Monday, October 31, 2011


Greetings HuMANity and HuWOMANity... HuPERSONity.

NOTE: Koine is a Greek word meaning..."common". It is applied to the Greek language as opposed to the "classical" Greek language. The Bible is written in the "koine/common" Greek language (for the common
person)...and the root of words like fellowship, communication, communion (a common connection).

Today it was reported that planet earth was blessed with more the number of over seven billion people. Of course if that troubles you...the options are that you could give up your place on earth...or you could find some non-productive people and eliminate their position. The Twilight Zone had an episode where they would eliminate the "obsolete"...which sounded like a pretty good idea until you realized that you were considered "obsolete".

This old world is filled with human beings who all have a couple of things in common (koine). (1) They were created by a Creator (Genesis 1:26-27; Genesis 2:5-7; Genesis 2:20-25 (2) They are a spirit, with a soul encased in a body (I Thessalonians 5:23). Of course depending on your mind set...this Creator/creation things is a load of hooey and you would more likely subscribe to a cosmic accident..from goo to you by way of the zoo (aka evolution).

As people we have these things in common (koine)...but we have so many things NOT in common. are made up of spirit, soul, body (I Thessalonian 5:23).

1. body/soma: (flesh, blood, bones, internal organs (brain, heart, liver, lungs, etc.)

2. soul/psyche: mind (our thinking component), will/volition (our choosing component), emotions (our feeling component)

3. spirit/pneuma: our human component of connection to God.

As common as these three things are to the 7 + Billion people on the 3rd Rock from the Sun...the swirling terrestrial ball, the Ball of Confusion, Planet Earth...we are as individual as the fingerprints on the tips of our fingers. When John wrote John 3:16 (which was really not broken down into chapter and verse when it was written)...he was speaking of God's love for the individual spirits, souls, and and bodies on Earth.

In my profession of Speech-Language Pathology...we study the development of language. One aspect of this study (also studied in other studies of human development) we have a concept called "nature verses nurture." We study the dynamic of whether we are born with everything we need for human development...or are we born with a clean slate and as we progress chronologically does our experience write on the slate and develop who we turn out to be?

My perspective is...and has always been...we are a combo package. We have everything we need to develop...but outside sources...aka our environment...develops and shapes WHO WE INDIVIDUALS. This includes the (1) the good (2) the bad (3) the ugly of humanity. To add to the mix...we are born into sin... needing a Saviour. "Therefore, just as through one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death through sin...and thus death spread to ALL men (us) because all have sinned." (Romans 5:12) The concept of a SOUL MAN...has been regulated to the African-American population...but since we all have a applies to all mankind. Our 7 billion souls...with our 7 billion experiences...results in 7 billion cause and effects in our lives.

The idea of Christianity versus other religions, sects, the concept of God reaching out and connecting with mankind...versus man trying to connect to God on their level. "Let this mind be in you which was ALSO in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God...did not consider it robbery to be equal with God...BUT made Himself of no reputation...taking the form of a bond servant, and coming in the LIKENESS OF MEN. " (Philippians 2:5-7)

What does all of this have to do with anything? Well...It should impact the way that I look at, view, and yes even judge other human beings. Sometimes we Christians tend to get "saved from our sins"...and tend to forget where we came from... and think that our "fecal matter does not stink."
We forget that we are merely "one beggar telling another beggar where we found a piece of bread." (John Fischer from the album Dark Horse)

Everyone that we come into contact with has a story. Everyone has different experiences that shape the way the react to different stimuli. Everyone has habits (good or bad), mindsets, thought processes that manifests in their actions. This is not only true with non-believers in the death, burial, resurrection of Jesus the Christ...BUT also with those who claim the title "Christians".

When we realize that "He (Jesus) died for ALL, (Christians and non-Christians) that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer." (II Corinthians 5:15-16)

"For God so loved the SEVEN BILLION HUMAN the world...that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus)...that whosoever of the SEVEN BILLION HUMAN BEINGS...believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

Well...if all of this is does that affect the way I view and treat and love mankind?

"Therefore (because of what we read in II Corinthians 5:14-15)...from now on...we regard NO ONE according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer." (II Corinthians 5:16)

As a NEW CREATION (II Corinthians 5:17)...I must begin to look at people with NEW EYES. It is when I begin to do this...I can become a MINISTER OF RECONCILIATION.
(II Corinthians 5:17-21)

We are called to be "ministers of reconciliation" God reconciled us to Him through Jesus Christ...and gave us this same ministry. (II Corinthians 5:18).


1. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself
2. God was NOT counting/imputing their trespasses to them
3. God committed to us the WORD OF RECONCILIATION

It is so easy to count 7 billion trespasses against them...when we think we don't have anything in KOINE/COMMON. 7 billion differences...but 7 billion common things. We need the Lord. We need a Saviour. We need the Holy Spirit. We need to have a relationship with our Creator.

This was made possible by the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus.

Love and Reconciled Kisses
Rodney "Believing" Boyd

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Friday, October 28, 2011


Hello friends...

TREES by Joyce Kilmer
I think that I shall never see
A poem as lovely as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast
A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair
Upon whose bosom snow has lain
Who intimately lives with rain
Poems are made by fools like me
But only God can make a tree.

Trees are every changing as the seasons are every changing. At times they are full of life with leaves, and buds, and birds...but then with a change in the season...the become dormant, leafless, alone and dark. The first picture was taken at one of my patients house...and it was mammoth. Standing at the base of the tree and looking up was like looking up at a skyscraper reaching to the sky...disappearing into the clouds...leaving me with a slight stagger as my head tilted back. The second picture is a picture of a tree in my front yard...and each year explodes from naked branches to a covering of life that makes me just sit back and wonder.

The third picture is that same tree in the second picture...but with the sun glowing in the back ground giving it a surreal...almost burning bush type of feel to it. These trees are like similar...but each one...and individual character in the novel of God's creation...much like us as human beings.

In our spiritual walk...trees play an important part in our death and our lives.

Trees were...created by God..."in the beginning". When man was given free reign in the garden...with conditions.

"Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. The Lord God commanded the man, saying, From any TREE of the garden you may eat freely; but from the TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die."

Of and woman ate...and we fell from grace and entered into the process of physical death and separation from God. The downfall of mankind was in the shadow of disobedience at the tree.

Mankind needed a way Joni Mitchell's song Woodstock...sung by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young..."we've got to get ourselves...back to the garden." Of man...wo-man''s efforts can ever get us back to that garden experience. The fall came from disobedience... the restoration must come from obedience...and that restoration would come at the point of a tree.

"For the love of Christ controls us...having concluded this...that one died (Jesus) for all (us)...therefore all (us) died; and He died (Jesus) for all (us) so that they who live (us) might no longer live for themselves, (us) but for Him (Jesus) who DIED and ROSE again on their (us) behalf."
(II Corinthians 5:14-15)

This death...took place on a tree.

"And He Himself bore our sins in his body on the TREE/ that we might die to sin and live to righteousness...for BY HIS WOUNDS YOU WERE HEALED." (I Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:4,11)

Physical, spiritual, emotional, healing was procured on the tree.


Phil Keaggy took a poem by F.W. Pitt called MAKER OF THE UNIVERSE that he found in a devotional called THE CONTINUAL BURNT OFFERING... put together by H.A. Ironside. The poem speaks of how the things of the universe created by the Creator...were used to kill Him as he became a sacrifice in our place. If you get a chance...listen to Phil's song.


The Maker of the universe
As Man, for men was made a curse
The claims of Law which He had made
Unto the uttermost He paid

His holy fingers made the bough
Which grew the thorns that crowned His brow
The nails that pierced His hands were mined
In secret places He designed

He made the forest whence there sprung
The TREE on which His body hung
He died upon a CROSS of wood
Yet made the hill on which it stood

The sky that darkened o'er His head
By Him above the earth was spread
The sun that hid from Him its face
By His decree was poised in space

The spear which spilled His precious blood
Was tempered in the fires of God
The grave in which His form was laid
Was hewn in rocks His hands had made

The throne on which He now appears
Was His from everlasting years
But a new glory crowns His brow
And every knee to Him shall bow

Love and Growing Kisses
Rodney "A Poem As Lovely As A Tree" Boyd

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Mysterian of the Question Mark

Greetings Oh Ye Questioners....Riddle me this?

Back in the 60's...I was delighted to see on T.V. my favorite comic book character come to life...on the T.V. show BATMAN. The Batman was not a superhero in the sense of other superheroes like Superman. He was a mere mortal...a Dark Detective...who had to use his mind and his mortal brawn to fight crime. he had a nifty utility belt...a lab in the Batcave...a Batarang to aid him in his battle for truth, justice, and the Gotham way.

The 60's television show lightened up the Dark Knight...and was played for laughs. It was fun and campy and that was O.K with me. The Batman fought an array of villains including villains like the Joker...The Penquin...Catwoman...King Tut... and my favorite...THE RIDDLER played by comedian and impressionist Frank Gorshin. The Riddler pushed The Batman to his mental limits as he left riddles for them to deduce where the next crime would take place. The large "?" on his costume says it all.

Questions are the hallmark for learning. When we stop asking questions...we stop learning. A child learns about their formative asking questions. Of course...their main question drives the adults crazy. What is that question? I'm glad you asked. That question is WHY? No matter what you say...the question is why?

STATEMENT: "Son...don't do that."
ANSWER: "Because I said so."
ANSWER: "Because that's the way it is."
ANSWER: "Because you will hurt yourself."
The adult probably is questioning himself..."Did I give birth to Question Mark and the Mysterians?" Of course...the answers might need to be a little more definitive than..."Because I said so."

Interrogative speech...are what as known as "The W Questions + How" Who, What, When, Where, Why and How...are the core of Inductive Bible Study. Kay Arthur...of Precept Ministries...really opened my eyes to this type of study. Whenever I am writing a Bible study, I take a verse...and then expand it by asking the W and H questions. The Bible...many times becomes it's own commentary.

Take John 3:16 for example:

1. Who? For God
2. What? So loved
3. Who? The world (the people not the dirt ball)
4. What? That He gave (sacrificed)
5. Who? His only begotten Son (aka Jesus)
6. Who? That whosoever (of the world)
7. How? Would believe
8. What? Would not perish
9. Why? But have eternal life.

WHO? You
WHAT? Need a Saviour
WHERE? At your computer screen as you read this.
WHY? To reconnect with God
HOW? Repent of your sins, believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, confess with you mouth Jesus is Lord.


Well...that's the prerogative of your interrogative. Any questions?

Love and Questioning Kisses
Rodney "Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How" Boyd

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

THE COBLE STYLE: (Lifestyle...Calling...Purpose)

Greetings...are you living your life...with style?

"Therefore if there is any ENCOURAGEMENT IN CHRIST...if there is any CONSOLATION OF LOVE...if there is any FELLOWSHIP OF THE SPIRIT...if there is any AFFECTION AND COMPASSION...make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining in the same love, united in spirit intent on one purpose...Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with HUMILITY OF MIND...regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests...but also for the interests of others." (Philippians 2:1-4)

Well...that's a pretty tall order. The standard is high. I know in my my self...I cannot do it. I must have an example of someone..that I can imitate. Now Gayle Erwin...who wrote the book on servanthood...literally...and the books on the Spririt and the Father...with The Spirit Style...The Father Style...and the one that started it all...The Jesus Style...lays out a convincing edict to love the Father...flow in the Spirit...and serve like Jesus.

Paul was pretty Philippians 4..that we are to be anxious for nothing...that we are to pray...supplicate...and thank Him before we see any answers to our prayers. Paul then encourages us to LET/ALLOW our minds to dwell on
"whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of a good report/repute,
if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise."
(Philippians 4:8)

Again...this is a pretty tall order...if only we could see someone living the example.

Again...Paul tells us..."The things you have (1) learned (2) received (3) heard
(4) seen in ME (Paul...a human being).. PRACTICE THESE THINGS."
(Philippians 4:9) The cause and effect will be the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:9) the risk of embarrassing...or lifting up a human being...let me introduce you to Bruce Coble. If Bruce should happen to read this...he will of course deny what I am saying...because that's how he rolls....BUT...I think there is a validity to...finding an example...and practicing what the example does.

Of course JESUS is our ultimate example....but we are called to observe His followers...and imitate the JESUS IN THEM.

"For you have been CALLED for this PURPOSE..."
(I Peter 2:21) Many people are looking for a "calling" that they can live out in their walk with the Lord. Many people are looking for a "purpose"...that will give them a reason for living and feeling of self satisfaction. Well...hang on... here is the calling and purpose rolled into one.

"...since Christ also suffered for you...LEAVING YOU AN FOLLOW IN HIS STEPS." ( I Peter 2:21)

1. Who committed no sin
2. Nor was any deceit found in His mouth
3. While being reviled...He did not revile in return
4. While suffering...He uttered no threats...BUT...kept

For years I have watch the life...aka lifestyle. In season...out of season. Is Bruce perfect? No! Does he sin...make mistakes...blow it? All the time! But does he keep going back to the cross...receive forgiveness...continue to walk and serve the Lord by serving the "least of these"? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss!


I could think of a lot worse people to imitate their faith. The next time you are at a cover dish dinner on the grounds...follow Bruce around...and welcome to the end of the line.

Love and Serving Kisses
Rodney "Imitating Jesus" Boyd

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Sunday, October 23, 2011


Greetings Prayer Warriors...or Casual Conversationalists...talked to God lately?

God loves to communicate with you...and wants you to communicate with Him. That is called interpersonal relationship. In the natural...when you have conversation with think a thought...take in a breath...exhale that breath...and begin to move your articulators...that takes the sound generated by the vocal folds...and you direct your words towards someone you want to hear what you have to say.

In turn...that person...receives your words...encodes and decodes...and responds back in like kind. You then receive what they said...and respond...and so on and so on and so on. This is called a conversation....where two people communicate thoughts.

In the spiritual...between you and God...there is not much difference...except you are talking to the Creator of the universe and he is responding back to you.

"Now I lay me down to sleep...I pray the Lord my soul to keep...If I should die before I wake...I pray the Lord my soul to take." Wow...what a ghastly prayer. I think I would be like my son Phillip in this picture...and be cutting my eyes over if that was the only prayer that we taught him.

Jesus did ask His disciples..."Could you not WATCH and PRAY?"

We tried to teach our son that prayer is not some mystical formula to manipulate God into giving us something...or a tool to get God to love us anymore... or a merit badge of prayer that proves to others how spiritual we are.

We tried to live our faith out loud...with part of the process being...talking to God as a friend. Talking to God as our Saviour and not just a good buddy. Talking to God as if He really does exist and that our prayers are not just futile exercises in psychological mumbo jumbo.

We pray by FAITH...the substance of things confidently expected...the evidence of things not seen or revealed to the senses...but perceived as reality. (Hebrews 11:1)

We pray to please Him by we (1) come to Him (2) Believe that He exists (3) Believe that He is a rewarder (4) diligently seek Him (5) Not just passively inquire of Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

We pray as we abide in, continue in, dwell in Him... knowing that we can ask whatever we wish and it shall be done. (John 15:7)

We our Father who is in his Holy name...and pray that His kingdom, his rule, his realm would come and be manifested on planet Earth as it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6:10)

Some would ask..."How long do we pray?" My answer would be...until you get the answer...until you have peace... until you die. Never give up. Get tenacious in your prayers. Pray without ceasing. Pray (talk to God)...Supplicate (get humble and specific with God)... and Thank Him (before you see any answers).

Between the POINT OF PRAYER (request) .........and THE POINT OF PROVISION (the answer)...there is a land called THE LAND OF NITTY GRITTY... where you walk by FAITH and not by SIGHT (II Corinthians 5:7)

This is a time to keep your focus...surround yourself with like believers...who believe that the Word of God is true...and reality is real...but truth (the Word of God John 17:17) TRUMPS REALITY. As we pray...we do not deny reality...but we do deny realities right to rule us.


Think a thought...take a breath...release that breath and formulate your words on your lips and direct your words to God. have just prayed and initiated a CONVERSATION WITH GOD.


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Saturday, October 22, 2011


Greetings and Salutations Oh Ye Breathers of Oxygen....if you are reading are not in a grave...yet.

They say the only thing that is a sure taxes...and death...and depending on the tax code...that is a moving target.

When I turned 60 years old back on August 15th 2011...I thought about how if I live to be 120 years old...then I am now...middle aged. But I get the feeling that I am actually closer to the downhill slide...that will result in my upward call in Christ...when I will be absence from my body...and present with the Lord.

It seems that more and more of my friends are assuming room temperature. Of course as a believer in the death, burial, resurrection of Jesus (aka D.B.R... nothing more...nothing less)...we have this hope...confident expectation... Christ in you...the Hope of Glory.

It's pretty amazing how we can go from one minute...the walking the next minute the walking life. This happened to me in the fall of 1970...when at one moment I was eating an onion ring in my car at Shoney's with Brenda... and then in the next moment...I was in her driveway at 426 Fourth Avenue...becoming a "new creation in Christ." (II Corinthians 5:17)

At that critical point in my life...I went from being an insecure, paranoid, addicted, 19 year a secure, fear free, non-bound 19 year old...with a future and a hope.

As a child of the 50's/60's I had bought into the flower power, free love, rock and roll, love, sex, rock and roll, if it feels good do it...mentality...but did not realize, that the more I did what I wanted...the more bound I a slave to my passions.

As the song said..."I was looking for love in all the wrong place." When I would get drunk...or high as a result of either drugs...or sniffing some sort of chemical or gasoline...or you would have sex and the sense of love would be fleeting as soon as the orgasmic experience was over...I would be left with a void within... that I tried to fill over and over again...but to none avail.

Religion was a bust...intellectualism was unfulling..pleasure was not very pleasing. When I confessed my sins and need for a Saviour and asked Jesus into my heart....that was the only thing for me that made a difference. I needed a perfect Saviour for my imperfect life...I found that JESUS...HUNG UP...FOR MY HANGUPS...and boy did I have hangups.

Since whole life...the past...the present...and my future have become clear. I see where I was...I see where I am...and I see where I am going. I saw that "Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

I began to see the grace of my life...from the time of conception and the time of the time of me being "born again". Romans 8:28 became real to me..."We know that ALL THINGS (good, bad, ugly) work together for GOOD to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose." I realized that I was called...and I had a purpose in my life.

One day...I will be laid to rest...and I will be in the present of my Lord. Until then..I hope to be "pleasing to Him"..."therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home (here on planet earth) or absent (died and in heaven) be PLEASING TO HIM." (II Corinthians 5:9)

Of do this...I must continue to WALK BY FAITH and not by things REVEALED TO THE SENSES. (Hebrews 11:1) I must continue to (1) come to Him (2) and believe that He is (3) believe that He is a rewarder (4) diligently seek Him and not just passively inquire of Him. (Hebrew 11:6)


Well...I need to write this for myself...but if it encourage you in some be it. Write me and let me know.

Love and Living Kisses
Rodney "Still Kicking" Boyd

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HELP...I NEED SOMEBODY (From Ichabod to Ebenezer)

Hello fellow needers of HELP...can ya lend a helpin' hand?

Many years ago...I went to the Princess watch The Beatles in their first movie...called A HARD DAYS NIGHT. It was an interesting night eating buttered popcorn, eating Milk Duds, drinking an orange soda...and watching... not the movie...but the crowd scream to the point of where you could not hear the movie. Their follow up color...was HELP.

HELP: "Help, I need somebody...Help, not just anybody, Help, you know I need someone...Heeeeelp!" It is still a great song. Years later...Ringo would lament on the Sgt. Peppers album..."I need a little HELP from my friends."

In my Christian walk...I have found that more than once...I have needed HELP to recover from my own I have chosen to go against the principles of God...and do my own thing. Thank God...for the blood of Jesus...the Word of God...the Holy Spirit (aka the Paracletos...the one called along side to HELP... the HELPER)

In my last Ruminator Rambling...called HAND TO THE PLOW (again and once more)... we spoke of not looking back as we follow Jesus...proclaiming the righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost...aka The Kingdom. We were encouraged by Jesus in Luke 9:62..."No one, after putting his HAND TO THE PLOW...and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." While we are encouraged not to LOOK BACK...there is a time when LOOKING BACK could be not only beneficial...but needed. I am not talking about looking back and longing for the "good old days...but looking back to the source of help...realizing that the same help back then will be, and is available in the NOW. NOTE: One is an Ichabod...the other is an Ebenezer. Both fictional characters...and both defining our spiritual condition.

"Whenever crime was running rampant in Gotham City...the police and Commissioner Gorden would shine the a cry for HELP from the Caped Crusader...The Batman. Bruce Wayne would see it... and he would spring into action along with his ward Dick Grayson... and emerge costumed and out of the Batcave to fight evil and injustice. From the comics to the 1940's serials to the camp T.V. show and the various incarnations in the movies...The Batman remains one of my favorite fictional characters...because...he would HELP the HELPLESS.

The saying is...sticks and STONES may break my bones... but WORDS will never hurt me." Nice sentiment...but wrong. Words depending on who is throwing them... and the intent behind their throwing can heal or kill.

Jesus is called the ROCK...a place of stability in a shaking world. The cross is called the scandilon...the ROCK OF OFFENSE...causing people to stumble over the simplicity of the cross. Jesus spoke of people who were STONE tossers of condemnation to throw STONES...if you had no sin. Jesus called Peter...petros (little stone)....but called his revelation that Jesus was the Christ, the living Son of God as a petra (massive ROCK)...and that the church would be built on the that REVELATION ROCK...not on the little stone.

Of course little David...defeated giant Goliath...with a smooth STONE flung from a sling. David had five smooth stones...and only needed him 4 more left...for any other giants that he may face. NOTE: Just my perspective on future giants).

Now...onto the STONE...that we can LOOK BACK time of need. Of course the ROCK that we can always...and always should look THE ROCK OF OUR SALVATION....JESUS...THE CHRIST...GOD WITH US...EMMANUEL.

There is a ROCK/STONE found in I Samuel 7:1-17...that became a reminder of how the Lord HELPED there time of battle with the Philistines. "Then Samuel too a STONE and set it between Mizpah and Shen, and named it EBENEZER...saying thus far the Lord has HELPED US." The word EBENEZER literally means...STONE OF HELP.

In contrast to the EBENEZER (stone of help)...there is ICHABOD (no glory...the glory has departed). This is found in I Samuel 4:1-22...and is in reference to the loss of the ark which meant to them...the "absence of glory in Israel". "And she called the boy ICHABOD...saying...The glory has departed from Israel...because the ark of God was taken and because of her father-in-law and her husband. She said...the glory has departed from Israel, for the ark of God was taken." (I Samuel 4:21-23)


Well...if you are going to look back...look back to the EBENEZER...and not the ICHABOD. One reminds you that He helped you there...He can help you again...but if you try to live on past will find the glory to be departed. Keep you hand to the plow...don't look back... but at the same time...return to the first love of your life...and do the things that you first did... (Revelation 2:1-7)

Love and Non-Scrooge Kisses
Rodney "Help Found" Boyd

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HAND TO THE PLOW (Again...Once More)

Greetings Oh Ye Plowers of the Sod...

Years ago...I wrote a Rambling with this rises up within me encourage myself and keep focus on the task at hand...and NOT LOOK BACK...but KEEP OUR HANDS TO THE PLOW.

This first picture is one of my backyard many moons ago...preparing to plant a gigantic garden...with some friends. Smack dab in the center is my dad, Lonnie Boyd...supervising his son. Well..."Green Acres is the place to living is the life for me...". Not really...but I like the concept.

As you great the rows for the planting...unless you are in a creative mode...they should be straight rows. To till a straight row...whether by a gas operated tiller...or by a plow pulled by a mules...if you don't keep you eyes will end up with crooked rows.

The second photo was a place called Readyville Mill...where we went to eat a fine breakfast and listened to a little music. I couldn't pass up the photo opportunity.

Someone once told Jesus..."I will follow You wherever You go." Have you ever made that declaration to the Lord? I know I have...multiple times over the past 41 years. Jesus responded to this person..."The foxes have holes and the birds of the hair have nests...but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." The implication is...if you are going to follow will not be settled in an earthly home...but on the go.

Jesus said to another..."Follow Me." A simple invitation...requiring a simple answer of yes Lord. But the person said..."Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father." Seems to be a reasonable request...but Jesus responded back..."Allow/Let the dead bury their own dead; but as for you..(1) go (2) and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God." Wow...Let the spiritually dead bury the physically dead...but you follow the living Lord.

NOTE: Following Jesus is an active participation in proclamation of the Kingdom of God...the proclamation of (1) righteousness (2) peace (3) joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17).

Another also said..."I will follow you Lord; BUT FIRST...permit me to say goodbye to those at home." Another seemingly reasonable request. But Jesus said to him..."No one...after putting his hand to the plow and looking fit for the kingdom of God." (Luke read the full account go to Luke 9:57-62)

NOTE: In Jesus' teaching on provision...He tells us to "SEEK FIRST...(1) the Kingdom (2) and His righteousness..." with the cause and effect being..."and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew Matthew 6:25-34 for the teaching on anxiety and provision)

The third photo is a picture of dry, untilled land...that represents my sometimes dried, fallow ground..that needs a touch of the Master's plow.

The group Fireworks (with Marty McCall, Gary Pigg, Gwen Moore) had a song...called DON'T LOOK BACK. It starts of..."I should be a pillar of salt... I've LOOKED BACK so many times..."This is a reference to the Sodom and Gomorrah incident where judgement was rained down upon the area...and God's deliverance of Lot...his wife and family. For full details read Genesis 19. God's instructions were "...escape for your life! DO NOT LOOK BACK /BEHIND YOU..." (Genesis 19:17) Pretty the don't eat from the tree command to Adam and Eve. "But his wife...from behind him...LOOKED BACK...and she became a pillar of salt." I don't know what this pillar of salt was....either salt engulfing her and making her look like a pillar or turned into salt from the inside out...but one thing I do know...IT AIN'T GOOD.

One of my favorite albums (secular or Christian) is by Paul Clark called HAND TO THE PLOW. The cover is a picture of Paul's grandfather plowing. Unlike the staged pictures of me working...this picture was the real deal.


I've felt the pressures of temptation
I've heard the breathing lies of accusation
I know the world can be distracting
But if I keep one foot there I'm just acting
Well I can't think of a reason
Why I should look back
And I don't intend to start now
Gonna set my face like flint to Jesus and His Word
Yes, I'm keeping my HAND TO THE PLOW

I've felt the weight of condemnation
And how the devil twists my situation
My brother if you feel defeated
Let me remind you friend that you've been cheated
Well I can't think of a reason..why I should look back
And I don't intend to start now


Well...I hope this encourage you...who maybe are about to give up. I know that I fall into times of wondering if it is all worth it...this following Jesus thing...and sometimes I look around me and behind me...and see how seemingly...people who are not believers...have it better than me...BUT...I get my eyes on Jesus...the author and finisher of my faith...and keep my eyes on the prize...that upward call of God...and I continue on.

The author of Hebrews exhorts us..."and let us consider how to STIMULATE/PROVOKE one another to love and good deeds...not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some...but ENCOURAGING ONE ANOTHER...and all the more as you see the day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Love and Plowed Kisses
Rodney "Ain't Looking Back" Boyd

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