1. Dunamis: dynamic ability
words like DYNAMITE are derived from this. Acts 1:8 states to the believer in Jesus that..."You shall receive DUNAMIS when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall BE my witnesses both in Jerusallem and in all Judea and Samaria and even to the remotest part of the earth." The promise is for POWER, for DYNAMIC, EXPLOSIVE ABILITY to be witnessess.

Exousia: Freedom of action, right to act, absolute, unrestricted, delegated authority.
Where DUNAMIS POWER is the muscle...the dynamic ability to carry out what needs to be done....EXOUSIA POWER is the delagated authority...that backs up the DUNAMIS. Chuck Norris...as Walker Texas Ranger...has the DYNAMIC ABILITY with his gun and kicks...but he has the BADGE...the AUTHORITY to back it up. There is a statue in the capital of Texas...of a Texas Ranger with the inscription...ONE RIOT... ONE RANGER. Now...that speaks of EXOUSIA and DUNAMIS.
When an officer of the law...proclaims STOP in the name of the Law...he is wearing a badge...that is symbolic of what is backing up his RIGHT to make that statement. In government...that backing goes all the way to the OVAL OFFICE...where the buck stops. In our spiritual walk...our RIGHT to proclaim to the devil...to our flesh...is backed up all the way into the FOURSQUARE OFFICE...the throne room itself. On the earth it is the PRESIDENT...in heaven it is GOD THE FATHER.
When we pray the Lord's Prayer (Jesus' teaching tool about how to pray) we see that we need to be praying that THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. In HEAVEN is the genesis of delegate authority and on earth is where the dynamic ability is demonstrated.
Other words for POWER includes: (1) ischus: ability, force, strength
(2) kratos: force, strength, might, manifested power, dominion
(3) dunation: powerful, able (4) arche: a beginning rule
(5) energes: in work, energetic, effectual, powerful
The bottom line is...that we can do a lot in our OWN POWER...but to accomplish the purposes of God...there must be the synergistic quality of POWER...where you combine thatEXOUSIA...with...DUNAMIS...and then stand back and see what the Lord can do through a CLAY VESSLE. We begin to realize that God has chosen to use weak vessels to manifest His POWER. One problem arises...when we willingly SIN...we reliquish the EXOUSIA...as our badge is taken away. We can have that power restored when we confess...repent...and walk forgiven.
Love and Explosive Kisses
Rod "Boom-Boom" Boyd

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