want to thank you Lord...I just want to thank you Lord
Thank you Lord

NOTE: When you have been living in darkness...lost...being brought into the light and SAVED...floods you with a heart of thanksgiving and gladness.

By His POWER I've been LIFTED
He BOUGHT me with a PRICE
FREED me from the PIT...full of EMPTINESS and WRATH...and the FIRE that BURNS WITHIN

NOTE: Once saved...the WORK CONTINUES. We can stand upright, have endurance, be lifted up, have security all because He bought us WITH THE PRICE of his blood and life as He became the PROPITIATION, SUBSTITUTE, SATISFACTION in our place.

NOTE: Bob repeats the course of thankfulness and gladness to the Lord for what He has done by the blood of the Lamb.

Nobody to RESCUE me...nobody would DARE
Not by WORKS...but by FAITH IN HIM who called
For so long I've been HINDERED
For so long I've been STALLED

NOTE: Needing rescue, going down, hindered and stalled were the conditions...RESCUE, MERCY, SPARED, by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB.

This picture is from the book REMEMBER THE WORD by Jerry Lucas. It is a Bible Memorization System that utilizes bring the themes of the Bible alive. Matthew 1:21 is seen here..."And she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name JESUS for He shall SAVE His people from their SINS." Note the picture of the bear with the sun/son. He shall BEAR their sins.

One of the pictures in the first collage is Elvis...dancing the JAILHOUSE ROCK.
There was another version of JAILHOUSE ROCK found in the book of Acts as Paul and Silas were in JAIL...praising God at midnight...and an EARTHQUAKE rocked the JAIL. The guard ran in...and found the doors open...and was going to commit suicide...rather than face the wrath of the authorities for letting the prisoners escape. Paul shouted out..."Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Nelly!" Don't do that...we are here." (Rumiantor Version).

"And brought them out and said...Sirs...WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED? And they said...BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus...and thous shalt be SAVED and thy house." (Acts 16:30-31)

Paul also stated...For I am not ashamed of the GOSPEL (I Corinthians 15:1-5=D.B.R...NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS)...for it is the POWER OF GOD for the Jew first...and also to the Greek." (Romans 1:16)

SALVATION: (so-tay-ree-ah)= rescue or safety (physically or morally) deliver, health salvation, save, saving....(so-tare)= a deliverer...that is ...God or Christ...saviour. (sode-zo)=to save, that is deliver or protect, heal, preserve, save, do well, be whole.

In the book THE SCHOOL OF BIBLICAL EVANGELISM (101 lesson on how to share your faith simply, effectively, biblically...the way Jesus did) by KIRK CAMERON and RAY COMFORT...states that the LOST (those not SAVED)... first need to come to the realization that they need a SAVIOUR. The LAW is the schoolteacher...that teaches us our need to turn to someone who can help us keep this thing called the LAW...because WE CAN'T.

Once we come to the point of realizing our need...we can call on a SAVIOUR... by asking...WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED. The answer this storefront church in KENYA, AFRICA says...WELCOME TO JESUS.

What must I do to be SAVED? The answer...'BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus...and you shall be SAVED." (Acts 16:30-31) Direct question...Direct answer.

NOTE: Paul is not talking about an assimilation of historical facts about JESUS. Any lost theologian or demon can BELIEVE.
"But someone may will have faith...and I have me your faith without the works...and I will show you my faith by my works. You BELIEVE that God is one...You do well...the demons...ALSO BELIEVE...and TREMBLE/SHUDDER..." (James 2:18-19)

This thing called BELIEF...goes BEYOND...assimilating of elicits ACTION. If you the DEATH, BURIAL, RESURRECTION OF JESUS...there will be a difference manifested in your life.

"But the righteousness BASED on FAITH...speaks thus...'Do not say in your heart, who will ascend into heaven? (that is to bring Christ down)...or Who will descend into the abyss (that is to bring Christ up from the dead)'...but what does it say? THE WORD IS NEAR YOU IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART...that is the word of faith which we are preaching...that if you CONFESS with your MOUTH...
JESUS AS LORD...and BELIEVE in your heart that God RAISED HIM FROM THE SHALL BE SAVED....for with the HEART man BELIEVES...resulting in RIGHTEOUSNESS...and with the MOUTH...he CONFESSES (comes into agreement with God and speaks it forth)...RESULTING (cause and effect) SALVATION (being saved from being lost)." (Romans 10:6-10)

"For WHOEVER will CALL upon the NAME OF THE LORD....will be...SAVED." (Romans 10:13)


There are many lost intellectual, religious, moral, good work doing people. Some even express a BELIEF (even demons believe and tremble) in Jesus...or at least a BELIEVE in their denomination....BUT that is NOT ENOUGH. Salvation is through the D.B.R...NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS....VIA THE BLOOD OF JESUS. "He SAVED us...NOT on the BASIS of DEEDS/WORKS we have done in righteousness (self)...but ACCORDING TO...His the washing of regeneration and renewing by THE HOLY SPIRIT."
(Titus 3:5)

Love and Believing Kisses
Rodney "Saved" Boyd
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Sunday, October 19, 2008


Greetings. What's on your LIP? What's spewing out of your pie hole? When you open your you have to take out your foot before you begin to speak...or do you try to cram the other foot in your mouth? In the words of the theme song to MIDNIGHT COWBOY..."every body's talking..." The question is...what are we talking?

In the church world...the word CONFESSION has become a negative word. We have pictures of people frothing at their mouths...trying to "name it and claim it"...and "blab it and grab it" as they try to manipulate God into giving them what they want by "confessing" over and over and over again until God comes through. If you want a Cadillac...utilize your "Cadillac Faith"...and speak it until it "manifests".

Well..."don't throw out the baby with the bath water,"

I am a true believer that CONFESSION is a good thing...especially when you are CONFESSING what God has already said. The word CONFESSION is from the word HOMOLEGOS. That would be HOMO (same) LEGOS (word). CONFESSION is merely saying the same word that God says. If he says you are a sinner...then you confess...I AM A SINNER. If He says that by the blood of Jesus and Jesus' probationary sacrifice that you are THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST...then you confess...I am the righteousness of God in Christ.

I know that it is a simplistic approach to what is coming out of your mouth...but where you are dwelling...will be what you speak.

UNRESTRAINED THOUGHTS (what you think) produces UNRESTRAINED WORDS (what you speak/confess) resulting in UNRESTRAINED ACTIONS (what you do).

I have printed up a little sample of things that you can CONFESS. An example of this confession found in Romans 4. Abraham (aka the Father of Faith, the Father of Believers)...had a promise...a word from God...and became too old to fulfill the promise by his own physical means. The promise was a son. The reality was that the seed was dry and Sarah's womb was a tomb.

"In hope against hope...he order that he might become a father of many nations...according to that which had BEEN SPOKEN...So shall your descendants be. And WITHOUT BECOMING WEAK IN FAITH...he contemplated (thoughts) not...his own as good as dead...since he was about 100 years old...and the deadness of Sarah's womb..." (Romans 4:18-19)

NOTE: Abraham had a word from God...but his body was not lining up with the Word. In the face of reality (his body and Sarah's womb)...he DID NOT BECOME WEAK IN FAITH. His mind could be dwelling on reality...and his mouth speaking defeat.

"YET (in contrast to the reality and facts)...with respect to THE PROMISE OF GOD....he DID NOT WAVER IN glory to God...and being FULLY ASSURED....that what He had PROMISED...He was able to perform it." (Romans 4:20-21)

NOTE: As believers...we need to learn to walk in the YET FACTOR. That is where we are face with reality and facts....and we realize that God's Word is truth...and truth trumps reality. We don't consider our bodies, the economy, the situation, the circumstances, the doctor's reports, etc...but YET....with respect to THE PROMISE OF GOD...HIS WORD...we DO NOT WAVER IN THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN OR REVEALED TO THE SENSES. We walk in assurance that what God promised...He is able to bring to pass.

Charles Capps...a farmer from England Arkansas talks about how when we want our dog to come to us...we don't go to the front porch and yell out..."here kitty kitty kitty." We call out who we want to come....the dog...not the cat. Sometimes we are standing out on the front porch of our lives...and we want healing...and we are calling flu flu...or here My arthritis. We constantly CONSIDER OUR BODIES...and come into agreement with our bodies instead of God's Word.

Abraham had some insight in to how to believe and speak...

"As it is written...A Father of many nations have I made the sight of Him (God) whom he (Abraham) believed (had faith in)...even God...Who GIVES LIFE TO THE DEAD...AND CALLS INTO BEING THAT WHICH DOES NOT EXIST." (Romans 4:17)

This is God's Modus Operandi (M.O.)...and Abraham was merely imitating God's M.O.

I would encourage begin to filter your thoughts before you speak them out...and begin to SPEAK THE SOLUTION more than you SPEAK THE PROBLEM. Don't deny the reality of the problem...but don't give the problem dominance over the solution. Begin to get on your front porch...and call out what you want. Begin to speak the solution...come into agreement with the SOLUTION MAKER.


Again...don't start a church based on CONFESSION...but do start to CONFESS THE WORD OF GOD. If we could ever understand that we can NEVER manipulate God into being our servants...but at the same time...God wants to BLESS US INDEED....and we don't have to convince Him with or manipulative words...we would begin to really walk in ABUNDANT LIFE.

I suggest that you go back to the picture of the on it to enlarge it...and start CONFESSING. I think that each the WILL OF GOD FOR OUR LIVES.

Love and Positive Confession Kisses
Rodney "Restraining Thoughts, Words, and Deeds" Boyd
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Saturday, October 18, 2008


Hello fellow planet dwellers. How's the STORMS in your life? Well...if you are living on planet either are going through a storm...or you will be going through a storm. Trouble is like will either be cracked or just not cracked yet.

"Earthquakes...famines...wars...rumours of war...pestilence...violence...and murders by the score..." These are the words from that rockin' Jesus song... called ENDTIME BLUES IF YOU DON'T KNOW JESUS. When the band that I was part of was playing at a Girls correction school in Tullahoma...I announced the name of the song...and a girl shouted out..."Don't sing me no blues!" But the bottom line is...STORMS rage against houses built on sand...and houses built on rock. It rains on the just and the need something...someone to weather you THROUGH THE STORM.

What has happened to you lately? Discouraging news...disappointments... overwhelming emotions...situations that only get worse...circumstances that you are always the victim of...may be the NORM in your life. We live in a CURSED, FALLEN WORLD...with an enemy that is out to get you with well orchestrated put on a yoke, a burden, an oppression on you. As believers...we don't deny the reality of what is going on in this world... the collective world as a whole and the world in general...and in your own private world...BUT...we do deny to the enemy the right or authority to KEEP US DOWN.

I find myself getting in the RUT OF COMPLACENCY in my walk with the Lord. I find myself being on automatic pilot.

NOTE: A rut has been defined as a grave with both ends knocked out.

As I walk out this journey...I sometimes find myself just going through the emotions... voice of emotions. Life plods along like the footsteps in a foggy night where I can't see where I am going...but I put one step in front of the other...hoping it will lead me somewhere. I find myself living on PAST experiences and becoming complacent...and in my complacency...letting myself go...body, soul, and spirit.

I find myself like the character played by Michael Keaton in the movie MR. MOM. He is released from his place of security and his wife becomes a working superstar in advertising. He takes over his wife's position as keeper of the house...and realizes the routine of the mundane...and LET'S HIMSELF GO. He becomes void of emotion and any direction or drive. He becomes sloppy in his work, his appearance and his attitude.
He then realizes that he must TAKE BACK HIS the MIDST OF THE MUNDANE.

NOTE: the midst of the mundane...we have to stand up and take a BREAK THE CYCLE OF COMPLACENCY. If we want to MOVE ON to the next future leg of our journey...we have to live it out where we are in the present...and not live in the past experience (good or bad).

When you don't DO SOMETHING...ANYTHING can take control and rule you. When you don't stand, resist, fight, push back against the STORM...whatever is on the attack...will flood in and DOMINATE...and take over you life...take over you mindset...take over you words...and take over your actions.

UNRESTRAINED THOUGHTS (what you think)...PRODUCE UNRESTRAINED WORDS (what you speak) RESULTING IN UNRESTRAINED ACTIONS (what you do). You either are going to REACT in the flesh (which will result in death)...or you will RESPOND in the Spirit (which will result in life and peace).

There is a SONG found in the book of Isaiah...that speaks of the PEACE that falls in the realm of PERFECT.

"In that day...shall THIS SONG be SUNG in the land of Judah (praise)...we have a strong city...the Lord SETS UP SALVATION as walls and bulwarks. Open the gates, that the [uncompromisingly] righteous nation which keeps her faith and her troth with God may enter in. You will GUARD him and KEEP him in PERFECT and CONSTANT PEACE...whose MIND is STAYED on You...and HOPES CONFIDENTLY IN TRUST IN THE LORD--COMMIT YOURSELF to Him--forever...for the Lord God is AN EVERLASTING ROCK--THE ROCK OF AGES." (Isaiah 26:3)

Isn't that what you need now? I know that is EXACTLY what is needed in the fragile times that we live.

A few years ago...after I returned back from a teaching trip to Kenya, Africa...I was called into my bosses office...and the director of Human Services was in there. They informed me that they were cutting my position to PART TIME. This meant...20 hours a week (and I would still have to go home if there were no patients so it could be less than 20 hours)...there would be a cut in benefits (thank God for the Benefits Package found in Psalm 103:1-5)...there would be an increase in cost for health insurance...etc. This is not to mention the wounds to my PRIDE (which probably needed to be wounded in the first place). After all...I had been out doing the work of the Lord...and this is how I was rewarded? Around the same time I had been reading a book by JACK HAYFORD called...PURSUING THE WILL OF GOD (Reflections and Meditations on the Life of Abraham). The book spoke of pursuing the will of God and the UNEXPECTED CROSSROADS that you may find yourself at...that will sneak up and take you by surprise...and how in these times you must YIELD YOUR HIS WILL.

NOTE: As with many people...when you are studying the Word...trying to walk out the Word.. the WORD will be tested and tried in your life. This is my experience in what I am studying and the Ramblings that I write. I remember at that time that I was sharing with Brenda about the book and our current experiences at that time...and she stated..."You've got to stop reading these books."

During these hard emotional and financial times...I got a word of encouragement from my friends, worship pastor, spiritual prod...WAYNE BERRY. He sent me a simple e-mail that read..."THERE ARE MANY WELLS IN THE LAND TO DRAW FROM. " This was based on Isaiah 12:3 and Psalm 84:1. There are WELLS (plural) and SPRINGS (plural) that will get your through (keep on moving...don't stop in the valley...cause you will come out the other side) the VALLEY OF TEARS/WEEPING...and it will be made a PLACE OF WELLS/SPRINGS (plural)...where the early rain will FILL [THE POOLS] (plural) with BLESSINGS.

This sparked in me...the hope and faith to go no. I was NOT LIMITED by my circumstances or my present situation. I knew...that the Word of God was true and that....

"And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your EVERY NEED according to His riches in glory in CHRIST JESUS." (Philippians 4:19
The Amplified Bible)


"I have STRENGTH for ALL THINGS in CHRIST who EMPOWERS me---I am READY for ANYTHING...and equal to ANYTHING THROUGH HIM....Who INFUSES INNER STRENGTH in me...[that is I am self-sufficient in CHRIST'S SUFFICIENCY].
Philippians 4:13 The Amplified Bible)

As I write this Rambling...I am listening to Wayne and our worship team at S.A. sing a song about how God will help the BROKEN ONES.

Just a snippet of that SONG OF ENCOURAGEMENT goes like this:

If you bow down...way down
You may find a place where few have gone
And if you stay down...stay way down
You may see things that few are shown

When you humble yourself under God's mighty hand
He will lift you up and steady you to stand
He will embrace...the Broken Ones
He will embrace...the Broken Ones

If you give up...really give up
You can find your place of sweet release
And If you give up...completely give up
God will flood your heart with PERFECT PEACE

At the beginning of this Rambling...I spoke of how you have to stand against the onslaught. PRIOR TO...standing, resisting, fighting, pushing HAVE TO POSITION YOURSELF PROPERLY.

"Therefore HUMBLE YOURSELVES (demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation)...under the MIGHTY HAND OF GOD...that in due time/season...He may EXALT YOU. Casting the WHOLE OF YOUR CARE ---all your anxieties...all your worries...all your concerns...once and for all--on Him; for He cares for you affectionately, and cares about you watchfully. Be well-balanced--temperate, sober minded; be vigilant and cautious AT ALL TIMES...for the ENEMY of yours...the devil (little d)...roams around like a lion roaring (in fierce hunger] seeking someone to seize upon and devour. WITHSTAND firm in faith [against his onset]...rooted, established, strong, immovable and determined---knowing that the same (identical) sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood (the whole body of Christians) throughout the world." (I Peter 5:6-9 The Amplified Bible)


Thanks Wayne.

Love and Multiple Well Kisses
Rodney "No Limits" Boyd
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Friday, October 17, 2008


Hello Fallen and Risen Ones. SIN is a PAIN!!! That is an understatement... but a TRUE statement.

Everyone has differing opinions on SIN. They have conflicting views on the nature of sin, what constitutes sin, the various degrees of sins, and how to deal with sin. People ignore sin, carry the weight of sin, condemn others because of their sin, cover and hid their sin, compare their sins to other people's sins, and feel smug that their sin is not as bad as so and so's sin.

Proverbs 6:16-19...lists 6 things which the Lord hates...7 which are an ABOMINATION to Him:

1. Haughty eyes
2. A lying tongue
3. Hands that shed Innocent blood
4. A heart that devises wicked plans
5. Feet that run rapidly to evil
6. A false witness who utters lies
7. One who spreads strife among brothers

NOTE: I did not see smoking cigarettes and drinking on this list. That does not mean that God condones or condemns...just that on THIS ain't there.

Another worthy of list of sin like things is found in the listing of DEEDS OF THE FLESH found in Galatians5:19-21:

1. Immorality 9. Outburst of anger
2. Impurity 10. Disputes
3. Sensuality 11. Dissensions
4. Idolatry 12. Factions
5. Sorcery 13. Envyings
6. Enmities 14. Drunkeness
7. Strife 15. Carousings
8. Jealousy 16. Things like these

This listing are things that tend to recapture you into slavery and opens the door of opportunity for the devil to bind you again...after you have been set free.

An official list of SIN was classified by the church as The Seven (7) Deadly Sins. Along with the seven sins...there were placed alongside them the Seven Virtues:

1. Lust/Chastity
2. Gluttony/Temperance
3. Greed/Charity
4. Sloth/Diligence
5. Wrath/Patience
6. Envy/Kindness
7. Pride/Humility

Sin would also be classified as VENIAL/MINOR sins...or CAPITAL/MORTAL/MAJOR sins. Picking your nose is a sin is minor...but picking someone's nose against their will is major.

One last list (and there is never really a last list) is sin broken down by a 4th century monk:

1. Gluttony
2. Fornication
3. Avarice
4. Sorrow
5. Anger
6. Discouragement
7. Vainglory/pride

Each of these lists represents...SIN...and it is NEVER presented as a GOOD THING.

There are varying opinions about this thing called SIN. Some enjoy it for a season...until PAYDAY. "The wages of SIN is DEATH..." (Romans 6:23) This collage represents various views on sin from a Christian perspective.

I tried to find a quote...that I have heard before...but can't put my finger on it. If anyone out there knows who said it and the actual quote...let me know. I have a feeling that my Pastor Ronnie Meek may be able to enlighten me in this (and other) area. The quote...I believe is in response to a reporter...who was asking someone about their opinion/view of the subject of SIN. The answer was..."I'm against it."

Various Jesus Rock groups sang about their opinions about sin...



ANDY McCARROL AND MORAL SUPPORT punked their way with an intense...SIN...I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATED IT.

The Reverend Billy Sunday...who was a very popular baseball player in the 20's...and became a Christian and on of the most colorful evangelist/revivalists of the quoted on the subject of SIN: "Listen, I'm against SIN. I'll KICK it as long as I've got a FOOT. I'll FIGHT it as long as I've got a FIST. I'll BUTT it as long as I've got a HEAD...and I'll BITE it as long as I've got a TOOTH. And when I'm old, fistless, footless, and toothless...I'll GUM IT till I go home to glory and IT (sin) goes home to perdition."

NOTE: This was way before Monty Python's search for the Holy Grail.

Another group that I don't have a picture the group ONE BAD PIG: "Thrash, Thrash, Thrash against sin...Don't let sin enter in... Thrash, Thrash, Thrash it again...Thrash, Thrash, Thrash against sin."

Well...what can deal with this thing called SIN?

The first thing that you have to ACKNOWLEDGE that you have sin in your life..making you a SINNER. Denial may cover it up in your eyes...but the cause and effect will not be denied.

"If we say that we have NO SIN...we are deceiving ourselves...and the truth is not in us. If we CONFESS (homo/same, legos/word)...(say the same word that God says)...our SINS...He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins...and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we HAVE NOT SINNED...we make Him a liar...and His word is not in us." (I John 1:8)

This is true for "non-Christians"...but even more so for those who say they are "Christians".

The next thing is to look to the CROSS. You have admitted that you need you go to what can help you. In the title of this Rambling we have looked at the DEADLY as we look to the CROSS...we see the DYING WORDS. These phrases are known as "The Last Seven Words/Sayings of Jesus"

1. Father forgive them...for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:24)
2. Today you will be with me in Paradise (Luke 23:43)
3. Behold your Son...behold your mother (John 19:26-27)
4. My god, My God...why have you forsaken me? Eli Eli, lama sabacthani. (Matthew 27:46/Mark 15:34)
5. I thirst. (John 19:28)
6. It is Finished (John 19:30)
7. Into your hands...I commit my spirit (Luke 23:46)

These words were uttered as He hung on the cross in our place. He became the PROPITIATION...the SUBSTITUTE...the SATISFACTION for our SINS. This was the the D.B.R.

"I have been CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST...and it is no longer I who live...but CHRIST LIVES IN ME...and the life which I NOW LIVE... in the flesh...I live by FAITH IN THE SON OF GOD...who loved me...and DELIVERED HIMSELF UP FOR ME. (Galatians 2:20)

The next thing you need to by faith apply the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. This is a BLOODY SOLUTION. The picture of Bon Ami represents a cleanser that will remove STAINS. In the movie THE GHOST AND MR. CHICKEN...Bon Ami was talked about how it could not remove the BLOOD STAINS on the organ where someone was murdered. For TAKES BLOOD to remove the BLOOD STAINS OF OUR SIN.

The LAW has brought us to a place where we are aware of our SIN (the nature)...and SINS (the outworking of the nature). The BLOOD OF JESUS brings ORDER to our LAW VIOLATIONS.

"And according to the LAW...on may almost say...all things are cleansed with BLOOD...and WITHOUT THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD....THERE IS NO FORGIVENESS/REMISSION OF SINS." (Hebrews 9:22)

"Now where there is forgiveness of these things...there is no longer any OFFERING FOR SIN. Since therefore, brethren...we have CONFIDENCE to enter the holy place BY THE BLOOD OF a new and living way...which He inaugurated for us through THE VEIL...that is HIS FLESH...and since we have a great priest over the house of God...let us DRAW NEAR...with a sincere heart in full assurance of FAITH...having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience...and our bodies washed with pure water."
(Hebrews 10:19-22)

"In Him (Jesus) we have REDEMPTION...through HIS BLOOD...the FORGIVENESS of TRESPASSES (sin)..according to the riches of His grace.."
(Ephesians 1:7)

You have to come to a place where you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins...and that He was raised from the dead. This is foundational if you want to deal with your sin. (Romans 10:8-19) Your faith is in the D.B.R....NOTHING MORE...NOTHING LESS. But you can BELIEVE IT all day long...but if you never act on it...if you never truly CONFESS (enter into agreement with God about the matter) will never experience release from the DOMINION OF SIN. You gotta...RECEIVE IT.

"But as many as RECEIVED HIM (Jesus...the Word...who was in the beginning with God...who was God....and became flesh and dwelt us among us) them (the believer/receivers)...He (God the Father) gave the right to become CHILDREN OF GOD. (John 1:12

The purpose of ALL THAT JESUS DID...was not to judge or condemn us because of our sin. That was already a done deal...way back in the Garden. Jesus came to SAVE US.

"For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son...that whoever believes in Him should not perish...but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world...but that the world SHOULD BE SAVED...THROUGH HIM. He who believes in Him is NOT JUDGED...he who DOES NOT BELIEVE...has been JUDGED ALREADY...because he has NOT BELIEVED in the name of the only begotten Son of God...aka JESUS.


Take the deadly sins...listen to the dying words...apply the appropriated sacrifice/blood...and believe and receive. This will bring ORDER TO YOUR LAW.

Love and Forgiven Kisses
Rodney "Are You Washed...In The Blood...In the Soul Cleansing Blood of the Lamb" Boyd
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Thursday, October 16, 2008


Greetings A-Team Fans. In the words of Hannibal Smith..."I love it when a plan comes together."

THE A-TEAM was a T.V. show on the air from 1983 to 1987. It was about four Vietnam Vets...framed for a crime they didn't commit (robbed the Bank of Hanoi under direct orders). They help the innocent while on the run from the military.

The A-Team consists of (1) John "Hannibal" Smith the leader and master of disguise, played by George Peppard (2) Templeton "The Face" Peck the con man and ladies man played by Dirk Benedict (3) Hector "Howling Mad" Murdock the crazy pilot played by Dwight Schultz (4) And last but not least...
B.A. Baracus, the mechanic and muscle, played by Tyrese "Mr. T." Gibson.

The catch phrase of the show...made popular by Mr. T. was "I PITY THE FOOL." The good new for many A-Team fans...a movie is in the works. Get your PITY MONITOR READY!

FOOL DEFINED: (1) A person lacking in judgement or prudence (2) A retainer (person) kept in great households to provide casual entertainment and commonly dressed in motley with cap and bells and baubles (3) One who is victimized or made to appear foolish, a dupe (4) A harmlessly deranged person of one lacking in common powers of understanding.

"Carlyle said that men are mostly FOOLS. Christianity...with a surer and more revered realism...says that they are ALL FOOLS." (G.K. Chesteron)

"There are a good many FOOLS who call me a friend...and also a good many friends who call me a FOOL." (G.K. Chesterton)

"The [empty-headed] FOOL has said in his HEART there is NO God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable deeds, there is none that does good or right." (Psalm 14:1/Romans 3:10 The Amplified Bible)

"The [empty-headed] FOOL has said in his HEART...There is NO God. Corrupt and evil are they, and doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good."
(Psalm 53:1 The Amplified Bible)

"You have heard that it was said to the men of old, You shall not kill; and whoever kills shall be liable so that he cannot escape the punishment imposed by the court (Exodus 20:13; Dueteronomy 5:17; Dueteronomy 16:18)...But I say to you that every one who continues to be angry with his brother or harbors malice [enmity of heart] against him shall be liable to and unable to escape the punishment imposed by the court; and whoever speaks contemptuously and insulting to his brother shall be liable to and unable to escape the punishment imposed by the Sanhedrin...and whoevers says...YOU CURSED FOOOL!---You EMPTY-HEADED IDIOT! shall be liable to and unable to escape the hell (Gehenna) of fire." (Matthew 5:21-22)

Oooooooooh...ya gotta love that Jesus...with his peaceful, non-confrontational...politically and religiously correct message of hope.

The first couple of QUOTABLE QUOTES are from a man by the name of G.K. Chesterton. He was an author, poet, historian, Christian apologist, mystery writer, and intellectual...who ran around with...a contemporary of men like George Bernard Shaw...the playwright... J.M. Barrie...creator of Neverland, the Lost Boys and Peter Pan...H.G. Wells author of works that peered through the curtain of the future...and Clarence Darrow...debater and lawyer. One of Chesterton's collective works was a collection of murder mysteries investigated by a Catholic padre called FATHER BROWN.

"The Christian ideal has not been TRIED and found wanting....It has been FOUND DIFFICULT and left UNTRIED." (G.K. Chesterton) One last quote from Chesterton..."Fairy tales are more than true...NOT because the tell us dragons exists...but because they tell us THAT DRAGONS CAN BE BEATEN." (G.K. Chesteron)

The other quote is by someone who left a place of prestige to hang around with riff-raff, fools, and common folk. His name is JESUS. He places an ominous warning for using the word FOOL. The other quotes from Psalms...contrasts that there are FOOLS...and the criteria for someone being a FOOL is saying in their hearts....THERE IS NO GOD.

Well Rod...what's up with this Rambling? What triggered the ruminations about FOOLS? Well...I'm glad you asked. I have been hearing in the wind...about someone who has declared...that they have RESEARCHED the existence of God...and has determined that GOD DOES NOT EXIST!!! WOW!!!!!!!!! That is some heavy research. When someone has researched (reviewed all available material about God)... and has come to the final conclusion that there IS NO GOD...has got to have the intellect...the size of a billion computers...and the insight of Einstein extrapolated out to QUANTUM LEAPS. To make the statement THERE IS NO GOD...brings the INTELLECT...into the FOOL REALM. This is not an emotional statement that condemns one to hell...but a statement of fact, underscored in the Bible.

Atheists...denies the existence of God...but God does not deny the existence of atheists. "For God so love the ATHEISTS that He gave His only begotten Son...that if the ATHEISTS believes in Him...should NOT PERISH (be a fool)...but have EVERLASTING LIFE...versus an existence of CAUSE and EFFECT." (John 3:16 The Ruminator Version) Ray Comfort has a book out called GOD DOESN'T BELIEVE IN ATHEISTS (Proof That The Atheist Doesn't Exist).

"For the wrath of God (who they don't believes exists) REVEALED (not by flesh and blood but by the Father)...from heaven against ALL ungodliness and unrighteousness of men...who SUPPRESS THE TRUTH in unrighteousness...because that which is KNOWN ABOUT EVIDENT...WITHIN THEM....for God (who they don't believes exists)...made it EVIDENT TO THEM. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes...His eternal power...and divine nature have BEEN CLEARLY SEEN....being UNDERSTOOD what through what has been that THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE. For even though THEY KNEW GOD....they DID NOT HONOR HIM AS GOD...or GIVE THANKS...but...they BECAME FUTILE in their SPECULATIONS...and their FOOLISH HEARTS was darkened."
(Romans 1:18-21)

QUESTION: What is the cause and effect of suppressing of the truth...lack of excuses...non-honoring of God...thankless
futile speculations and foolish hearts?

ANSWER: "PROFESSING TO BE WISE....THEY BECAME FOOLS" (Romans 1:22) These people...KNOW THE TRUTH...but under the guise of intellectualism/humanism...the go from a position of WISDOM...down to the position of FOOLISH. They have SAID IN THEIR HEARTS THERE IS NO GOD. The cause and effect of saying in your heart there is NO GOD....FOOL! They have positioned themselves for a slide into the Valley of Hennum (Gehenna)...that Jesus compared a perpetual burning garbage dump outside of Jerusalem. You can debate the existence of Hell all day long...but that does not remove the stench of your smoldering soul.

NOTE: A FOOl may say in their hearts that there is NO GOD...but one thing is worse than a FOOL That would be a CHRISTIAN who lives AS IF there is NO GOD.

The next step for the to manifest their FOOLISHNESS in their actions and lifestyle. A FOOL will make very unwise decisions based on their FAULTY REASONING...and INTELLECTUAL FOIBLES. Christians and non-Christians make these decisions all the time in the FLESH and not in the SPIRIT. Romans continues....

"Professing to be wise...they became fools....and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore...God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and WORSHIPED and SERVED THE CREATURE rather than the CREATOR, who is blessed forever. Amen." For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural...and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire towards one with men...committing indecent acts and receiving in their won persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to ACKNOWLEDGE GOD ANY LONGER (they once did)...God gave them over to a depraved do those things which are not proper being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, malice, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice they are GOSSIPS, slanderers, HATERS OF GOD...insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING, untrustworthy, unloving unmerciful; and although THEY KNOW THE ORDINANCE OF GOD...that hose who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same...but also give hearty approval to those who PRACTICE THEM." (Romans 1:22-32)


Malcom and Alwyn...a duo from England...who were pioneers in the JESUS MOVEMENT MUSIC SCENE...has an album called FOOLS WISDOM. They sing of a GOOD TYPE OF FOOL.

"We are FOOLS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE...but you are prudent in Christ...We are WEAK...but you are are distinguished...but we are without honor."
(I Corinthians 4:10 NASB)

"Let no man DECEIVE himself...if ANY MAN among you THINKS....that he is WISE in this age...let him BECOME FOOLISH that he may become WISE. For the WISDOM of this world is FOOLISHNESS BEFORE GOD...for it is written...He is the one who catches the wise in their craftiness...and again the Lord knows the REASONING of the wise...THAT THEY ARE USELESS."
(I Corinthians 3:18-20 NASB)

"For the Word of the CROSS (D.B.R.) is to those who are PERISHING...
FOOLISHNESS...but to those of us who are being SAVED it is the POWER OF GOD. For it is written...I will destroy the WISDOM OF THE WISE...and the CLEVERNESS OF THE CLEVER I will set aside." (I Corinthians 1:18-19 NASB)

NOTE: Read I Corinthians chapters 1 and 2 for contrast between wisdom and foolishness. Also read the book of PRO-VERBS (Positive-Action) for insight in the contrasts between fools and the wise.

"I am a FOOL for CHRIST...tell me whose FOOL you are." (Gary S. Paxton)

"You've got to love some may be the may be the Lord...but you got to love somebody." (Bob Dylan)


I got my self some wisdom from a leather bound book
I got myself some wisdom when I took a second look
I opened up the pages and what did I find
A black and white PORTRAIT
Of a Saviour whose a friend of mine
Heeeyyy....Hey What a daaay...
Fooooooolls Wisdom


God is NOT afraid of our doubts and questions. If someone can talk you out of your FAITH...then your faith was a STRAW MAN in the first place. Over the years...I have doubted...and acted on my doubts...and reaped what I sowed. God allowed me to WALK AWAY... because He desires true lovers...not robots. He gave us choice. In Romans we see that God gave them over to their desires...and let them worship whoever they wished to worship. He will let a married man have sex outside of marriage as a whoremonger in heat for a whore. He will let you harbor bitterness and resentment until it consumes you. He will allow you to pursue sexual deviance and let you call it gay. He will allow you to eat until you explode. He will allow you to choose curses and deaths or blessings and life. He will let you RESEARCH all of the man made intellectual concepts of God...and allow you to come to the conclusion that GOD DOES NOT EXISTS. He will allow you to be a FOOL...either a FOOL FOR CHRIST...or A FOOL FOR YOURSELF. I am a FOOL for CHRIST...tell me WHOSE FOOL YOU ARE.

Love and Fool for Christ Kisses
Rodney "Ain't Gonna Commit Intellectual Suicide" Boyd
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Saturday, October 11, 2008


Greetings and Salutations in these perilous financial times. Depending on when your read this...the roller coaster economy could be at a high or a low. Hang on to your hats.

QUESTION: What does BUDDY HOLLY have to do with the ECONOMY?

AN EVEN BIGGER QUESTION: Were these two studs separated at birth?

Buddy Holly...a scrawny, bespectacled kid...saw Elvis Presley in concert in Lubbock Texas...and decided at that point...that is what he wanted to do. In a short time span...Buddy was appearing with Elvis in concert...playing his Texas version of rock and roll with his Fender guitar...and the Crickets...which included a young Waylon Jennings. History shows that Buddy Holly...J.P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson...Ritchie Valens...and Roger Peterson (the pilot) died in a plane crash after a concert. Jennings missed the flight as he yielded his seat to the Big Bopper because Richardson had the flu and asked Jennings for his seat. Later in the 70's Don McClean would proclaim that day as...THE DAY THE MUSIC DIED.


The answer to this...and even more exciting questions will be answered later.

Anybody with a pulse...knows that these ain't THE GOOD OLD DAYS. Wall Street is reeling from fierce blows and seems to be down for the count. Our collage shows (1) A Wall Street street sign (2) A young George Bailey wishing he had a million dollars...HOT DOG! (3) Scrooge McDuck swimming in his vault of loot (4) Fort Knox...the federal reserve with gold O' plenty.

All of these represent our POINTS OF TRUST for our financial future. Each one is as fragile as the other...and the stock market is up and down almost as much as our emotions are...and are subject to a crash along with our emotions.

FEAR is the master of a lot of peoples fate...and sometimes drives them to the point of hopelessness...that brings them to the END OF THEIR ROPES... literally as the either jump out of buildings...hang themselves...or shoot themselves in despair.

If hope is defined as CONFIDENT EXPECTATION...then hopelessness must be defined as WAVERING EXPECTATION OF THE WORST.

It was only a few weeks ago...when oil/gas shortages sent gas prices flaring and flaring tempers at the gas pumps...where people would get into verbal arguments...and actual fist each one would HORDE gas..."just in case".

Now...gas appears to be on the way down...emotions are subsiding...until the next spike in price. What is the answer to our fragile situation? GOD'S ECONOMIC SYSTEM. To some it is "hiding your head in the sand"....and "avoiding reality". To is WALKING BY FAITH instead of CRAWLING BY FEAR. Whenever I go to the gas pump... I always...always...always...quote Philippians 4:19. If God can supply gas to me at 36 cents a it not reasonable that He can supply my need for gas at $5.00 a gallon?

NOTE: Read the entire 4th chapter of Philippians for how to deal with anxiety, and the secret to walk in Philippians 4:19.

The BASIS for GOD'S ECONOMIC SYSTEM is found in Philippians 4:19"

"And my GOD will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY IN CHRIST JESUS." (The Amplified Bible)

Note...that it is not...WASHINGTON will supply my every WELFARE need...according to how much we can TAX the people. As I have heard from others..."Let them tax can't get blood from a turnip."

With Philippians the BASIS for GOD'S ECONOMIC SYSTEM...let us look as some of the PRECEPTS of this SYSTEM.

In the original Garden...that would be the Garden of Eden...NOT...the Woodstock attempt at getting back to the Garden...there was NO LACK. There was abundance and provision...until DISOBEDIENCE entered in...along with THE CURSE...which included POVERTY (Genesis 1-4; Deuteronomy 28:1-68; Galatians 3:13) POVERTY IS A CURSE...JUST LIKE SICKNESS IS A CURSE. if poverty and sickness are a blessing...then quit trying to get out of the blessing by going to the doctor or working to bring in a paycheck. NOTE: Living a FRUGAL life is not the same thing as being under the OPPRESSION of POVERTY.

The elder Elder...John wrote a brief letter to the beloved Gaius...and opened with a prayer: "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in EVERY way...and [that your body] may keep well...even as {I know] your soul keeps well and prospers." (John 3 The Amplified Bible).

NOTE: Proponents who attempt to distance themselves from the prosperity teachers...will emphasize that this is ONLY (1) a way of opening a letter (2) John was only talking about spiritual prosperity. I personally think it is a balanced prayer to PROSPER (have more than enough to meet your need and enough to pour out to others) the spirit/soul, body, and financial. As I search the does not negate having stuff. Of Philippians 4 states... "God will meet your NEEDS"....not your GREEDS. God is a gracious God...but He is also a CONDITIONAL GOD.

Another aspect of GOD'S ECONOMIC SYSTEM is found in the teaching of Jesus found in Luke 6. The context of this Jesus being accused of being unlawful by the Pharisees (religious people...not spiritual people). Jesus entered into discussion with them...which included a discussion about healing. They were filled with RAGE...and began to discuss how to handle Jesus. Jesus went off to pray...and then came to teach the people what is known as the BEATITUDES (these BE the ATTITUDES...that we should BE having). Jesus then began to teach about RECIPROCITY. This to love your enemies, how to bless those who curse you, how to deal with those who mistreat to walk in the art of giving...and to treat men as you want to be treated. He explained that if you do good to those who do good to you...what credit is that to you. Even sinners do the same thing. He then gets into lending to those whom you expect something back in return. What credit is that to you. Even sinners do the same thing. The Jesus added the word BUT...which let them know that he was going to CONTRAST how NOT to do it...with HOW to do it. (Luke 6:27-34)

"But love your enemies...and do good...and lend...expecting NOTHING in return...and your reward will be great...and you will be sons of the Most High...for He Himself is kind to UNGRATEFUL AND EVIL MEN. Be merciful, just as your Fatter is merciful. And do not pass judgement and you will not be judged; and do not condemn and you shall not be condemned...pardon and you will be pardoned."
(Luke 6:35-37)

Now...Jesus brings in the main thought about all of this...which is based on love and faith...not fear and hoarding.

"GIVE...and [gifts] will be given you...good measure...pressed down...shaken together...running over will they (men) pour into [the pouch formed by] the bosom [of your robe and used as a bag]. For with the measure you use when you confer benefits on others--it will be measured back to you." (Luke 6:38 The Amplified Bible)

NOTE: If you take a bushel basket....and pour in or fill it will a good measure...that is fair...BUT...God does not stop there. You then press it make room for MORE. Then you sake it together to make sure everything is settled so MORE can be placed in. And then.... you continue to pour in to the very top of the basket...BUT you don't stop KEEP ON POURING IN...until...IT BEGINS TO OVERFLOW. Now...that is PROVISION. Now...that is the HEARTBEAT OF GOD'S ECONOMY.

But what do you do...when it looks like there is no provision? What do you do when it looks like Wall Street is crashing and burning.? What do you do when the gas lines are circling the block...and there are fist fights at the pumps and gas is $10.00 a gallon? I'm glad you asked. YOU WALK BY FAITH...NOT BY SIGHT. (II Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 11:1; Hebrews 11:6; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38; Habakkuk 2:4)

"Behold the PROUD...his soul is not straight or right within him; but the rigidly just and the uncompromisingly righteous man shall LIVE BY HIS FAITH and in hi faithfulness." Habakkuk 2:4)

Pride short circuits...GOD'S ECONOMY SYSTEM for you individually. His ECONOMY SYSTEM is alive and well...but your access has been hindered. You have to HUMBLE YOURSELF...walk by FAITH...and not by FEAR.

NOTE: There is NO SHORTAGE in God's riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Here is what you do between the point of prayer...and the point of provision as you WALK BY FAITH.

"Though the fig tree DOES NOT blossom...and there BE NO fruit on the vines... [though] the product of the olive FAIL...and the fields YIELD NO food... though the flock be CUT OFF from the fold...and there BE NO cattle in the stalls...YET..." (Habakkuk 3:17)


In contrast to what YOU SEE...the word YET...transitions us to the ANSWER. So far we have seen the PROBLEM. Now we see what ACTION that we take BY FAITH.


1. I will: This is our free will. We make a choice to do what is needed.
2. Rejoice in the Lord: Praise is in order...even if the circumstances, situations, economy does not warrant it. You are not rejoicing in
you circumstance...but IN THE LORD. It is like the verse in I Thessalonians 5:18..."In EVERYTHING give thanks...for this is God's
will for you in Christ Jesus." EVERYTHING that comes down the pike IS NOT God's will for you...BUT you giving THANKS to God
in the midst of EVERYTHING...IS God's will for REJOICE.
3. I will EXULT in the VICTORIOUS GOD OF MY MY SALVATION. Exulting is not just a passive, quiet response to something. It
is a demonstrative demonstration of exuberance. Jump up...spin around...get clamorously foolish...RAVE ON. is not for
the bad stuff/times you are going through...but in response to the answerer of your prayers...the God of your salvation...and that
God ain't congress....or a presidential candidate...or a religious leader.

NOW....we begin to make FAITH DECLARATIONS:

1. The Lord God is my strength (Philippians 4:19)
2. The Lord God is my personal bravery.
3. The Lord God is my invincible army
4. He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me WALK [not to stand still in TERROR...but to WALK] and makes SPIRITUAL


This is just scratching the surface of GOD'S ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Read Philippians 4:10-19 for THE SECRET of GOD'S ECONOMIC SYSTEM.


You did not think I forgot the original question...did ya?

QUESTION: What does BUDDY HOLLY have to do with the ECONOMY?


One of Buddy Holly's last hits...before the plane crash was RAVE ON.

Little thing you say and do
Make me want to be with you
RAVE ON, This crazy feeling
And I know it's go me reeling
When you say I LOVE YOU...RAVE ON

The word RAVE means:

1. To talk wildly , as in delirium
2. To talk or write with EXTRAVAGANT enthusiasm
3. An extravagantly enthusiastic appraisal or review of something
4. Chiefly a British slang word...A boisterous party

This is the nature of what we are to do when were EXULT in the VICTORIOUS GOD OF OUR SALVATION in this economic mess.

Love and Rave On Kisses
Rodney "Where Did You Get Those Glasses" Boyd
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Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Hello dear ones. I was talking with my son tonight after he came home from his job at U.P.S.
We were talking about the days events about work and school and life in general. Phillip is 19 years old and is growing into a fine young man. In our conversation...we were talking about when I was 19 years old...I was working at Samsonite factory and how hard the work was... and also how it was at this age that I was at a CROSSROADS. I was on the cusp of becoming a follower of Jesus...but I was in the throes of an eternal struggle between the flesh and the call of the Spirit. I was hooked on sniffing chemicals for transient highs into a dream state that would always result in a nightmare. I had been in church most of my life...from the Cradle Roll until I was well into my teens. As many readers of these Ramblings the fall of 1970...I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour...and my life has never been the same. I quit the band I was in (The Blind Distortion)...went away to Tennessee Temple Bible School in Chattanooga to get my Bachelor of Bible so I could become an Evangelist...and had also received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. (Read A New Song by Pat Boone and The Cross and the Switchblade by David Wilkerson for influences during this time).

By 1972...I was in worse condition than I was before I became a Christian. I was getting drunk on booze...get high on drugs...sniffing chemicals again...more than pre-Christ.

I had PUT MY HAND TO THE PLOW...and LOOKED BACK...and the fields that I was plowing were becoming a CROOKED MESS!

"And He said to another...Follow Me...but he said...Permit me first to go and bury my father. But He said to him...allow the dead to bury their own dead; but AS FOR YOU...go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God. And another said...I will follow You, Lord...but first permit me to say good-bye to those at home. But Jesus said to him...No one after putting his HAND TO THE PLOW...and LOOKING fit for the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:58-62)

Lookin' back will get ya every time. Genesis 19 is the famous story of Sodom and Gomorrah. To some it is the prove text against homosexuality (ie. Sodomites where the men of the city...the men of Sodom...surrounded the house...both young and old...all the people from every quarter...and they called to Lot and said to him...Where are the men who came to your tonight? Bring them out to us that WE MAY HAVE RELATIONS WITH THEM.
(Genesis 19:1-5)

God was shown compassion by He provided A WAY OUT of the wickedness and wicked city...prior to destruction because of the wickedness of men on men relations. In Genesis 19:15,16,16,26...we see the story unfolding...

Morning dawned and the angels urged Lot.

ANGELS: Up and take your wife and your two daughters, who are here, lest you be swept away in the punishment of the city.

Lot the men seized his hand and the hand of his wife and the hands of his daughters...for the COMPASSION OF THE LORD was upon him... and they BROUGHT HIM OUT...and put him outside the city.

ANGEL: Escape for your life! DO NOT LOOK BEHIND YOU...and DO NOT STAY anywhere in the valley; ESCAPE to the mountains...lest you be SWEPT AWAY.

The destruction came because of the wickedness as he RAINED DOWN brimstone and fire...and He overthrew those cities, and all the valley and all the inhabitants of the cities and what grew on the ground...BUT...his wife...from behind...LOOKED BACK (exactly what she was told NOT to do). The cause and effect of LOOKING BACK...she became a PILLAR OF SALT.

The group FIREWORKS (pictured in the collage along with their debut album of the same name...had a song called DON'T LOOK BACK.
"When you put your HAND TO THE PLOW...DON'T LOOK BACK..." 1972...I LOOKED BACK. I threw away the peace and relationship with God out the window...and I developed a MORTON'S SALT MENTALITY...and believe me...WHEN IT RAINED...IT POURED.

As many of you know...something usually triggers these little Ramblings...either of a personal nature...or of some event I have observed....or what I have overheard something someone said.

Tonight...I am overwhelmed at how the devil is running rough shod over some believers. I have empathy and relate to fallen saints. I relate to how people can take the greatest gift of their lives...and they throw it away for momentary pleasure.

I guess that is why I teach the Word of God and write these Ramblings. I hope something that is said or written...will encourage someone who may be ready to give up...or are going through a hard time...will not LOOK BACK but will LOOK FORWARD into the cross...and into the Word of God...and BE ENCOURAGED NOT TO GIVE UP OR QUIT. We are in a RACE...and it is not a SPRINT...but a MARATHON. Eric Liddle the Missionary to China... could feel His pleasure when he ran...and God is pleased with us as we CONTINUE TO RUN THE RACE TO THE FINISH.

God has the medicine for our sickness. Here are some prescriptions for quitting and giving up.

"FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH; lay hold of the eternal life to which you were summoned...and confessed the good confession [of faith] before many witnesses." (I Timothy 6:12 The Amplified Bible)

"I have fought the good (worthy, honorable, and noble) fight; I have FINISHED THE RACE...I have KEPT {firmly held) THE FAITH." (II Timothy 4:7 The Amplified Bible)

"I do not consider, brethren...that I have captured and made it my own (see Philippians 3:10-12 to see what the it is)...[YET]...but one thing I do--it is my one aspiration...forgetting what LIES BEHIND...and STRAINING what LIES AHEAD...I PRESS ON TOWARD the goal to wind the [supreme and heavenly] which God in Christ Jesus is CALLING US UPWARD." (Philippians 3:13-14)

We are called to fight the good fight of confess the good confession of finish the keep the forget what lies behind...and to strain forward to what lies press on toward the upward calling. We cannot do this...if we have PUT OUR HAND TO THE PLOW AND LOOK BACK.

The first picture in this Rambling is a picture of an album by Paul Clark called HAND TO THE PLOW. Paul Clark is in the top five of my favorite all time musicians/artists. The song HAND TO THE PLOW is a funky little mixture of rock, jazz, funk...encouraging us to keep the hand to the plow and keep looking forward.

I felt the pressures of temptation
How the devil twist my situation
I know the world can be distracting
But if I keep one foot there...I'm...just...acting
I can't think of a reason why I should LOOK BACK
And I don't intend to start now
Gonna keep my face like FLINT to Jesus and His Word

Of course...Jesus is our He had ever opportunity and reason to LOOK BACK...but did not.

"Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony of the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance---unnecessary weight--and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the RACE that is set before us...looking awy [FROM ALL THAT WILL JESUS...Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also the Finisher..[bringing it to maturity and perfection]. He (Jesus)...for the joy [OF OBTAINING THE PRIZE]..that was set BEFORE Him...ENDURED THE CROSS (DBR)...despising and ignoring the shame...and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God. " (Hebrews 12:1-3 The Amplified Bible)

Realize this..."And I am convinced and sure of this very thing...that He Who BEGAN a good work IN YOU...will CONTINUE until the day of Jesus Christ--right up to the time of His return---DEVELOPING [that good work] and PERFECTING and BRINGING IT TO FULL COMPLETION in you." (Philippians 1:6)


Nuff said!

Love and Persevering Kisses
Rodney "Pass By The Salt Please" Boyd
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