Do you remember going to the grocery store...and when you pay the were given a certain amount of GREEN TRADING STAMPS? My mother would take those stamps...lick them...and paste them in the SAVINGS BOOK. For months...we would look at the REDEMPTION BOOK...and dream about what we could REDEEM with our stamps. There was some pretty good stuff in that book. The more stamps...the better the prize. We would then travel down to Nashville fromMurfreesboro (about a 30 mile drive)...go to the REDEMPTION STORE...turn in the stamps and REDEEM OUR PRIZE...take it from the store...and back home.

NOW...finally...we are REDEEMED from the PIT. Something of value has been exchanged for our REDEMPTION...from the place...the prison...the PIT...that has held us CAPTIVE. The REDEEMER ..the thing of value is a person not a thing..He is JESUS the CHRIST...who hung on a our a a the propitiation or satisfaction for God. As the song goes....I've been redeemed (I've been redeemed), by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB (by the blood of the Lamb)...I've been redeemed (I've been redeemed) by the blood of the Laaamb...I've been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb...filled with the Holy Ghost I am...all my sins are washed away...I've been REDEEMED.
As sinners...we were bound by the sin in our lives. He has PARDONED all of our INIQUITIES...He HEALS our DISEASES...and now He REDEEMS our life (which really was death)...from the PIT.
WOW.....these benefits just keep getting better and better. You may be thinking to yourself...well...I don't see any of this stuff in my life. It really is a matter of and obedience.
"He/She who has My (Jesus) commandments and keeps them...he/she it is who loves Me...and he/she who loves Me...shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will disclose/manifest/reveal Myself to him."
(John 14:21)
Access into the benefits is by FAITH..."Now faith is the substance of things hoped for (the benefits)...the evidence of things not seen (the benefits)." (Hebrews 11:1)
NEXT TIME: The Crown: Size 7 3/4
Love and PITLESS kisses
Rodney "Savings Stamps Quartet" Boyd

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