Wednesday, November 02, 2011

CORAZON del FUEGO (The Heart of the Fire)

Greetings Mates.

Periodically I like to drag out this reignite the fire within me. This is simply the story on the lable of this fine hot sauce called CAPTAIN RODNEY'S HOT SAUCE...Pirates Gold...Corazon del Fuego...Heart of the Fire.

"For generations...explorers have searched for the fabled Corazon del Fuego, the heart of the fire. Captain Rodney has discovered the secrets of the heart, and for a price...he might be willing to share them with you. Using the famous Jamacian Scotch Bonnet Pepper and his own blend of spices, the Captain has captured and bottled the vey ESSENCE of fire. Not a sauce for the faint of heart, only the bravest can enter the HEART OF FIRE...the CORAZON del FUEGO. Signed...Captain Rodney Pirate Retired."

Whenever I read this story...I am reminded of the two disciples (one of them named Cleopas) walking on the road to Emmaus after the death of Jesus. Jesus appears to them.

"And it came about that when He had reclined at table with them, He took the bread and blessed it, and breaking it He began giving it to them. And their EYES WERE OPENED and they RECOGNIZED HIM and He vanished from their sight."

What an opportunity we have...every time we approach the communion table...the table of have our eyes freshly opened to recognize Him once more as we walk in this fallen world.


"And they said to one another...Were not our HEARTS BURNING WITHIN US...while He was speaking to us on the road, whle He was explaining the Scriptures to us."

Walking with Jesus...communion with Him...Scriptures explained...eyes opened...recogntion of Him...Corazon del Fuego...Hearts of Fire. This is where we and they get/got the revelation that

May the Lord do all of this as you walk with Him daily.

"He who has may commandments and keeps them...he it is who loves Me...and He who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him...and will disclose (manifest, reveal) Myself to him." (John 14:21)

Love and Burning Kisses
Rodney "The Lord Has really Risen" Boyd

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Hello Freedom Friends.

Have you tried over and over and over break the power of sin and the flesh in your life? I have...and always come back to the pig pen and vomit of the dog. I then walk in the condemnation and discouragement of who I am versus who I want to be. Can I get an AMEN...or an OH ME?

"For what I am doing...I do not understand. For what I WILL to DO...that I DO not PRACTICE; but what I HATE, that I DO." (Romans 7:15)

If you are like start off with good intentions that turns into failed contentions. Romans 7:16-21 identifies the problem as SIN. There is a WAR that is WARRING within us between "the law in my members, warring against the law in my mind..and bringing me into CAPTIVITY to the LAW OF SIN which is in my members." (Romans 7:22--23)

The conclusive thought process is..."O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?" (Romans 7:24) That is the question that I constantly ask myself...especially when I am in the middle of failure...again.

ANSWER: I thank God--through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD! So than, with the mind I myself serve the law of God...but with the flesh...the law of sin." (Romans 7:25)

KEY TO VICTORY: "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are IN CHRIST JESUS...who do not WALK according to the FLESH...but (walk) ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT." (Romans 8:1)

The devil (little d) condemns...the Lord edifies. "For the law of the SPIRIT OF LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS...has made me FREE from the law of sin and death." (Romans 8:2)

NOTE: Read the rest of chapter 8 to see how to become MORE THAN CONQUERORS.

A great companion chapter to Romans chapters 6-7 is Galatians 5-6.

We are called to STAND FAST therefore in the LIBERTY/FREEDOM by which Christ Jesus has MADE US FREE...and do not be ENTANGLED AGAIN...with a YOKE OF BONDAGE/SLAVERY. (Galatians 5:1)

Just because you call yourself a Christian...or are actually a Christian...does not mean an automatic pass for freedom. You CAN...and WILL BE bound again by sin and the flesh...if you ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN.

I speak from personal experience. I was saved in the fall of 1970...baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1972...and backslid into more sin than I did before I was saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit. It all happened because I did not follow the recommendations in Galatians 5.

NOTE: Be sure to note...that I had CHOICES to make. I CHOSE sin and the flesh over freedom and peace. The Lord never promised to deliver us from our friends...only our enemies...and as long as whatever you are doing that violates the principles of God are you will caught between the the Spirit and the flesh...between freedom and bondage.

If you are going to answer God's CALLING in your must really understand what His calling is for you. "For you, brethren..HAVE BEEN CALLED TO FREEDOM...only do not USE an OPPORTUNITY FOR THE FLESH...but through LOVE...SERVE...ONE ANOTHER." (Galatians 5:13)

When we walk in sin and in flesh...we do not love (1) The Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (2) Love our neighbor (anyone other than you...including family, co-workers, friends, etc) (3) Love yourself. and we do not serve. We love ourselves more than anyone...and become bound instead of free.

"I say then...WALK IN THE SPIRIT...and you shall NOT FULFILL the LUST OF THE FLESH." (Galatians 5:16) It is obvious to me...that if I am fulfilling the lust of the flesh...I am NOT walking in the Spirit.

The found at the Cross Of Christ...and by FAITH...accepting what I can't do. Galatians manifested as I am faced with choices of sin and flesh. " And those who are Christ's have CRUCIFIED THE FLESH...with its passions and desires. If we LIVE IN THE SPIRIT...let us also WALK IN THE SPIRIT. Let us NOT become CONCEITED, provoking one another, envying one another." (Galatians 5:24-26)

NOTE: It is easy for me to pontificate about this...but I know it is the truth. I struggle all the time with sin and flesh...but find that the more I am focused on the Word, focused on the Lord, focused on the Spirit...focused on crucifying my flesh with it's passions and desires...versus focusing on my failures and the devil's lies...I am quicker to REPENT (have a change of mind, change of attitude, change of direction...moving towards the Lord and away from sin and things of the flesh.) Acts 3:19 becomes evident as I RETURN and REPENT...and experience REFRESHING IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD. The neat thing is...the Lord will LET/ALLOW me to do whatever I want to do. I have found this...the quicker I get to the bottom of the pig pen...and quit digging below ground level...and look up to the Father waiting for me...the quicker I can dine on the fatted calf...versus dog vomit.

Love and Repentant Kisses
Rodney "Thanks Be To Christ Jesus" Boyd

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Greetings and Salutations to all of you who are NOT ME. It's good to be ME... and NOT YOU.

NOTE: You may or may not see the picture here. As wonderful as I am, I can't figure out why sometimes my pictures appear and sometimes they don't.

WARNING: This Rambling is written with tongue placed firmly in my cheek... because I DON'T think I AM better than you...but I see so many people who think that they ARE better than I thought...that since I AM better than THEM...that I would point MY finger at THEM to protect and defend YOU.


#10 It is a scientific fact that within my gray matter...the electrical synapses are so charged with electricity and spark...that my mind could power an entire city. No...really!

#9 Someone once asked me..."You don't think that your fecal matter stinks?" My answer to them..." doesn't. Mine smells like a field of wild flowers."

#8 I am edumacated.

#7 When the good Lord was passing out books...I told Him I am smart enough...give me looks...and the rest is history.

#6 I am so theologically correct...that you could bind the Ruminator Ramblings in line the pages...and call it BIBLE PART TWO...aka N.R.V. (New Rodney Version)

#5 There is no need for you to read the Bible...I will tell you what to think, feel, say, and how to act to line up with my perception of how Christianity SHOULD be.

#4 I don't smoke, drink, chew, cuss, fuss, do drugs, smoke, gossip, wear my hair to long, wear saggy pants to reveal my butt crack (just say no to crack), (fill in the blank with anything that YOU DO).

#3 I DO pray in public, give money to the needy, attend church on a regular basis, attend Sunday School (especially the Ruminator Sunday School Class), sing as loudly as I can to drown you out, give tithes and offerings, (fill in the blank with any religious thing that YOU DON'T DO).

#2 The next time you need a standard, guideline, or a calibration point to gauge your life by... call 1-800-Rodney. If you get a busy again and realize...I am in big demand.

and the #1 reason that I'm better than you...



Why do you think people warm up their voices for singing by saying ME ME ME? Because they are thinking about ME, ME, ME.


Well there ya go. Of course...It's ALL ABOUT HIM BABY...ALL ABOUT HIM...and not me.

Love and Humble Kisses
rodney "it's all about JESUS" boyd

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