It not just the church that has that is the world in general. I know that in karate...from the beginning that I started...the goal was the triple sumersault spinning back flip kick. But of don't start out like that. You start out with the BASICS. Lesson # 1 is REI. We learn how to bow. The rei/bow is the way that we start and end all techniques. Rei is simply a sign of respect to the roots of our style, to the person training us, and to each other. But rei is more than just bending over at our waist and leaning forward as a mere formality. Rei is the extension of the respect that we have for ourselves...before we can respect anyone or anything else. It is BASIC. The problem is that it becomes a habit...and we tend to hurry on to the next big kick, punch, move, etc. We then move on to a simple move called Jun-Zuki. This is a moving forward punch. It is one of the BASICS. We then proceed to various BASIC blocks, punches, strikes, katas (a combination of the various BASICS). A common problem with people is that they tend to learn the get them out of the way so we can get to the real stuff...but you cannot do the REAL STUFF without the BASICS. Everything is built on the BASICS and if you neglect the will be sloppy in the ADVANCED.

They are called along side to church to help instill the basics of Christianity and to help mature the body. They are very focused on the Word of God and the practical application and outworking of the Word in the beliver. They believe that everyone should have a Timothy...and everyone should have a Paul...someone in the faith that they can mentor and/or learn from as the walkout their faith. The watch word is..."Who's your Timothy...Who's your Paul?"

Daws...died an untimely death when he was rescue some kids from drowning....he drowned himself. The legacy he left behind was rooted deep into his love for the Word of God...and the believe that God was real, practical, and available. Billy Graham said of Daws, " I think Dawson Trotman touched more lives than any man I have ever known. Thousands of people of many races and languages and cultures have been influenced by this great man." Daws developed the materials used for Billy Graham's crusades. When Mr. Graham invited people down and told them that the buses would wait....people were being given lit-rah-ture...that Dawson had developed. One of the things that grew out of Daw's ministry was a thing called the TOPICAL MEMORY SYSTEM. When I dropped out of teaching the Word...because I was burned out...disillusioned...and discourged...years was the TOPICAL MEMORY SYSTEM that was the roots of the RUMINATORS SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS...that became the genesis of the RUMINATOR RAMBLINGS.

The WHEEL dealt with six BASICS that forms the WHEEL of our Christian life. Much like the REI that we learned about at the beginning of this Rambling...these BASICS are not something that you learn...and then TOSS aside as you go for the next big revelation. They are the foundation for what everything else is rooted in.
It starts of with a hub...that is surrounded by the rim...which is connected by spokes. If anyone of these areas are out of will have a bumpy ride on your journey. The wheel..."gets it's driving force from the hub."
THE HUB: Christ the Center (a) II Cornthians 5:17 (b) Galatians 2:20
THE RIM: Obedience to Christ (a) Romans 12:1 (b) John 14;21
SPOKE #1 God's Word: (a) II Timothy 3:16 (b) Joshua 1:8
SPOKE #2 Prayer: (a) John 15:7 (b) Philippians 4:6-7
SPOKE #3 Fellowship (a) Matthew 18:20 (b) Hebrews 10:24-25
SPOKE #4 Witnessing (a) Matthew 4:19 (b) Romans 1:16
The goal is to renew your mind with the meditate upon the speak God's Word...and to act upon God's Word. Without this type of foundation...everything else matter how good or honorable or spiritual it crumbles.
Other areas of the BASICS are things like servanthood, humbleness, purity, honesty, love, good works, etc. A true disciple will...put Christ first, be steadfast, serve others, give generously, develop world vision... but again it is all rooted in the basics.
In Hebrews chapter 5 verse 12-14...we see that there is what is known as the ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF THE ORACLES OF GOD. People start off with the ELEMENTARY...the BASICS...and are expected to progress to the ADVANCED. The elementary is called the MILK...and the advanced is called SOLID FOOD or MEAT. The writer of Hebrews states that, "SOLID FOOD/MEAT is for the MATURE...". This is in contrast of the MILK for the BABE.
The list of the ELEMENTARY/BASICS (it is progressive) includes:
(1) Repentance from dead works
(2) Faith towards God
(3) Instruction about washings (baptisms)
(4) Laying on of hands
(5) Resurrection of the dead
(6) Eternal judgement
Again...these are the BASICS...and we are to learn these...and press on to maturity...but not at the expense of casting aside the BASICS.
Hebrews 5:14 defines what MATURITY is..."but solid food is for the MATURE, who because of PRACTICE have their senses TRAINED to discern good and evil."
Maturity is not learning the basics...and then discarding them so you can now have some DEEP REVELATION. Maturity is the doing of the BASICS. When Jesus was with the woman at the well in Sycar...his disciples came to Him trying to get him to eat some food/meat. Jesus' answer to them was, "My MEAT/FOOD is to do the will of Him who sent me." It is the practice of the MILK ...that develops the MEAT.
We must learn the I learn a basic kick...because before I mature up to the spinning back kick...I have to have a foundation of the basic kick...the basic stance...the basic attitude...REI. What's more important to you...the next best thing...or Christ the Center of your life... obedience to Him...The Word of God...Prayer...Fellowship with other believers...Witnessing to a lost and dying world? All of this can be manifested in many forms, fashions, culturally relevant things...but get back to the BASICS.
Wow...I needed to hear this one myself.
Love and Basic Kisses
Rod "Rei" Boyd

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